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Thread: JV Brokers...Where can I find them?

  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    JV Brokers...Where can I find them?

    Anyone ever work with a good JV broker and wouldnt mind sharing their name(s)?

    I have been looking all over but the ones I have contacted havent gotten back to me. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Hey, Dan.

    There are a lot of factors to take into consideration ...

    What is the target niche of your product/service?

    Are you looking for a 'full service' JV Broker (doubling as a JV Manager), perhaps even a Product Launch Manager, or simply a 'connector' to work with an existing JV/Affiliate Manager?

    Do you need them full time, or just during a new product launch or affiliate program announcement phase?

    Or is your need more of a rolling launch where you'd like to connect to one new JV partner at a time, setting up a special offer +/or perhaps a live call or webinar unique to their lists?

    I know many JV Brokers, JV/Affiliate + Product Launch Managers ... but they often specialize in the areas mentioned above and more, so it pays to save time and look for one that answers your specific needs.


    Mike Sr

  3. #3
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Merz View Post
    Hey, Dan.

    There are a lot of factors to take into consideration ...

    What is the target niche of your product/service?

    Are you looking for a 'full service' JV Broker (doubling as a JV Manager), perhaps even a Product Launch Manager, or simply a 'connector' to work with an existing JV/Affiliate Manager?

    Do you need them full time, or just during a new product launch or affiliate program announcement phase?

    Or is your need more of a rolling launch where you'd like to connect to one new JV partner at a time, setting up a special offer +/or perhaps a live call or webinar unique to their lists?

    I know many JV Brokers, JV/Affiliate + Product Launch Managers ... but they often specialize in the areas mentioned above and more, so it pays to save time and look for one that answers your specific needs.


    Mike Sr
    The niche is MMO. A product like GSniper is what I have in mind

    I am looking for a product launch announcement phase. basically a JV broker that connects with potential JV's to promote my product.

    Something simple as a WSO launch in the 5 figures is what I would want a JV brokers help with. Hope that helps and maybe you can connect me with some? Thanks a bunch Mike!

  4. #4
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    Unless you're already a household name, or you have someone in your employ that's going to be handling your Affiliate Management, you're going to need a 'Full Service" JV Broker or JV Launch Manager that's not only going to recruit potential JV Partners and Affiliates for your WSO launch, but also get involved in the one on one relationship building with the better partners, in addition to over all affiliate program management, that it takes to have a successful promotion.

    Taking all that into consideration, I'd recommend connecting with fellow JVNP 2.0 Partners the likes of Kenster, Chris Munch +/or Anthony Aires - http://v3.jvnotifypro.com/community_...WSO-affiliates

    A name that often stands out when it comes to WSO Launch Management is Kieran McDonough, and any of the aforementioned 3 could hook you up with him and other top WSO Launch Managers.


    Mike Sr

  5. #5
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    So far in my joint venture articles I've been working on the basis that you have (or soon will have) a product (or service) to sell. And you're using joint venturing as a way of linking up with a partner .... to make a few thousand (or maybe millions!) of pounds from selling it to their customers. Because that's the usual way JVing works. But it doesn't have to be like that.
    Last edited by Yanbi Bee; 04-07-2013 at 09:48 PM.

  6. #6
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    Yanbi, that's certainly the most common form of Joint Venture ... the 'endorsed mailing', usually paired with promise of a reciprocal if the promoting partner is successful in their efforts.

    But, IMHO, it only scratches the surface of what a Joint Venture relationship could be ...

    Successful Joint Ventures often evolve into a network of JV Partners that work on all facets of a JV Partner's promotion, from product creation to the Marketing system, copy writing, graphics, video, and site design to bonuses, upsells, pre-launch test mailings and more ... far from just a simple 'I'll promote your launch, you promote mine', but actually helping assure that the product and launch is successful through team effort.

    If one is simply looking for affiliates to promote an affiliate program during a launch phase with no promise or interest in reciprocation or interaction outside of focusing on promoting the current promotion, and the affiliate program in general, I'd call it 'recruiting affiliates' rather than 'attracting JV Partners'.


    Mike Sr

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