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  1. #2691
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    Welcome, officially, to JVNP 2.0, Chris ... looking forward to reading your contributions.


    Mike Sr

  2. #2692
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi all, I'm Steve...pleased to meet you.
    Actually there's three of us involved with Happy Freex, I'm sure you'll get to meet my two sons Connor and Trent in due time.
    Happy Freex is basically a teaching environment or perhaps more specifically life coaching.
    We are just getting started in the affilliate world and feel very appreciative of a group of like minded people such as you all.
    So, let me know how we can help each other...let's get started.

    warmest regards
    The Happy Freex is a company based around trying to spread love and helping people understand the importance of happiness in life.
    Steve Eales

  3. #2693
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Steve ... looking forward to meeting Connor and Trent, as well.


    Mike Sr

  4. #2694
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    Good Morning Everyone!
    It's dark, early and cold over here in NY!
    Hope everyone is doing well today...
    My name is Ron I'm a young self published author/full time DJ!
    Adding value to others is something I get a lot of happiness from and is essentially what I plan on doing permanently.
    Boundless Growth/Boundless Health (in the works) aims at assisting individuals in living a healthy, happy and most of all purposeful life. I'm extremely excited to join the JV team and look forward to working with everyone. Once my products are closer to completion I plan on becoming V.I.P (got to make sure I get my suit dry cleaned the day before )
    Wishing everyone success and thanks again for reading.
    Have a great day!!
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________

    "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success"
    - Henry Ford

  5. #2695
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Hey, Ron ... Welcome to JVNP 2.0.

    I'm in central NJ, so I'm enjoying the cool, rainy day right along with ya.


    Mike Sr

  6. #2696
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi Mike!

    Thanks for your awesome customer service!

    Looking forward to meeting many Champions here!

    Small Business Expert & Strategic Business Coach...

    John Di Lemme

  7. #2697
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Greetings Mike Merz & JVNP 2.0 community,

    Mike: Ironically enough, I have arrived at this website (and a few others) after taking your advice. You responded to a question I had asked in the WarriorJV FB group. Even though you didn't mentioned this site at any point, this is where my ensuing search brought me

    Here's my short bio:

    After experimenting with several different online methods, I came up with a logical and commonly used approach to Mobile Marketing and decided to pursue this.

    At the time, I was in the 7th year of working at a completely dead end job, which is where I had been from the age of 23 to 30.

    I was doing relatively well with Mobile Marketing at the time, but my full-time job ultimately consumed too much of my days to be able to scale my mobile business properly, and I realized this was holding me back.

    So I made - quite possibly - the biggest sacrifice of my life.

    My family certainly did not approve of it and they were convinced that I would end up broke and helpless, but as the saying goes... the only person that has to believe in you is YOU.

    And I had already experienced the results on a smaller scale and knew exactly what they would look like with sufficient time to get the jobs done.

    I also knew that I would live with MAJOR regrets for the rest of my life if I didn't make the sacrifice, and since I already have one major regret in my life that sucks to reminisce to this very day, I made sure it wouldn't happen again.

    So where am I going with this...

    In between working with my clients during the past 4 months, I've been creating my product Mobile Business In a Box which is the exact business model I used to get where I'm at, and I leave NOTHING out from the product itself.

    I know this isn't the first product about mobile marketing and I know it won't be the last, but I placed a strong emphasis on anticipating everything that a complete newbie would need to start their business, and I've included and explained ALL of it.

    Being relatively new and wanting to "earn my way" I also thought it would be a good idea to offer 100% commission as well.

    Alright well at this time I'm off to see what else is happening around here and then I'll post my JV announcement

    Thanks for reading and I look forward to getting to know you all.

    Last edited by Amir Ghoreichi; 10-22-2014 at 08:13 PM.

  8. #2698
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    A Big JVNP 2.0 Welcome to John Di Lemme and Rob Hawthorne ... it's a Pleasure and Honor to have you Gents in the ranks.


    Mike Sr

  9. #2699
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    Amir, Welcome to JVNP 2.0 ... so glad that I could be of assistance and looking forward to reading your contributions.


    Mike Sr

  10. #2700
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Daytona Beach Florida
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    Hi everyone,

    Great to be here and to meet you. My name is Wendy Baudín, located currently in Daytona Beach, Florida. My title is Self-Love Sherpa and Divineness Guide....I am also an internet marketer supporting affiliates and my own branded products. I am currently working on a webinar launch for January 2015 for one of my healing programs and hope to be able to introduce it to this group after all the kinks are worked out. I have two web sites, one is about the life coaching programs, the other site is focused upon articles and products that support Living Your Best Life Ever. I am still in a learning curve on everything.

    I look very forward to connecting and networking.

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