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Thread: Hello from the friendly internet marketer!

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Africa
    My Thumbs Up

    Talking Hello from the friendly internet marketer!

    Hi there everyone,

    Just want to introduce myself. I think I have been a member of the previous JVnotify a few years back, but had to start a new account.

    My name is Bertus Engelbrecht and I am an internet marketer from South Africa, although I didn't start IM here.

    After I did my B.Ed degree in Education, I travelled overseas for 6 years teaching there. (Taiwan and England.) It was during that time that I start "messing" around with IM and to make a long story short -

    When I returned to South Africa a year a go, I got a teaching post at a good primary school, but after only one year decided to quit and go full time IM and this is the first year I have done so.

    Business has been doing great so far.

    For those of you wondering what I am into, I am an info product creator and my expertise lies in PLR product creation. I have created many successfull PLR biz-in-a-box type PLR products such as Facebook Marketing Secrets, Google Plus Exposed, Facebook Fans Stampede, Facebook For Business and also about 10 other big one. My newest one is called Expert SEO & Backlinking PLR.

    You can see that from my list of products I am normally creating products around Social Network Marketing, especially Facebook Marketing.

    Most of my products are being released as WSO's and although my conversions are normally pretty good (5%-12%), I want to make a few new affiliate and JV connections and that is why I have joined this great forum. I would also like to jump on a few of your launches as I am always in the need to promote quality products to my customers/subscribers.

    I hope that I get to connect with many of you, as I have big growing list of IM buyers and subscribers and would love to enter in JV partnerships with other like-minded partners.

    If anyone wants to connect with me to chat about their business, or mine, or need some help with anything, I would be glad to talk to you. They don't call me the "friendly internet marketer" for nothing, hehe.

    You can also connect with me through SKYPE ID: bertuseng. Just say that you are from this forum.

    Hope you talk to all of you soon.

    Bertus Engelbrecht

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up
    Welcome back, Bertus ... but you needed only to activate your old account in the new system. Let me know if you had enough posts in your old account to make it worth your wile ... and we'll combine them.


    Mike Sr

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