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  1. #3111
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Mar 2018
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    I'm Tanyi, I'm so excited and nervous to be a part of this community of great people. I have never launched a product before so I hope to learn while doing it and become a great name in the industry too one day.

    Thank you so much for accepting me to be a part of you.

  2. #3112
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Glad to have you aboard, Tanyi!


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanyi Melvis Bechemnyo View Post

    I'm Tanyi, I'm so excited and nervous to be a part of this community of great people. I have never launched a product before so I hope to learn while doing it and become a great name in the industry too one day.

    Thank you so much for accepting me to be a part of you.

  3. #3113
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Mar 2018
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    Hi Everyone

    I am John Gallardo from Mississippi, around the Mississippi gulf-coast. It truly is a pleasure to introduce myself to you and hopefully you can teach me a few things to grow in the business. Look forward to meeting and greeting on the board.



  4. #3114
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, John ... glad to have you aboard.


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by John Gallardo View Post
    Hi Everyone

    I am John Gallardo from Mississippi, around the Mississippi gulf-coast. It truly is a pleasure to introduce myself to you and hopefully you can teach me a few things to grow in the business. Look forward to meeting and greeting on the board.



  5. #3115
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Mar 2018
    9 Cove Point Well Hill St. Lucy Barbados
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    My Introduction

    Hello Everyone, I'm glad to be your partners.My name is David Griffith and I am from lovely Barbados. I'm a Architectural designer my profession with a background in construction. I'm 48 years old and have a keen interest in marketing new products and services in areas such as software, travel and building information modeling.Trusting this will be an enjoyable journey.

  6. #3116
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome aboard, David ... and much luck in your new ventures.


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by DAVID GRIFFITH View Post
    Hello Everyone, I'm glad to be your partners.My name is David Griffith and I am from lovely Barbados. I'm a Architectural designer my profession with a background in construction. I'm 48 years old and have a keen interest in marketing new products and services in areas such as software, travel and building information modeling.Trusting this will be an enjoyable journey.

  7. #3117
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hello All! I'm Melanie, am from The Netherlands, and I've been an online marketer for 10+ years now

    I started off as a bored housewife who wanted to work from home...

    I've always been good at writing so I became an SEO content writer for a few companies.
    From there... I discovered I had a knack for online copywriting. So much so that I partnered with someone and we got into the software niche as affiliates. Using my salescopy, we earned $1.4M in profits the first year. (This was the first time I was called a 'super affiliate' )

    Still, I wanted to improve as a copywriter so I signed up with the great Michel Fortin. (I think he liked what he saw because he referred a client to me and I worked with that client for over 3 years.)

    I've since moved on to being a 'Merchant' myself and successfully launched my own software product (launched it in 2009 and it's still online )

    Now, I'm embarking on another journey... launching something in a new niche. And I'm here because this new niche is a totally different beast altogether and that's equally exciting and nerve-wracking to me! Really looking forward to learning and sharing here...

    Kind regards,
    Melanie Tan
    Co-Creator, BeFinallyFit
    LIVE Affiliate Contest Now: FREE Trip to Amsterdam

  8. #3118
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Always a Pleasure to have a veteran IMer in the mix, Melanie ... Welcome aboard, and looking forward to reading your contributions.

    Happy Monday!

    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie Tan View Post
    Hello All! I'm Melanie, am from The Netherlands, and I've been an online marketer for 10+ years now

    I started off as a bored housewife who wanted to work from home...

    I've always been good at writing so I became an SEO content writer for a few companies.
    From there... I discovered I had a knack for online copywriting. So much so that I partnered with someone and we got into the software niche as affiliates. Using my salescopy, we earned $1.4M in profits the first year. (This was the first time I was called a 'super affiliate' )

    Still, I wanted to improve as a copywriter so I signed up with the great Michel Fortin. (I think he liked what he saw because he referred a client to me and I worked with that client for over 3 years.)

    I've since moved on to being a 'Merchant' myself and successfully launched my own software product (launched it in 2009 and it's still online )

    Now, I'm embarking on another journey... launching something in a new niche. And I'm here because this new niche is a totally different beast altogether and that's equally exciting and nerve-wracking to me! Really looking forward to learning and sharing here...

    Kind regards,

  9. #3119
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Joan Altres here (most know me as OBMarketing on Warrior Plus and JVZoo).

    I've been doing some kind of online marketing since 2005, and a full-timer since 2011.


  10. #3120
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Glad to have you in the mix, Joan ... Welcome aboard!


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by Joan Altres View Post

    Joan Altres here (most know me as OBMarketing on Warrior Plus and JVZoo).

    I've been doing some kind of online marketing since 2005, and a full-timer since 2011.


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