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Thread: What are you looking to sell ...

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    What are you looking to sell ...

    Hey everyone,

    I know a lot of us in here (or maybe even all of us) are business oriented, but that doesn't mean our lists are dedicated to that market -- the marketing and online business market, that is.

    I want every one of you in here to make a post about what your business does and who your market is? Do you sell to a list? What is your list targeted to? Do you write articles? What field are you an expert in?

    Post anything about yourself and your business that will give us an understanding of how we can better serve you ...

    I'm making it a personal goal of 2006 to ensure that everyone in here makes at least one commission check (yea it's not much, but you need to start somewhere) ... under one circumstance, you are committed to making money online OR making more money for your business through affiliate marketing.

    BUT ..

    To start off, I want to know what markets people belong to and what would help them succeed.

    And to make sure this goal of mine is accomplished, I'm going to personally work with anyone that needs any help.

    Sound fair?

    Seriously, please take me up on my offer if you need anything at all.

    To your sexcess,
    Sam Heyer
    Co-author of Business Sexcess

  2. #2
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    I suppose since I started the topic I could at least answer my own question ...

    I own a marketing corporation (Magga Marketing, Inc.) and my main markets are the business success and marketing oriented markets.

    However, my main lists aren't directed towards the Internet marketing genre. 30% are trying, or are, making a living online, but the other 70% are offline business professionals.

    So do these products still work for my lists?

    Yes, of course, but my commission checks are far lower than if I pick out a very specific product for them and sell them that.

    I'm all for helping out my Internet friends on their promotions and launches, but there are times when I have to pass up offers because the product will push my list further away from me ...

    A rule of thumb: your list won't hate you for selling them something as long as you sell them something they need.

    Second thing, I'm still not completely convinced about the "smaller dedicated list" over the "bigger less dedicated list" ... I guess everything depends on the amount of dedication doesn't it?

    I'm going to test that theory for myseld soon. But I digress ...

    So what products do my list enjoy? Books. They love books (imagine that, they bought my book lol) -- preferably business, success, financial, marketing, etc.

    Okay, so that's my answer to the topic. What's yours?

    To your sexcess,
    Sam Heyer
    Co-author of Business Sexcess

  3. #3
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    Hey Sam,

    I LOVE your sales letter. Very well written. Did you write it yourself? You sure piqued my curiosity. I'll probably buy your book today.

    Second thing, I'm still not completely convinced about the "smaller dedicated list" over the "bigger less dedicated list" ... I guess everything depends on the amount of dedication doesn't it?

    Yep... it's all in the relationship. As well as other things.

    To answer your question Sam, I specialize in JVs. I wrote a book about both online and offline JVs that I sell online. I am very passionate about my business... and it makes me happy to know that I am getting this much-needed info out to people.

    What I am looking for are VERY honest people to JV with (to endorse me).

    And Sam, I want to join you in your quest to help others. If we all help each other, we can turn this forum into a nice community.

    All the best,

    Gabriel Howes

  4. #4
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    Hey Gabriel,

    I'm glad you enjoyed the sales letter. I wrote 95% of it and then ran out of time so I had a copywriter finish it off.

    Regarding your quest for honest JV's, I'd be more than happy to help you out. One thing that my co-author and I do bi-weekly for our subscribers is interview experts in different fields. We've found this very successful for selling other people's products and at the same time establishing the person as an expert and giving our list valuable information.

    I'll PM you with more info on this, but I was wondering if it's something you'd be interested in.

    Talk to you soon,

  5. #5
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    I suppose I would consider myself a “newbie”… I have run my ezine for almost 2 years; however, I have only begun to scratch the surface on what internet marketing really is. It has taken me two years to realize the value in giving *quality* information away (in exchange for an email address or contact information)… and I have a feeling that I am not even completely grasping just how valuable that is.

    My business markets mostly to moms who sell on ebay. My offerings include:
    1. A weekly ezine/newsletter that provides information about what the hottest selling children’s items on ebay are (www.huntedtreasure.com).
    2. An ebook with tips for listing auctions most effectively, “Secrets to Profitable Auctions”
    3. An annual report/ebook (soon to be something more…) listing the hottest ebay toys for selling during the holiday season (www.mytoyguide.com
    4. A free ezine for WAHM’s (www.ihomemaker.com) about juggling home and business management
    5. Auction Coaching services to help take ebayers business to the “next level”: www.personalauctioncoaching.com

    I am at a cross-roads in my business right now and trying to lay out where I want to go with my business. My market is currently to ebay moms – but, I want to grow beyond that a bit. Selling on ebay is a lot of work and I have a passion for helping sellers go beyond selling and using the skills they have learned to move into internet marketing.

    I appreciate having a paying subscriber list… but, really enjoy developing informational products to market/sell. I enjoy writing… ebooks, articles, e-courses – and have a huge list of projects I am currently working on. In October, I released an ebook for Selling toys on ebay during the holiday season. I was shocked to find a JV who is very well known in the ebay world interested in promoting my product! I think this was a wake up call for me… that my products are very marketable and I need to learn how to better market them to JV’s (and that is why I am here J - I was completely unprepared for this guy!).

    I have hesitated to post a response to this topic because my thoughts are jumbled right now – but, then, I realized that perhaps I could receive some valuable input. (Sam, I think you had posted on another thread an offer to help others look at their “big picture” for their business – I may just PM you regarding this…if you don’t mind)

    I currently work with a small group of other women who run a business that is ebay related (but not selling) – we all partner together and promote/sell each other’s products/services… the total list is around 6-8000 people but it seems to be getting stale.

    www.mytoyguide.com<br />Imagine, you can make the big bucks selling toys on ebay too!

  6. #6
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    Hey Jenni,

    I'm more than happy to talk with you about your business if you want to PM me. You have a great product which has even more potential to venture into the internet marketing world.

    I look forward to talking with you soon,

  7. #7
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    My name is Jason Moffatt.

    Sorry for editing guys. ;D

    Had to delete that post.

  8. #8
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    Hey, Jason ... happy holidays, Buddy.

    I know this sounds like the typical, garden variety response ... but what about a market targeted article, or article series, the likes of ' 5 Tips To Winning At Online Poker', offering tips that allude to the technique linked in your resource box? Submit it to all the major article diirectories, services, blog it, PPC, etc.

    That takes care of building trust as an expert, qualifying new prospects, useful content for topic related sites and newsletters, so on and so forth.

    The idea is ... of course, to offer something of related interest to the largest group of targeted prospects you can reach ... and capturing them ... thus adding pre qualified prospects with high conversion potential for follow up.


    Happy holidays,

    Mike Merz

  9. #9
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    Totally agreed Mike,

    but I have just been Underachieving with it. My hands have been tied up
    with too many things and spending some quality time on the things you
    mentioned are long overdue.

    I have been just sitting back and letting the PPC do it's thing. However,
    I'm going to tackle the article directories this week.

    In fact, I was thinking of sending out a broadcast email to my list that went something
    like this...

    Hi {firstname}

    I know that many of you are dying to get your hands on my Super Sausage Secrets. I also
    know that not everyone is keen or able to spend $97 for this info. In today's world
    there are more then enough reasons why some people might be a little strapped or
    more conservative with their money.

    However, I don't think that not being able to afford this info should stop you from reading
    it. I understand that some just simply can't pay the entire amount right now......but,
    I want to give you a chance to get my course absolutely free.....

    Yes FREE.

    Here's what I will do. If you write me 2 articles (at least 900 words each) that have to
    do with "Super Sausage Secrets" then I will gvie you a free copy of my Sausage course Yep,
    all you have to do is write me 2 articles, and it's yours for free."

    Maybe that would work....hahahah

    Being a true Underachiever I thought maybe I could have someone else do the work for
    me. It's worth a shot I figure. If not, I'll just buckle down and write them all myself. In fact I
    should probably write a few of them just so they are credible ( and good) ;D

  10. #10
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    Re: What are you looking to sell ...

    LOL ...

    I shouldn't laugh ... I guess many would say that quality content is quality content.

    ... but it's not YOU.

    Hey ... I used to write an article A DAY, a few years back.

    Then it was an article a week ... month ... when I got the chance, etc.

    That will change in the new year ... because it has to, IMHO.

    I'm going to MAKE time for one article per week ... I feel it's that crucial.

    Every time I speak to my buddy Jason Potash on the phone, I tell him that he should work the exposing YOURSELF angle (by writing your own articles) , when pushing Article Announcer.

    Writing your own articles ....

    - Is a learning experience.

    You actually increase your own knowledge when researching ideas to base articles on.

    - Is a lesson in discipline.

    Working article writing into your routine will give you a feeling of accomplishment, and help put a damper on procrastination ... when you see the finished results.

    - Still the best free, targeted traffic you can get.

    No explanation necessary.

    - Increases your self exposure, and grows and nurtures the self branding process.

    Sure ... it would be so much easier to farm article writing out ... and you might just do that to supplement your content, both submitted and archived.

    But the more articles you write ... the easier it gets, and the more your own personal style comes through, becomes recognized ... and trusted.

    Exposure + trust + respect -> positive noteriety = more money in the bank

    My two cents ..

    Much success,

    Mike 'New Years resolution - back to the basics' Merz

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