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Thread: How To Attract JV Partners And Affiliates

  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Exclamation How To Attract JV Partners And Affiliates


    I am just joined this forum and saw many people having trouble looking for real JV partners to have with their product launch. So I'd like to post up this article to clear any doubts most of you might have

    There are 3 basic principles to understand when wanting to look for JV partners to promote your products.

    1. Most potential JV partners are part of your market too

    Very successful business people with large list of customers to promote too are very likely to be passionate about what they teach.

    For example, if you are in the 'teaching people how to swing their golf club' industry, it is very likely that your potential partners are very passionate about golf too.

    If you can create a product that is absolutely unique and appealing to your potential partners AND even entice them to want to buy, then you have a winner.

    2. Don't have the mindset that JV Partners have higher power over you

    I have seen many new entrepreneurs perceiving that their partners with huge lists have higher power over them.

    In a way it may be true because if you have a 'powerful' and 'influential' figure promoting your product, revenue generated can be difference of millions of dollars. I don't deny that.

    However, if you start out with that mindset, your actions will unconsciously make you seem weak and dependent. Being perceived as weak and dependent will only repel potential partners because they want to work with people who feel confident and will reciprocate with what they do.

    3. Start from small, then go big

    I have seen many posts mentioning that you need to have a list before another business partner will be willing to have a JV with you.

    If you are like me in the past, you may have very limited resources which makes it difficult to market your product on your own and build a list from scratch.

    Then, what you should be doing is looking for JV Partners who have small lists and are willing to take up your JV offer if you give them an extremely compelling offer.

    It is possible to look for these partners and JVNotifyPro is filled with these partners.

    You have to pull up your socks and take the initiative to look for them.

    Remember that they have a list that you want to promote to - and they can promote other business' product if you do not give them an offer they cannot resist and a reason to accept.

    *Point to remember!

    I always keep the mindset that in any communication you have; whether it is selling to customers, looking for affiliate or JV partners, hiring talents into your business or even looking for investors, you are always dealing and talking to another human being. No matter how much power they seem to have, they all have emotions that can't be controlled. Speak to their emotions, not to their logic. Understand this concept and your business ventures will be much easier.

    * An add-on tip by Ken Spano*

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Spano View Post
    Jay...I like the last point a lot

    A lot of people have this grand plan that they are going to jump right into the product scene and come out with a $1,000,000 launch by attracting the biggest and baddest partners. That's not generally how it works. Attracting big JV partners is very much about relationship building, which comes with time and exposure. A great way to get this exposure is by getting smaller partners to promote a good product. If the product proves itself, then the larger affiliates will be more willing to jump on board.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up to that million dollar launch.

    Nice info here Jay!!!
    Last edited by Jay Ngui; 09-22-2011 at 01:09 PM.

  2. #2
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    Thanks for the content, Jay ... here's a tip for you. Add a pic and a sig file ..


    Mike Sr

  3. #3
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Jay...I like the last point a lot

    A lot of people have this grand plan that they are going to jump right into the product scene and come out with a $1,000,000 launch by attracting the biggest and baddest partners. That's not generally how it works. Attracting big JV partners is very much about relationship building, which comes with time and exposure. A great way to get this exposure is by getting smaller partners to promote a good product. If the product proves itself, then the larger affiliates will be more willing to jump on board.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up to that million dollar launch.

    Nice info here Jay!!!

  4. #4
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Thanks Mike!

    I have heed your advice and add a pic + a sig

    Excellent tip! I have added it to the main post so everyone can read it
    What if you can promote a product that is uniquely one of its kind?
    Niche Conqueror JV Invite - http://bit.ly/nlvWQn

  5. #5
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Fantastic... yep its all about relationships and there is plenty to make here on the fourm
    I'm off to put my profile put too

  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenster View Post
    Jay...I like the last point a lot

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up to that million dollar launch.
    This times 100.

    Very few people will have a million dollar launch on their first product - less then 99.9 percent I would bet.

    The vast majority start with smaller successes that snowball to a big success.

    Look at any marketer online and their first project was the accumulation of year of work, building their 'tribe' and their products to a stage where it would be a guaranteed success. It is like a snowball effect and each person/marketer you connect with just pushes the snowball faster. You have to start the snowball yourself before people will even notice the snowball is rolling.... that is you first product. When it starts rolling you improve yourself and your business model to provide something with greater appeal and even more value. This continues until you reach your potential...

    You have to prove yourself, before the big guys join you... don't expect it as a right.
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  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    It all boils down to relationships and top-quality product to begin with, else how do you stand a chance of getting any attention at all. So product does come first. Then you need strong JV recruitment program & as kenster said there's nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up. If you got an outstanding product & great feedbacks, you will definitely get some attention. some big dogs will wait and see how your product does first and then they'll jump on board. So keep in mind product does come first. Cheers

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    This is great advice, Jay. I just joined this forum today and I'm glad that I did. I think I'm going to really enjoy this place
    I love meeting other marketers... Stop by my blog and say "hello."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amy Balti View Post
    It all boils down to relationships and top-quality product to begin with, else how do you stand a chance of getting any attention at all. So product does come first. Then you need strong JV recruitment program & as kenster said there's nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up. If you got an outstanding product & great feedbacks, you will definitely get some attention. some big dogs will wait and see how your product does first and then they'll jump on board. So keep in mind product does come first. Cheers
    That is great advice.....The product has to be really good...You might attract some partners but you will lose them if the product is not so good. I think if you concentrate on creating real high quality products over time you will gain a strong reputation and it will help you build quality relationships with the big boys....

  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hello Jay,

    Thanks for the advice. I'm new here and need to attention my new product to launch. And off course need more JV partnership.

    Will learn more in here. Again thanks.
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