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Thread: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    We've got a ground floor JV invite from fellow JV Notify Pro
    partner Kim Roach, Buzz Builders, and more ... in today's
    direct deposit edition.

    Kim Roach - Instant Payday Formula JV Invite -
    Pre Launch Begins March 4th. Tuesday,
    March 10th Launch (12PM, EST)

    Hi, Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner ...

    Kim Roach here, and I would personally like to thank you
    for checking out this ground-floor JV opportunity.

    The product is called "Instant Payday Formula", and I've
    spent the last 4 months dedicated to making this product
    exceed all expectations.

    Inside I reveal complete step-by-step guides to market
    research, competitive intelligence, advanced keyword
    discovery, high-profile content syndication, untapped
    link building strategies, and much more.

    The prelaunch starts on March 4th and the product
    goes live on March 10th at 12pm EST.

    The product will be released at $77 and raised to $97
    after the 3-day launch special. You get 75% and all
    commissions are paid through Clickbank.

    Here's where you can sign up to get a first look at the
    review product, rough salesletter, and all of the "Plug-
    and-Play" Promotional Materials.


    However, what really has me excited about this product
    is the point-and-click learning system we have created,
    designed for rapid learning and implementation.

    We've designed a system that actually encourages users
    to take action by creating a video dashboard that walks
    them through the entire process with step-by-step icons.

    You can get a sneak peek at what the system looks like


    I'm also available for interviews, teleseminars etc. if
    you want to record something to give to your list
    - just ask.

    Skype: kimroach7
    Tel: 270-300-7354

    I'm here to help you in any way possible.

    I'm not just looking for one-shot JV partners. I'm looking
    for long-term JV alliances.

    Anyone who promotes my launches hard gets the exact
    same back.

    I'm always on the lookout for new business partnerships.
    If you're backing me, then you can be sure that I will
    back you in the future. And it's not just top affiliates...
    I'm looking to partner with anyone who brings value to
    the table.

    So lets work together and build a strong partnership.

    Sign up below to get a first look at the review product,
    rough salesletter, and all of the "Plug-and-Play"
    Promotional Materials ...


    In short, this will be a very exciting launch with lots
    of pre-launch buzz, some exciting prizes, and above all,
    massive value for everyone involved.

    I would love to have YOU on board as part of the action.


    See you inside,

    Kim Roach


    Buzz Builders

    Adam Short & Alen Sultanic - Niche Profit
    Classroom JV Invite

    We recently launched Niche Profit Classroom
    ... a membership site with a recurring revenue
    structure, and if you have a list that has an
    interest in learning how to be successful Niche
    Marketers ... we'd love to have you as a JV
    partner ...


    James Yii - The Shortcut JV - Launched January
    21st (Just Yesterday ... Converting At As High
    As 5%!)

    The product is called "The Shortcut" and it is
    aimed at newbie marketers that have been
    failing online. The Shortcut is about the
    changing the way a person thinks and help
    them to actually take action on whatever
    they've learned before.

    The target market, as you know are newbies
    who are having trouble to focus and take
    action (due to the distractions online). I am
    very sure that 8 out of 10 newbies out there
    are suffering from this problem.


    Richard Legg & Eric Farewell - The Cheaters
    Guide To Marketing JV Invite - January 27th

    If you haven't heard of Eric, you're not alone,
    but he's the "behind the scenes" guy who has
    helped to orchestrate some of the biggest
    multi-million dollar launches online in the past
    few years (while building an impressive niche
    business along the way).

    The course is called "The Cheaters Guide To
    Marketing" and is a comprehensive, start-to-
    finish course on how to find, build and dominate
    niche markets (the EASY way!) ... in much
    more depth than either of us has seen before.

    (You should see the testimonials we've gathered
    from our "live studio audience" - NOT one has
    been disappointed!)


    Jonny Andrews - The Guru Assassin JV Invite
    - Jan 29th Launch

    This is NOT the program you may have heard
    of making waves back in early 2008...

    This program is 100% fresh, totally new and
    shares the secrets of how I was able to crawl
    from being totally broke and homeless to making
    a healthy 6 figure income in less than 9 months
    using secret *Underground* tactics many have
    never seen...

    Already heavy hitters like Alex Goad, Saj, Chris
    Freville, Charles Kirkland, James Yii, Brian Johnson,
    Steven Johnson are on board with many more
    joining each day...

    All I can say is that this product ROCKS and will
    change the lives of many who chose to implement
    what they discover...


    David Bass - The Masters Gathering JV Invite -
    February 4th Launch.

    The world's top transformation experts and
    best selling authors have come together for
    one of 2009's biggest launches...


    We've assembled an AllStar Cast that include:

    - T.Harv Eker
    - Jack Canfield
    - Bob Proctor
    - Joe Vitale
    - John Demartini
    - Bob Doyle
    - David Wolfe
    - Loral Langemeier
    - Dr. Ben Johnson
    - John Asaraf
    - Marci Shimoff
    - Janet Atwood
    - Mary Morrissey
    - And more ...


    Anik Singal - PPC Classroom 2.0 Plus -
    February 17th Launch

    It isn't actually called 2.0 'Plus' ... I tossed that
    on there because even though the original PPC 2.0
    launch back in October of '08 grossed $1.25 Million
    in just 7 Days (with a $77 product), Anik assures
    me that the PPC Classroon 2.0 Team has honed
    and precised the already well oiled machine to
    greatly benefit all parties involved even more than
    before. A LOT more.

    I'll let Anik and his Affiliate Manager David Radeloff
    explain ...



    Chris McNeeney, Shawn Casey, Joshua Shafran,
    Andrew Fox, Mike Mograbi, Uncle Dimitry, Adam
    Generale, Carlos Garcia and other fellow JV Notify
    Pro partners are waiting in the wings ... keep your
    eyes on your Inbox, and follow the action in the



    What's Happening @ JV Notify Pro"

    JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles


    JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements



    Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule ...

    "Get behind your partner's launches as passionately as
    you'd like your partners to get behind yours ..."

    Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
    up that you'd like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
    partners to get behind"

    Note: That DOESN'T mean 'I found your name in the
    search engines', 'read about you in a forum', 'was
    referred to you by So and So', etc., decided it was
    perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
    register, and request a premium mailing ... all in 15

    It means you've been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
    actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
    wait your turn ... it's not about you, it's about US.

    Please read this thread before you request a mailing ...



    That's All, Folks!

    To OUR Success,

    Mike Merz

    RSS - http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/

    The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
    you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
    therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
    link below if you no longer wish to rece.ive these
    mailings, not the Spam button.

    The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
    JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
    that have presented them to us ... and are not those
    of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.

    Participate at your own risk.

    JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
    ... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
    occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
    log, I screw up ... or both. It is done this way to satisfy
    the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
    your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.

    Powered By http://www.JVListPro.Com

  2. #2
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Jan 2009
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Hmmm...I don't get the theme.

    Is it a Niche Marketing guide? Or another Niche Keywords analyzer ?

    I have signed up with JV page anyway..hopefully the creator can give us a clearer picture.

    The buyers are getting confused what they are getting nowadays ! That includes me.
    1. My Reviews on The Guru Assassin

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Hey Mike,

    I totally understand.

    Let me try and clear up a bit of the confusion.

    This product includes a complete learning center
    with videos showing you how to set up a successful
    online business.

    You can get a sneak peek at the dashboard by
    watching the video on the JV Invite Page.

    You start with market research and find a
    group of hot, hungry buyers.

    From there, you set up your squeeze page in
    order to start building a large list of

    From there, we discuss how to drive highly
    targeted traffic using advanced content
    syndication, video marketing, software
    submissions, and much more.

    We have revealed some very unique traffic
    and link building strategies. But I don't
    want to let those out of the bag just yet.

    Needless to say...

    I think you're going to like it

    The main goal of the course is for you
    to build a large list of subscribers.
    Because your mailing list is truly
    THE biggest leverage point in your
    business. Allowing you to create
    instant paydays on demand when you
    focus on building the list and
    building a relationship with
    your subscribers.

    More coming Soon!

    - Kim

  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Aug 2008
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Way to go Kim,

    Finally you're out with your very own product.

    I bet a lot of people are waiting for it.

    I also have to compliment you for the work done, the interface of the system and the amount of content it contains.

    It's really mind blowing.

    Wish you great success with your launch.


  5. #5
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Thanks Robert! You're the best.

    - Kim

  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Oct 2007
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    I can vouch for the QUALITY of Kim's products 100%

    I know that what she's developed could easily have sold for $497+ , but Kim really wanted to OVER-DELIVER on her first major launch.

    ...which means your subscribers are going to be the lucky ones!

    I can't wait!
    Chris Freville

  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Jul 2008
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Hey Everyone!

    Just wanted to give you a quick update on the launch...

    We got power back a few days ago. I've never been so
    excited to see the lights come back on.
    Really makes you appreciate the little things in life

    However, due to the power outage, we will be pushing
    the dates back a bit...

    The Pre-Launch is now set for March 4th and the
    Launch date is March 10th.

    So be sure to mark your calendars!

    Things are definitely starting to heat up in
    anticipation for the launch. We've got quite a
    few big names coming on board.

    In addition, you will also be receiving your
    affiliate tools VERY soon (including pre-written
    reviews, articles, emails, banners, and more...)

    If you need anything, please don't hesitate to
    either shoot me an email or give me a call.

    I would love to hear from you. If you would
    like to schedule an interview, you'll want
    to go ahead and contact me now, because
    we already have quite a few lined up
    (including Craig Beckta and Chris Freville).

    So shoot me an email and I will get you
    on the calendar.

    I've got lots of exciting things in store
    for you. I've been talking to Michael
    Cheney lately and he's given me a
    TON of ideas for the Pre-launch.

    This is going to be fun!

    Talk Soon,


  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Jul 2008
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Hey Everyone!

    Just wanted to give you a quick update on the launch...

    First, the plug-and-play promotional materials
    are now LIVE!


    There you'll find all the tools you need to
    kickstart your affiliate commissions.

    ...everything from pre-written emails, ecovers,
    product images, blog reviews, banners, forum
    signatures, and more.

    Plus, we've got some really exciting events
    lined up for the PRE-Launch...


    We're going to launch Instant Payday Formula on
    Tuesday, March 10th at EXACTLY 12:00pm EST.

    Pre-launch starts on March 4th and we will
    be releasing 2 pre-launch videos so you
    can warm up your prospects and get them
    ready for launch day.

    These Pre-launch videos are one of the best
    ways to get your subscribers excited about
    the launch day. This will ensure that you'll
    make twice as many sales on March 10th
    when the sales letter goes live.


    If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate
    to contact me at kim@buzzblogger.com

    Anything you need from me (interview, custom
    landing page, video, whatever) that's what
    I'm here for.

    Here's a link to all of your affiliate tools:


    Talk Soon,

    - Kim Roach

  9. #9
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Oct 2007
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.

    Here is one of the success stories of 2009....

    Kim Roach's Instant Payday Formula has been getting some fantastic feedback from real live customers who are literally loving it!

    If you want to recommend your list something of EXTREME value then, Kim's Instant Payday Formula certainly over delivers big style.

    This could easily have been a $497+ product, but your subscribers can get it for less than $100.

    Conversions have been very good too - I was number #2 in the JV list, but now with some big boys coming on board, I've slipped to number #4 LOL

    I can honestly say you will not regret promoting Kim's product.
    Chris Freville

  10. #10
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Jun 2008
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    Re: Instant Payday Formula JV Invite, More.


    Great job on this product and launch.. I saw good conversions and have had some great feedback from my subscribers who purchased.


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