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Thread: WSO affiliates

  1. #1
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    WSO affiliates

    Any one care to share there method of getting affiliates to promote WSO's? Ive been racking my brain trying to come up with some affiliates to promote my up coming WSO but no luck so far. So if any of you guys create them, how to you recruit affiliates?

  2. #2
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    Hey, Thomas.

    We've got a slew of Top WSO Merchants, Affiliates + Affiliate Recruiters on board JVNP 2.0 ... WSO household names like Kenster, Chris Munch, Anthony Aires, and dozens of others. Hopefully one of them will see this thread and chime in.

    One method you might try if you feel you have a solid product, but you ... personally, don't have the name or product brand recognition to attract high level promoting partners, or don't have the list to take on the first leg of a potential reciprocal promotion to win top partners over one at a time prior to requesting their involvement in your launch in return, is to team up with an established WSO Marketer and split the take. You gain credibility, exposure, joint sales, leads + affiliates to help jump start your business and give you a leg up on your next promotion.

    This has the making of a helpful and informative thread ... please feel free to reply with your advice and opinions.


    Mike Sr

  3. #3
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    Hi Thomas,

    Anthony Aires here and there's a lot of things you can do to get JV Support with the WSO players.

    If this is your first wso one of the things you can do is get the market's attention by giving 100% of your front end and your upsell and your downsell.

    I've done this on my last two WSO's: Lead Rocket and Cold Traffic Blackbook and both did incredibly well.

    We monetized the offer by putting folks into trial rebill offers on clickbank and high end coaching and training on a webinar.

    That's one way to go if you're new to the community.

    If you don't want to give 100% of your funnel it's going to be challenging especially if you don't have any history of launching on the forum, because the Super Affiliates want to push an offer they know is going to convert from a seller they know can deliver HIGH EPC's

    This can be done but you need to give yourself time.

    You'll have to work the community by buying super sellers WSO's and leaving thorough reviews on their threads (if you do video reviews you'll really get their attention because most people don't go the extra mile and do video reviews)

    If you've promoted WSO's then you should make a jv testimonial video for the seller like I did here: youtube.com/jvtestimonials

    These are all sellers I promoted and did really great with their stuff so I made videos letting them know without them ever asking.

    This puts the law of reciprocity into full effect in your favor and gets you the attention you need for your brand.

    There's way more things you can do of course but if you've never launched in the community it's not going to be easy.

    One thing you could do is launch a pre launch wso thread to get people excited about your launch and get folks to optin.

    Build value in your money magnets and follow up emails then keep bumping your thread to get optins.

    Then when you go live you'll have a warm audience which should give you HIGH EPC's then you'll get picked up by warrior plus as WSO of The Day or if you're using JVZOO JV Zoo Pick of the day and that could make your offer go viral.

    I hope this helps.

    Yours For Prosperity,

    Anthony Aires

  4. #4
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    Anthony nailed it above.

    Also be sure to join some of the WF FB groups, they are awesome ways to network. And notice I said network and not pick up affiliates. By networking in the groups, you will ultimately be exposed to some of the biggest WF affiliates but the networking and relationship building starts first.

    WarriorJV.com is my site and if you go there you can see the link to our facebook group which has over 1000 WSO affiliates. There is also a group WSO JV Central which is good and many other small ones!

    As always, keep your affiliates interests in the top of your mind and remember you may need to sacrifice to build your reputation...just have the end goal in sight. If you're in this for the long term, magical things can develop!


  5. #5
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    Thanks, Anthony and Kenster ...

    "And notice I said network and not pick up affiliates. By networking in the groups, you will ultimately be exposed to some of the biggest WF affiliates but the networking and relationship building starts first."

    Whether WSO or traditional new product launch, the above applies. JV squeeze pages and notification list blasts are not all there is to JV/Affiliate 'recruitment' ... "the networking and relationship building starts first".

    Please keep this going ..


    Mike Sr

  6. #6
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    Anthony is spot on about the commissions.

    But offering high or 100% commissions on its own is not enough.

    Bear in mind that 100% at $7-$9.99 is a standard pricing and commission structure on WSOs. Every day there is a launch like that, so it doesn't make you stand out.

    Without a reputation to deliver a quality product that converts, there's still a lot of risk that it could flop, and a wise affiliate knows this, which is why many affiliates stick to promoting partners they trust and have built a relationship with.

    I have written up some optimal information on WSO pricing here: http://munchweb.com/sentry-pigeon/wso-prices.php

    The reality is that if you are new to this will make many mistakes when launching your offers, and the bigger affiliates can see it coming. The only way to get over this is to launch and learn, and improve each time. You'll probably endure a flop or two, but you'll then start to get things right, and develop the trust and relationships with key affiliates.

    Building relationships requires effort but WSO affiliates are NOT difficult people to reach.

    Most provide contact details on their JV pages if they launch products, and they are in Facebook groups, Skype Groups, and can be reached through the Warrior Forum PM system.

    Most people start the relationship by asking for a promotion outright. While it is certainly worth while to announce your launch to a lot of people, simply contacting someone about your launch is not going to be effective at getting the attention of many of the busier super-affiliates.

    To do that you need to take the time to get to know key people, and help them. The easiest way to open the door to chat to an affiliate is promoting their products (most affiliates sell their own products), or doing whatever you can to help them (don't ask 'how' you can help them, offer precisely what you can do for them).

    Naturally when you talk to an affiliate about what they are doing, promote their products, help them etc. the conversation will quickly lead to what you are working on, which then gives you the chance to describe what you have on offer - when you have been invited to.

    The WSO space tends to not have any unwritten laws on promotion reciprocation. By that I mean there is not an expectation that if you promote someone that they MUST promote you back.

    Instead it is more like, if you promote someone, then they should ideally promote you back IF your product fits, offers a good commission, has a great sales page, fits their list, does not conflict with any other promotions they have etc.

    With each promotion you do, you are essentially filling the karma pot.

    The WSO space is also filled with D, C, and B affiliates too, many who will be A player affiliates in 6 months time. It is very very easy to reach out to and chat with these smaller affiliates, and the 10-30 sales they can send, can soon add up, to start putting you on the map.

    Some of my best affiliates are the ones who started around the same time as me and we've been on the journey together.

    Hope that helps

  7. #7
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    With respect to Chris Munch & Kenster, both make some good points, but I'd like to offer a slightly alternative view. I launched my first WSO in July and it brought in ~8k. It was dimesale starting at $12 and set to 50% commission with no OTO.

    Could I have made more money with an OTO and bigger commissions to attract some of the bigger affiliates? Probably, but I wouldn't recommend going down that route to begin with - it takes time, money and skills to develop a funnel like that. I only had a small handful of targeted affiliates lined up prior to launch, but in reality most affiliates came onboard one or two days after I launched the product.

    What I focused on was creating a great product with a unique angle, in a hot market. Word spreads fast and I was totally shocked when some of the biggest names out there started jumping onboard once they saw the reviews on the sales thread.

    What you have got to remember is that there are TONS of affiliate combing the warrior forum every day actively looking for something to promote. There are only so many times an affiliate can/will promote a 'How to rank your video in Youtube' wso to their list before they start looking like a d*$k and losing subscribers. Make your product unique, make it stand out from the crowd and the money will follow.
    Last edited by Philip John; 12-11-2012 at 07:09 PM.

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Thank you all for commenting on this topic. I have been doing WP web design for quite some time and have created a product that I want to launch and this perspective was really nice to read...

  9. #9
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Wow seems like the big guys came and added their 2 cents. This thread is a goldmine and I wish others could see it!

  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    WOW.. I made this thread and forgot all about it! It nice to see that the Big Dogs of the warrior forum cam out to respond.. Well my WSO do OKAY, Could have done better, It made WSO of the day and for me about 1000 subs that have made me a additional 1,100 over the last month.. So it could have been worse for my first real launch.. Looking forward to my next launch!

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