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Thread: Super-Affiliates, JV Partners, Brokers and alike

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Dec 2014
    Kingston, Ont.
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    Super-Affiliates, JV Partners, Brokers and alike

    Hey guys i'm new to JVNotify and have joined to seek out info make friends and have a online community to contribute to.

    I have been seeking out JV partners, supper affiliates and have even been approaching JV- brokers, now I am new to this game I took the plunge and bought my own digital product and have been a sponge ever since learning as much as possible, now my question is to you guys where can these people be contacted approached? and the appropriate way to connect with them? I have messaged a few JV brokers some respond some don't others offer me a $2500 training course cause of using the keyword 'new' in the paragraph, now I understand these are tight knitted communities and one must build up their reputation in a appropriate way but I guess what i'm asking is can someone point me in the right direction as how to approach these guys with the appropriate offer in a way they'll listen to me and consider to do business with me so I could finally have the free time and and take this business full-time and not split it with my day job, the products I have are great im just basically at the point of having the materials infront of me to build a house but not having the blueprints and man-power to complete.... I appreciate everyones imput, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Hi, Travis.

    First item on the program, when you say "bought my own digital product" ... do you mean that you've had a digital product created for you, making you the original owner, or did you purchase resell rights to an already existing product created by/for the original owner?

    If the former, please reply as such, and I'll follow up with my opinion. If the latter, I doubt you're going to find much if any JV partner support ... as although the product is legally yours to sell, most would prefer to affiliate with the original owner of the product, IMHO. That's not to say you shouldn't set up an affiliate program and actively try to attract affiliates, just that having an affiliate program available and pursuing one on one JV relationships are 2 different things.

    Additionally, as a one time Internet Marketing start up consultant, I would always wait until my students and followers were somewhat successful as individual online business owners, with established, receptive audiences, before suggesting they branch out into JV Marketing.

    You want to make sure your own house is in order before inviting company over.


    Mike Sr

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Dec 2014
    Kingston, Ont.
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    Hey Mike, Thanks for the reply!

    To address I purchased from the original owner for resell rights.
    So the best thing would be to concentrate more on advertising getting traffic, sales organically from what I understand ? I totally understand this though as I do not have a reputation or any connections yet and it makes a lot of sense to get my own stuff in order before I start branching out asking for others participation, I appreciate the reply, thanks!

  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    It would have to depend on the rights of the product. Generally, you can change the name of the creator of the product but not the contents so people would probably have known who creates the product. So, maybe you can try PLR.

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