Hey guys i'm new to JVNotify and have joined to seek out info make friends and have a online community to contribute to.

I have been seeking out JV partners, supper affiliates and have even been approaching JV- brokers, now I am new to this game I took the plunge and bought my own digital product and have been a sponge ever since learning as much as possible, now my question is to you guys where can these people be contacted approached? and the appropriate way to connect with them? I have messaged a few JV brokers some respond some don't others offer me a $2500 training course cause of using the keyword 'new' in the paragraph, now I understand these are tight knitted communities and one must build up their reputation in a appropriate way but I guess what i'm asking is can someone point me in the right direction as how to approach these guys with the appropriate offer in a way they'll listen to me and consider to do business with me so I could finally have the free time and and take this business full-time and not split it with my day job, the products I have are great im just basically at the point of having the materials infront of me to build a house but not having the blueprints and man-power to complete.... I appreciate everyones imput, thanks