I had a jv partner that, for whatever reason, could not get one sale in my firesale. He was the only one that I know of that sent any traffic and could not receive a sale. Truth be told, the entire thing had a higher than 5% ratio AND the oto delivered near 7% if I recall correctly.

I felt bad for him. But I will leave him alone. The last thing he wants is an update on another variation of my website promotion (Going from firesale to future membership site). But I want him to have something. I might even send a note and gift to all jv's, even those who failed.

What would you do in my spot if somebody ripped you a new one for not producing? Cut bait? Try again? Or just ignore them?

For the record, I am not upset. I actually get mad at myself if I don't feel I did well for my partners.

Just wondering if you have experienced this before and curious to see how a more experienced 'jv master' handles this situation.

Thank you for your time
