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Thread: Greetings Earthlings. I come in peace.

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    My Thumbs Up

    Greetings Earthlings. I come in peace.

    Hey everyone,

    I'm not really from Mars. Just thought I'd try a different subject line to see how many people read this. Beats "Hi" or "Hi there" anyway.

    My name is Simon Anthony and it's nice to be here. Hope to grab a few tips and some help along the way.

    Only been in IM for about 1.5 years, starting with aff marketing and eventually got myself a "Guru" who told me to go away and create my own info product. I did just that, and now it's all finished and I'm looking to launch in the next few months.

    But I don't know what seemed harder - researching and creating a product for the first time and getting the confidence to do it, or getting affiliates !! I haven't even started recruiting yet, but it looks like a scary world and probably the hardest thing of all to do. I must admit that I thought the affiliate recruitment part would be easy if you give away 100% commissions. DOH !!

    Anyway, guess I have to learn and do it somehow. At the moment it seems daunting and I don't even know where to start. I guess you start off by trying things and see if they work. I imagine that trying to do it perfectly you'll still get refusals.

    So. Looking forward to reading some posts here and hopefully also helping a few people out if I can.

    Until then ....



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up
    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Simon ...

    As in life, in general, we all try to do things to better the odds of a positive outcome.

    The odds that a popular, established merchant with a proven successful product line is going to have a much easier time attracting affiliates or JV partners to get behind their next product launch than someone new to the marketplace rolling out their initial release are very good, logically.

    True, that first product may turn out to be incredibly hot, sell like wild fire, and have proven affiliates coming out of the woodwork when they see how well it's doing ... but the odds are not in your favor.

    You're better off bettering the odds by establishing trust, credibility and giving ... by introducing yourself to potential partners with audiences comparable to the market your product targets, one at a time, ask what you can do for them, providing valuable content on Social Media and in popular forums with the link to your JV page/affiliate program in your footer or sig file, and if you have experience as an affiliate marketer ... yourself, consider supporting the launch or evergreen affiliate program of a peer with a comparable audience that you respect.

    IMHO, having 10 solid, proven affiliates/JV partners that you know will promote your launch is better than 100 random JV/affiliate leads ... if there was ever an instance when quality over quantity was a no brainer, this would be it.

    As in life, once again ... creating and nurturing relationships is the key.

    If you really have no idea where to start ... I'd pick a launch that is getting a lot of attention that you approve of, personally, look at the JV page and the way it's laid out including the copy, price points, incentives, review content, promo tools, etc., register as an affiliate and follow the notifications, do your best to get the word out about the promotion (following the affiliate guidelines, of course), even consider purchasing the product when it goes live (direct, not through your affiliate link) so that you can follow that process and assess the quality and value for yourself. Modeling (not copying) the processes of a peer that has achieved what you're working towards is a great way to succeed and develop your own brand and style.

    Hope that helps ... Happy Wednesday,

    Mike Sr

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