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Thread: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

  1. #81
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi all

    Just joined, I have been working online full time for about 18 months, since I moved to the USA from the UK to get married actually.

    When back in good old blighty I ran a call centre for a a insurance company..

    I am just putting finishing touches to my first product and someone suggested that JV's were the way ahead so here I am hoping to learn all about them without the hype that seems to accompany so many ebooks and places..

    I look forward to learning all I need to know, and thanks in advance for all the help and tips..


  2. #82
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi Elizabeth and Paul,

    Welcome to the forum and I look forward to hearing more about what you're doing.

    Paul - if you're looking to find more about JV's then you've come to the right place. Don't hesitate to post any questions or send me a PM if you want.

    Have a great day,

  3. #83
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...


    My name is Kenth Nasstrom and I'm a 45 years old, married with 3 kids guy with a bunch of years in computing behind me.

    I've been online since 93, my own sites since 97.

    I currently work as a networks tecnician at Mid Sweden University.

    I've been doing some software since I began online and my first software that was spread around the world is called Ownerfix. Silly little thing that made it easy to change the registered owner and company in windows. It got so popluar that even PC Magazine in several countries bundled it on one of their cd's!

    Then came Zipey Pro (http://www.zipey.com) and Ziney (sold by me and bundled by Jason Potash with Ezineannouncer since the beginning).

    I've kept the software side up as I enjoy it for relaxation purposes but I've gradually moved over to online marketing and everything related.

    I started out with Adsense for over 2 years ago and have been very successful with it. I have also been creating several products related to Adsense but as I suffer from the "not good enough" syndrome, nothing have been released and sold.

    But that will change!

    That is partly why I joined this site. I'm putting the finishing touches on a membership site (http://www.adsensedreams.com) where I'll be sharing my way of doing it (and it being Adsense of course, nothing else :-)

    Another product I almost finished is called Adsenseble and I Have it in ebook form and I will most likely launch it before or at the same time as the membership site.

    So do I have what it takes to create this stuff :-)

    I'd like to think so at least! I'm a fedexclub member. I've based most of my earnings on arbitrage (Adsenseble) and added more revenue creating and capturing acitivities and ways to Adsenseble, thus creating The Adsense Dreams System.

    Besides meeting all the people here do I have hopes that I will find some future JV partners here!

    You're welcome with any kind of questions guys!

    Kenth "The Designer" Nasstrom

  4. #84
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Liz ... Paul ... Kenth ... welcome!

    I look forward to reading all your contributions.



  5. #85
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi there people,

    Just literally joing the site... ;D

    Fairly new to the online world, a couple of years....but got bags of knowledge and information under my belt, practically spending my last pennies and then some to know as much as I can. Am married with one Son.
    Background is:
    Marketing & research (university of Central lancashire)
    Parent Skills Faciliatator
    Drugs Support Worker
    Diversity Development
    Life Coach Mentor

    My Wife, (God overlook her with the eyes of mercy and protection)
    Is a superb women.....wow..I just can not give enough credit....
    Shes a massuese (I hope i spelt that right), beautician, drug support worker, cousellor, full-time mom.
    How does she manage all that, well shes a superwomen of course ;D

    My son is almost 5 and a nutter! What i mean is he does my nut in!....are we going to get this, are we going to get that, whats this, whats that!..with all that parent skills I thought i had it sussed.

    I am 28 years living in Manchester, UK.

    My first focused venture is going to be linkautopilot.com, which i am here to find some JV partners for.

    I was steered this way by micheal cheney's adsenses video site which has given credit to this site....and blimey what work micheal has done. The guy is extremely creative. Please check out his stuff, it is awesome the crucial factor is that he has broken away from the standard ebook/1 page html marketing method to online videoing and taken it to another level bringing in revenue over $250,000 in 7 days....wow.

    This has inspired me to promote my little project in the same manner.

    Enough of me now...speak to you all soon


  6. #86
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Welcome aboard, Azzam ..

    Yes ... Michael was a joy to work with ... a true pro, and dear friend.

    I look forward to your participation here, Azzam.



  7. #87
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    I was wondering how all the owners of the ecommerce marketing lists I subscribe to find out about each others products and now I know!

    I have a string of sites myself (some successful, some not) but have only recently moved away from special interest sites with the launch of a couple of general businsess/e-business sites so looking to establish myself in the internet marketing field.

    My strenghts are community membership sites, offshore website development and buying more domain names than I think I will ever use....Im serious, I think it should be categorised as a OCD!

    Gald to be here, see ya around.

    It's small, it does need content but it is my newest! www.web-entrepreneur.com

  8. #88
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Welcome to JV Notify Pro, Trevor!

    Glad to have you here .... and looking forward to plenty of interaction with you.



  9. #89
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Greetings fellow j-venturers!

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Karl Muller, but you'll find me on other forums as Jambhala Rinpo. Why Jambhala Rinpo? Well Jambhala is the Tibetan deity of "wealth and prosperity", and Rinpo is a tibetan word meaning "greatly precious, rich, or great treasure." It also helps me sort e-mails by having two names that I go by.

    Anyways, I am a young entrepreneur in many aspects of living. In the offline world, I am an artist, musician, and holistic healer (Using various alternative modalities). I also help organize and throw trance parties for the Rainbow Cathedral. I like travelling, camping, being out in nature, and practicing martial arts with a focus on poi chain and staff fire spinning. I've also taught workshops throughout Vancouver Island, BC and in Thailand on Sound Healing, Sacred Geometry, Rainbow Feng Shui, Poi, Shamanism, and Wealth Creation.

    In the online world, I am an internet marketer/affiliate marketer. I market products in various niches and continue to grow my marketing empire with sites on topics I'm interested in or topics that I think will pull a hefty profit. Here is a list of some of my websites:


    Here are my websites that are coming soon (May be up by the time you read this):


    Here are some of my recently launched Internet Marketing Sites that I highly recommend for people who have come to this forum:

    http://www.JointVentureNetwork.net <----This is a joint venture community forum similar to jvnotifypro, although I actually build it before I knew of the existance of jvnotifypro. Perhaps our two sites can JV together.

    http://www.AffiliateSuperNetwork.com <---- This site has not been fully launched yet, but if you visit, you can get in on some special prelaunch deals I'm offering. It's essentially an affiliate network that I'm building specifically catering to two-tier affiliate programs in the interest of J-Venturerers, and with lots of free marketing resources.

    http://www.AffiliateSuperSystem.com <---- This site is in connection with the Affiliate Super Network, but it's currently a place to download a FREE Affiliate Marketing System package that I've put together with ebooks, and software tools that will cover everything you need to know about Affiliate Marketing whether you have your own program, or market others programs.

    Alright, well I think that sums it up. I'm a person of action, and I get things done. I'm multi-skilled, and I have multi-networks and multi-lists. I know how joint ventures work, and am open to hearing offers from people. I also have some really sweet Joint Ventures that I'm putting together for the launch of my Affiliate Super Network which I will post as soon as it's ready, so stay tuned, because it will offer potential for residual income earnings on making some simple referrals to your lists.

    Peace, Prosperity, Unity, Respect,

    Jambhala Rinpo (Karl Muller)

  10. #90
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hey everyone!

    Great site you have here Mike and I'm glad I found you. I have a few different websites but my main focus is 3 Rivers Auctions (in the sig). I'm dedicated to helping people get started on eBay by giving lots of free tips and advice.

    I'm a full time student at my local university and I'm currently studying Information Science. I figured why not start putting some of this stuff I'm learning to good use BEFORE graduation and see if I can make a little money in the process??

    I started off with eBay a few years ago, and have seen some inspiring increases in my online profits since I created my 3RA website. I'm now working on my own products and hope to be giving them a big launch within the next few months.

    I'm looking forward to working with many of you here at JV notify pro and if anyone is in an eBay related niche and would be interested in any type of banner exchange or possibly being mentioned in my next newsletter just ask!

    Thanks again for having me and I hope to contribute to your online community as much as possible.

    -Chris V.
    Pro From Go is launching soon!&nbsp; Visit the launch information site for JV Notify Pro members here:<br /><br />http://www.ProFromGoJV.com/jvnp

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