Soren Jordansen, John Merrick + Cindy Battye - Covert Social Press JV Invite, More
Welcome To Today's JVNP 2.0 Weekend Update Featuring A JV Offer
Courtesy Of Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partners Soren Jordansen, John Merrick
+ Cindy Battye (Covert Social Press WP Social Plugin Affiliate Program
JV Invite), Buzz Builders + More ... in Today's Digg This WP Plugin Edition.
Have A Great Weekend!
- Mike Merz Sr
Soren Jordansen, John Merrick + Cindy Battye - Covert Social Press
Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch: Just Underway This Past Tuesday, February 19th 2013
Launch Day: Tuesday, February 26th 2013
Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner, Covert Social Press is our brand new
WordPress theme.
Our last two Wordpress themes last year, sold almost 10,000
frontend copies EACH - with 50-60% taking the upsell - and
this one, I am proud to say, is our finest yet!
Social Press will let you run own fully fledged social network
and social bookmarking site on WP - just like Digg.
There was a huge demand for this from our previous theme
customers, so we are 100% certain that the market is there.
Some key points...
- It looks like a million bucks right out of the "box", basically
like Digg, but with a ton of one click customization options
to make it your own.
- Users can sign up for an account so they can bookmark
stuff on your site, and vote other stuff up and down...
And you get the leads right there in your WP admin area!
- It comes with bookmarking applets and social media
buttons you can get other people to put on their sites &
thus have them build your content for you.
- But you can also run one of these sites to great effect
without ever getting any users bookmarking anything for you!
- It has loads of inbuilt traffic generation features like
integration with Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest
- It's fully monetized with widget ready sidebars, footer -
and some really clever extra ad spaces
But it's also fully tested concept that actually works like crazy
- it's content curation and link building on steroids and
potentially autopilot - and having one of these sites in your
blog portfolio will create results.
We LOVE our affiliates, so we are doing something that few
people would think of doing - AND, even less people would
follow through on...
What's that?
We are putting every lead you send during prelaunch
(ON NOW) into a list that only ever gets mailed out with
your hardcoded affiliate link.
So when people click on emails from us they will click on
your link, so there is no doubt that you will get the sale.
We go BEYOND that though... and for any future releases
EVER, when we promote to this list we will also add YOUR
affiliate link to the emails.
So it will remain your list, just monetized by us - for you,
forever... making you tons of cash for as long as they
stay subscribed.
If you would like any help making this an amazing promo,
please contact Cindy via skype (details on JV registration page).
(To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available*)
+ More ... Click The Link Above. *VIP Review Access Is Available To
VIP Partners That Register To Support This Launch.)
*** If You Have Trouble Accessing Any Link On This Page,
Please Make Sure You Are Logged Into
+ ... First. If The Problems Persist,
Please Reply Directly To The Newsletter With The Issue, And
We'll Do Our Best To Respond + Resolve The Problem ... ASAP.***
*** If You're Having Trouble Logging In, Please Use The Account
Management Center***
Editor's Note: For those JVNP 2.0 Partners that don't read the
legal stuff at the bottom of every mailing ...
This mailing contains (a) JV connection request(s) from (a) fellow
JVNP 2.0 Partner(s) that either by themselves, or working with
a fellow partner that has, earned the spot due to content
contribution +/or support of fellow JVNP 2.0 Partners over time.
The JV request is being made by the merchant(s) (or official
representative(s)), NOT, to you ... the JVNP 2.0
It is expected and recommended that you perform due
diligence when getting involved in any venture that may
affect you, your business, it's prospects and customers.
It's also assumed that, as an Online Business Owner, you're
capable of running your own business using common sense,
logic + exercising personal responsibility.
New JVNP 2.0 Facebook Group AND Google+ Community
Take Your Pick ... Or Join Both, If You Like.
The JVNP 2.0 Facebook Joint Venture Networking Group
The Following Buzz Builders Are Premium Mailing Recipient JV Offers
Announced Recently In The JVNP 2.0 Update That Are Either Yet To
Launch, Or Are Still In The Pre-Launch Or Launch Cycle.
To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available)
+ More ... Please Click The Link Below Each Buzz Builder Listing.
Bill Gregory + Mike A - Safe Simple Commissions Affiliate Program
JV Invite
Launched Just This Past Monday, February 18th 2013
Bill + his team of MULTI-MILLION Dollars Copywriters have an
incredible ELEVEN Clickbank #1s... They masterminded the
FIRST Million Dollar Clicksure launch + recently gave away
$4.26 Million Dollars In Affiliate Commissions!!
Expect MASSIVE EPC ($2 - $7) plus CRAZY Cash Prizes...
SIGN UP NOW to get your slice of the action!
(VIP Review Access Is Available To VIP Partners That Register
To Support This Launch)
Chris Waldron - Mobile Blog Money Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launched Just This Past Tuesday, February 19th 2013
Proven Mobile Blog Money software and training system launching
on ClickBank 19th February 2013!
Earn up to $306 PER customer based on 75% Commissions, Killer
EPCs, Strong Rebills. Over $6,000 in CASH prizes including SPEED
prizes anyone can win regardless of list size.
Details ...
(VIP Review Access Is Available To VIP Partners That Register
To Support This Launch)
D.C Fawcett + Mr. X - Hedge Fund Trader X Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Commenced Monday, February 18th 2013
Launch Day: Monday, February 25th 2013
Hedge Fund Trader X is your opportunity hit a big payday with a
tested and proven launch funnel.
We're giving away 40% commissions per sale to you. We're sending
out 50% of all collected commissions in 7 days. No waiting 30 days.
Great fit for all lists.
$21.61 Gross EPC to the VSL on average during test launch.
Webinars Generated $211/attendee (Huge!). Overall it generates $34
for every optin you send on average. Details ...
(VIP Review Access Is Available To VIP Partners That Register
To Support This Launch)
Shawn Casey, Michael Beeson, Bobby B + Brian Koz -
Free Affiliate Club Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day: Thursday, February 28th 2013
The Free Affiliate Club gives members a free copy of the same
website that has been used to make $263,000 in just 60 days,
including free software and training. Members have the option
of upgrading to a paid hosting account ... when they do, affiliates
are paid a $125 bounty.
No refunds. No reserves. Payments are made the following week ...
(VIP Review Access Is Available To VIP Partners That Register
To Support This Launch)
Anik Singal + Jimmy Kim, Mo Latif, Tim Atkinson + Zak Meftah,
Segun Ogunleye, Sara Young and other fellow JVNotifyPro 2.0
partners are waiting in the wings ... keep your eyes on your
Inbox, and follow the action in the JVNP 2.0 Premium VIP JV
Announcement archives:
"Hey, Mike ... I really appreciate the combination of Fellow
Partner + Popular JV Invites you offer in the JVNP 2.0 Update,
but how can I get on board Popular JV launches that are
available to get on board but didn't make the latest mailing
like the highly anticipated offerings from Jacky Truong,
Ronnie M, Ghetu Marian, Jamie Dowden, Musab Zain,
James Edward + Zack Smith, Andrew X, Rolland Umogbai,
Jo Pixelcrafter, Jim Rhame, Daniel Charles, Cody Moya,
Guillermo Mata, Lee Ford, Diane Walters, Vincent Tang,
Johnny Flewellen, Timothy Miranda, Anthony Aires +
Brad Gosse, Todd Dowell, Lenin Govea, Daniel Lew, Inferno,
Kenster, Matt Benwell + Andrew Barrett, Alex Yew, Alan
Magliocca, Joe Walter + others?"
Answer: The JVNewsWatch JV Product Launch Calendar +
Affiliate Program Directory
The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
you requested to be on this email list by opting in.
Please use the unsubscribe link below if you no longer
wish to be a JVNP 2.0 Partner, not the Spam button.
The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
that have presented them to us ... and are not those
of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.
Participate at your own risk.
The publicly accessible version of the JVNotifyPro Update
posted on may include affiliate links that
could result when purchased through in compensation
for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
for the sale as an affiliate partner ... with no further
association to the merchant existing unless otherwise
JVNotifyPro 2.0 Updates are generally mailed twice a week
... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up ... or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.