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Thread: Can't cash clickbank checks!

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Hey Guys,

    this is a problem we as affiliate marketers face wether in Europe
    or where ever you are, this is something I'm seing more and more
    post on forums.

    Today I went to my bank here in Stockholh, Sweden it's one of
    the biggest or if not the biggest bank here I've been with them
    over 12 or 13 years now I even have a loan with them, well when
    I trien to cash my checks they didn't want to take them even thoe
    I've been doing that since 2004.

    What they told me is that this is the last time they are going to
    do that for me and I should contact clickbank and ask them to
    do direct transfer, that's all they can do.

    Now I'm going to be left with a bunch of checks that I can't do
    squart about man this was a real bummer. I know some people
    say changes banks but I've been asking around and it's the samething
    I'm hearing no we don't that anymore.

    I thought this global thing would make things much more easy
    but man this is crazy, what are my options now? Help?

    --Best regards

  2. #2
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Wow, David ... !

    As I'm from the US ... I've never had a problem like that.

    Making sure I recieve credit for my CB referrals is another issue, of course. :P

    But as far as being able to cash the checks I have recieved ... hmm.

    Hopefully ... a few of our outside the US partners can shed some light on this.

    If not ... I believe I still have a contact or two at CB.

    I'll see what I can dig up for you, my friend.

    Much success,


  3. #3
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Hi David,

    Why don't you write in to Clickbank and request that they do a wire-transfer to your bank account?
    I think the min. amount is $1000 before they will wire. There's a $35 fee for the wire though.

    I used to cash the checks at the local bank (in Malaysia) - but it roughly takes about 8 weeks before the money is in the bank (1-2 weeks for the check to arrive, then another 5-6 weeks for the check to clear).

    I can give you the contact person in Clickbank if you need one. Email me - adrian @ easybiztools.com

    Best wishes,

  4. #4
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Yo, Adrian! LOL

    Thanks for the feedback, my dear friend.

    As I mentioned previously ... I'm not affected by the aforementioned issues.

    Glad to see others that are ... posting helpful advice.

    Much thanks,


  5. #5
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Hey Mike & Adrian,

    thanks guys for all the kind word and help I really do
    appreciate it I was a bit down yesterday but I read
    somewhere that you should take the problem
    and look at it as an oppertunity to grow and find
    a solution and this is what I'm doing..

    Again thanks guys I know things will workout...

    Best regards

  6. #6
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adrian Ling
    Hi David,

    Why don't you write in to Clickbank and request that they do a wire-transfer to your bank account?
    I think the min. amount is $1000 before they will wire. There's a $35 fee for the wire though.

    I used to cash the checks at the local bank (in Malaysia) - but it roughly takes about 8 weeks before the money is in the bank (1-2 weeks for the check to arrive, then another 5-6 weeks for the check to clear).

    I can give you the contact person in Clickbank if you need one. Email me - adrian @ easybiztools.com

    Best wishes,
    I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think you can setup an arrangement with CB to have your money wired to you every 2 weeks, providing you do a certain $amount of sales during that time ...

    Not much help, but there you go ...



  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    It's hard, isn't it. I'm in Norway and had the same problem -- until I found out that banks here are actually required to cash in checks, if you are their customer!

    Of course, they didn't tell me that when I went, so I had to find out for myself and prove it to the person woking behind the counter -- and then, magic happened! They could do it, and insert the money into my account.

    Now they know me and I have no more hassels.

    Are you sure there's no similar law in Sweden?

    But even if there are, it takes a long time getting that money, doesn't it?! So I'm going to use PayPal for my next product unless ClickBank make wire transfer standard very soon!

    Anyway, good luck!

    Sincerely,<br />Sten

  8. #8
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Thanks, Sten.

    Hmmm ... guess I've been living under a rock. :P

    I never realized how difficult it is for non US citizens to get paid on a timely basis for their hard work.

    In this day and age, you'd think that more reliable, cost and time efficient options would be available.

    Much success,


  9. #9
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Hi David,

    There is a service over here in the UK that will allow you to send them your US$ cheques (eithe singly or in batches) which they will cash on your behalf, and then transfer the money to you either by Paypal, Cheque or Bank Transfer.

    Their fees for doing this are 2.75% and you can find them at http://www.auctionchex.com.

    An before you wonder if they're dodgy... no... they are government licensed service, and I hear very good things about them.

    Only found out about them earlier this week so haven't had time to test-drive them myself, but I know a few folk who have and rave about them.

    Hope that helps...



  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Can't cash clickbank checks!

    Hey Sten,

    I had a long talk with the bank yesterday and even if they could see
    that I've been doing this about 3 years now it didn't matter they say
    that they have change policy and it's a risk cashing checks and blah blah..

    The strangest thing is that they see I have a loan with that I've been
    paying off since 1995 and I've been paying thing ontime.

    I've never had a problem with them before so it was very weird talking
    to the desk manager trying to explain to me bank policy.. sh**.......

    Again thanks all I know things will workout soon.


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