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  1. #2251
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Hello everyone.

    My Name is Ahmed Hasan.

    well I have known about this website for a good 2 years and was subscribed to the email but have never posted here.

    I just used the site for learning and for information (don't worry I am not a Spy, just curious), I am now looking into going pro because things have started to get serious for me and I hope In the near future we can get some JV done but firstly I want to help and be Helped, like my Grandma famously (famous only to me) said to ME "this life is all about Give and Take" and I shall definitely be following that guidance.

    Although I will want to build relationships fast, I want to build it on honesty and trust.

    Together will WIN.

  2. #2252
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    Glad you've decided to introduce yourself, Ahmed ... a logical first step to getting the interactive ball rolling.

    Your Grandma nailed it ... this is pretty much a 'more you give, the more you get' kind of place.


    Mike Sr

  3. #2253
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    I am actually Glad That I have Introduced Myself, I feel part of the family now.

    Thanks Milke Merz

    P.S I would love your help on an upcoming launch I have and I would like to ask A few Questions and I think Its best If I upgrade so I can Get the best Use of the services you offer.

    I will PM You with The Questions.

  4. #2254
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Dianne Dixon, born in Jamaica, raised in Miami, now back in Jamaica so that I can create my online businesses I'm new and slightly lost as this is my first time in this world that I didn't know existed. I don't know how you guys do it but 2013 is my year to start making great money. It may take me a few hundred tries with this whole affiliate/JV thing but I want to make it work. So...I'm going to need as much help as anyone can give. Thanks

  5. #2255
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    OK, so...I don't have a product. Instead I'm looking for products and prospects...what do I do? Where do I go? Is there some checklist of items that we have as a guide? See, I'm really lost. Thanks

  6. #2256
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hey guys,

    I'm Sanjay Modha and I have been an Internet Marketer for 5 years. I run SEO campaigns for local businesses and I will be launching my very first product soon.

    Kind regards,

    Sanjay Modha.

  7. #2257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dianne Dixon View Post
    OK, so...I don't have a product. Instead I'm looking for products and prospects...what do I do? Where do I go? Is there some checklist of items that we have as a guide? See, I'm really lost. Thanks
    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Dianne.

    JVNP 2.0, in general, attracts 3 different types of Online Business Person.

    1) Merchants launching new products or announcing evergreen affiliate programs, looking for affiliates and JV Partners for short and long term support and relationships of mutual benefit.

    2) Affiliate Marketers looking for new product launches and evergreen affiliate programs to promote to their audience, and in many cases they are Merchants, as well, and looking to form relationships of mutual benefit.

    3) Those new to JV Marketing, looking to improve their self and product brand, learn how to grow their businesses using the leveraging power of Joint Ventures by qualifying themselves through posting and replying with quality content, supporting fellow partner launches when possible and earning all important trust, credibility + admiration.

    Of course, these types are very general ... but most partners typically fall into one of those 3 categories.


    Mike Sr

  8. #2258
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Merz View Post
    2) Affiliate Marketers looking for new product launches and evergreen affiliate programs to promote to their audience, and in many cases they are Merchants, as well, and looking to form relationships of mutual benefit.

    3) Those new to JV Marketing, looking to improve their self and product brand, learn how to grow their businesses using the leveraging power of Joint Ventures by qualifying themselves through posting and replying with quality content, supporting fellow partner launches when possible and earning all important trust, credibility + admiration.
    Thanks, Mike. The combination of these two look like where I am at this point so, this is good. So as an neophyte affiliate marketer that's new to the JV arena, if I find a product that I like, are there a set of steps that I need to take in order to capitalize on that launch in addition to living on the forum? I guess I'm wondering what are the "12 steps" so to speak. Is there a thread that addresses my green-ness?
    Thanks for bearing with me. This is going to be...interesting until I get a handle on it. Thanks again

  9. #2259
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi Everyone,

    My name's Chris Wakefield. I live in the UK, and I'm new here. I've heard great things about JVNP from people over at the Warrior Forum and so couldn't resist coming to check it out.

    I've been in IM for a few years now. I still consider myself a newbie as I'm always learning but I've picked up a lot on the way.

    I look forward to working with you

    76% Commissions - Great Affiliate Tools - Launches 2nd March 2013

    Join the VIP mailing list now...

  10. #2260
    Join Date
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Chris ...


    Mike Sr

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