Well, I'm not a noob noob, but I am in the JV department, I'm sold hundreds
of products on Clickbank throughout this year.
I really got the hang of being an affiliate, now I feel it's time to turn that into
the JV partnerships, that's why I'm here is to learn, I have no idea where to
start and I hope you all could help me out.
In September I will be doing my product launch and I would really love to have
all my ducks in a row. So if any of you can lead me to where and what I should
be reading that would be absolutely great.
My product is coming along beautifully and I am sending out the first free video
course in the next 2 weeks maybe even sooner.
There is only this video course that is free and I'm hoping to get some wonderful
opt-ins from it.
So here's the thing, No one has touched on this part of marketing before and
it is all I do now to make money. I have it so mastered, that the ebook it
swelling up with loads of information, I don't want to miss anything that's
why I am waiting till September1 to get it out there.
I have been on clickbank for over a year and really thought people would be
taking advantage of my technique but they haven't. It's amazing because I
used it right from the start. Oops sorry they do use it, but there is no one
teaching any methods on it from what I have seen. So in other words no one
has made an ebook out of it.
So at the moment it is a secret method (until my free video comes out) and
I would all love to share it with all of the JVs here, maybe get your opinions
on the sales page as well as the product itself, and the free video. I am also
hoping that you could give the free video away as a marketing tool to your
lists to build them up to the product launch.
I know there are a ton of things I need to be doing right now but I have no
idea where to start.
things like contests and proper pages made on my website so I know what
JV's are selling what....
I would really love to know how to make a page so that I know what JV links
sent buyers to my product if someone could help me on that I would greatly
appreciate it.
Do I do a prelaunch? one with only JV partners before I put it in Clickbank?
I have no idea.. LOL
I would like to thank you for listening to me and sure do hope to hear your
expertise on all of this,
Many many thanks,
Mya Rubio