Hello guys ....

First of all its been really exciting to see a great JV forum .... i was really looking for something like this where you can make connections with the gurus and learn from them ... i am very excited about it and looking forward to share my experiences and learn about yours ...

Basically i have started internet marketing around 4 years ago as a side gig ... just to get some extra cash ... but in the last year or so i got really serious about and now i am really planning to make a full time living out of it ... i have to say that i am not there yet but i am hoping to get there soon ... i have great experience in PR ... talking to different people and marketers and help them with ideas about their products. I have to say i am pretty new in this affiliate marketing arena .... but i am learning it really fast and i hope that joining this forum will be a big boost for me ....

I have recently launched a product as a JV with some of my colleagues and i really want to learn how to make most of it

thanks for taking time and reading this post ....

Best Regards