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Thread: How long in advance should you be contacting potential affiliates?

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    My Thumbs Up

    How long in advance should you be contacting potential affiliates?


    I know that for a lauch to succeed, and having the slightest chance of getting JVZoo POTD or Warrior+ WSOOTD, the initial moments after the launch are critical, so it's important to have affiliates on board and ready to promote as soon as you open your cart.

    How long in advance should I be contacting affiliates if I want to have them lined up and ready?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up
    In my experience, Mikel ... you should be making initial contact with JV/affiliate prospects no less than 4 to 6 weeks prior to launch.

    The major reasons being that nearly all reasonably successful Affiliate Marketers need some lead time to schedule mailings +/or set up online campaigns, review the product and JV offer, and if you don't have rapport with them already .. time for that, as well.

    IMHO, I think the best JV relationship building strategy is to make it part of your day to day business, not just when launch time rolls around, so that it's a level playing field going into the JV relationship creation and nurturing process.

    With the current launch environment being what it is today ... multiple launches on a daily basis, creating solid JV relationships, one at a time, rather than expecting to bring on dozens of affiliates in the days and weeks prior to launch and keeping your fingers crossed that they will promote, is in my opinion a more consistent and reliable way to nearly guarantee solid support on launch day.

    If you notice, most successful Online Business Folk that rely on product launches to build their respective businesses over time have a core JV circle of long time JV partners that they work with on a number of levels, not just reciprocal endorsed mailings, and you can almost count on the bulk of the referred sales made coming from that core inner circle. If things are done right, a few new proven JV partners are added to that circle with each launch, in addition to mid-range affiliates that manage to make a few sales and could quite possibly grow to be solid core JV partners in the future.

    Unfortunately, the majority of affiliates that get on board via mass promotion rarely have much impact, as most are simply curious or newbies just getting their feet wet and either don't wind up promoting at all, fail to make even a single sale, or try buying through their own link, which is why you need to take the time to qualify all new JV leads as they come in, individually and directly ... IMHO.


    Mike Sr

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