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Thread: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

  1. #211
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hello every one...

    I decided to venture out of the usual warrior forums and expand my horizons a bit more.

    All I can say is WOW! I wished I knew about thin place earlier.

    Anyhoo, I have been interested in internet marketing since the late 90's and only in the last two years I have decided to go for it as a serious way to make money.

    I currently have 4 software programs ready to promote ( 1 that is currently selling on line, the others are on hold pending sales copies)

    Like most I guess I decided that there was a market within the internet marketing community for automation programs, and this is where I have concentrated my efforts.

    I believe in my programs very strongly, my first project when I started it had only 4 competitors, now there are more than a dozen yet my program still sells.

    I have a passion for online marketing and cannot seem to get off the pc ( yes it's sad i know )

    I hope some how I can contribute to this forum, and via JVs build a reciprocal business and personal relationship with other marketers.

    Tony Saff

  2. #212
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Great to welcome another fellow Warrior, Tony ... looking forward to reading your contributions.



  3. #213
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone, I am from Appleton, Wisconsin and as I write this, it is snowing out and very windy, the snow is horizontal and we are suppose to get 6-8 inches!

    I am a single father and I have one son,14. I have been raising him by myself for the last 11 years. I worked in a factory for almost twenty years then decided to try this Internet Marketing thing.

    I hope to find many new great relationships, business and friends here. Also, I hope to learn and to teach in this wonderful online community!


  4. #214
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Great to have you aboard, Scott ... but you can keep the snow.



  5. #215
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hello all,
    Iam from Huntington Beach ,Ca . I now live in Las Vegas, Nevada.
    I am a Profesisonal Security Officer and I have a business of my own,
    I went online with it in nov,2005 . I also have several other internet businesses
    and affiliate programs. I have a burning desire to open a learning center both
    on line and off and to make a live in center for those who are lost and homeless
    It is my belief people dont want bad , if they have no way to learn to change there
    mind set they will remain lost .
    I myself was one of those who couldnt find my way through learning and an undieing
    belief in myself I foud my way. I was told for the 6th time in 1994 I was disabled and would never
    work again , I believd that at the time . Three years ago I was on social security 478. per mo
    and liveing in my car. Now I have a job 28.000 a year and internet businesses also I own my
    home and the 2001 for escape is 100%paid for . This is me in a nut shell I strive for the
    improvement of humanity. In order to do this I have found my education was key to be able to
    show others because you can not give what you dont have.
    Read what the real meaning of the word "Education" is
    Meaning to educe, to draw out,to develope from within.
    An educated person is not necessarily , one who has an abundance of general of specialized
    knowledge. An educated person is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that
    he/she may aquire anything he/she wants, or its equivalet, without violating the rights of others.
    From the 1st page of chapter 5 of Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill
    Thank you Love And Light To All
    You Can Do Anything You Put Your Heart/mind To.<br />Cheryl Nichols<br />www.youtube.com/bizzarkreations<br />www.fullcircle4you.ws<br />Love And Light To All<br />Treat all as they are the most important person in life and live everyday as it were your last. No one knows how much sand is in the top of your hourglass .

  6. #216
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Wow ... thanks for the inspiring intro, Cheryl ... looking forward to reading more from you.



  7. #217
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi All,

    I hope I find myself in the right place. I have just read Mike's Rant Thread and was a bit taken back by it.

    Anyway I will push on.

    I am from the Sunny UK...I have just touched 40.
    2 kids, Shannon 12 & Tyler 9
    Currently slave away working 9 to 5 as a salaried SAP Business analyst, but want to branch out and work freelance, its a maor step, but nothing "aint" gonna happen unless I do something about it. Gotta get out of that comfort zone.

    That follows on nicely to me striving forward as an internet marketeer.I have finally just launched a product and I am now working through my approach to joint Venture....hence why I am here.

    I want my product to really succeed,but if I have come here to early on in my online career, then I apologise.

    Anyhow thats me for now. I hope to be back soon with more information about my JV and what I can offer. If I am still welcome.



  8. #218
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hey, Scot ... by all means, you are as welcome here as anybody.

    My rant was for those that honestly seem to think that doing Business Online demands any less paying dues and working hards than any Offline Biz ... those that try to put the proverbial cart before the horse.

    If you want to learn how to make you and your Online Business efforts more successful through Joint Venture Marketing ... you're in the right place.



  9. #219
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hello Champions,

    My name is Sam Crowley.
    I live in Cincinnati, OH.

    My three year old daughter used to ask me all the time
    "Is tomorrow Saturday daddy."
    Every night after I returned home from my stressed out job I would have to answer
    "No, tomorrow isn't Saturday, why do you keep asking."

    Her reply changed my life and everything that I would focus on moving forward.

    She said, "Because Saturdays are the only day we get a chance to spent time together."
    From her lips to my heart.

    I left my six figure job and launched my website
    www.EverydayIsSaturday.com to inspire champions worldwide to defend their dream.
    Life is not a dress rehearsal, you get one shot.

    I speak all around the world, wherever people give me an opportunity.
    My first CD is coming out in 30 days and it will impact millions of lives.

    Now everyday IS Saturday for me and my growing family because a three year old had the courage to challenge her work-a-holic dad.

    Thanks for having me, I look forward to adding to the great JVNotifyPro community.


    Sam Crowley
    The perfect Keynote Speaker<br />for your next event.

  10. #220
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Wow - Sam... Your post really touched me. I haven't been on this forum in a while - but, I just had to respond

    I'm home with my three young kids - and my business has been booming... recently I have found myself irritated by the little interuptions I often get in my home office - your post reminded me of something... I'm working from home so I can have these interuptions! Of course, I'm talking about interuptions from my kids... we are blessed to be able to use the internet to provide for our families in a way that truly makes our lives better.


    www.mytoyguide.com<br />Imagine, you can make the big bucks selling toys on ebay too!

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