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Thread: How Much Notice to Give For a Launch Date?

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    How Much Notice to Give For a Launch Date?

    Hey every one. I am looking forward to my very first launch. The product will be ready soon, within a couple of weeks. I'm wondering how far in advance I should notify JV forums, like this one, about the launch. It seems like one month is average. I have also seen blogs where people say the further in advance you notify potential partners, the better. Is there such thing as too much notice?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Hi, Eric.

    In my experience, between 4 and 6 weeks between JV Offer announcement and launch day is optimal ... especially if your self and product brand are not household words.

    Not only do you want to have ample time to qualify the JV leads you attract, they need time to qualify you and your offer. While you're learning of their respective capabilities, you also need this time to prove yourself, your wares and your JV Offer worthy of their hopeful support. Having at least a month to accomplish both tasks is highly recommended. In addition, typically ... the more potentially productive a promoting partner is, the more time they'll need in advance to book mailing dates.

    Ideally, in that 4 to 6 week period of time, you'll have interacted personally with most of the JV partners you've attracted that have proven themselves via past performance capable of selling products as a promoting partner at a reasonably high level in an effort to start putting together a core circle of partners that should make up the bulk referred sales. As you go from launch to launch, it's crucial that you identify, nurture + grow your core JV circle for consistency and growth over time.

    Sorry ... have to cut off here, but I'll no doubt follow up as we see additional responses.


    Mike Sr

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Good information to know. Thanks for the detailed response. I especially like what you said about JV's needing time to evaluate me. I understand that my responsiveness is an indicator of the support I will offer them and their clients, but what are the other things they would look at (regarding myself, not the quality of my offer) if I haven't done a launch before and therefore am not well known?

  4. #4
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    NP, Eric.

    One answer to your question of how to prove yourself to JV prospects when you, and I'm assuming your business as a whole, are not well known is to look at the qualifiers that have nothing to do with the launch ... directly.

    Here's a few possible qualifiers that might deem you more credible ...

    1) Experience ... in the general field your product targets, past business ownership, employment, schooling. Proof of achievement in the way of awards, commendations, diplomas, certificates, titles, etc. a plus. Consider allocating time to participate in 'Ask An Expert' sites, put together a course for Udemy, or simply write and submit articles to increase your level of credibility as an authority in your field ... and use that as a qualifier.

    2) Association ... with known professionals in the field your product targets, or well known enough in general Online Business world to act as social proof. 'Who you know ...' is almost always a plus in the Online Business world.

    3) Past Performance ... one thing I've always made clear to those willing to listen is the importance of making sure your own house is in order before inviting company over, in the way of potential JV Partners. Ideally, you should have a productive enough list to support the launches of those partners you'd like to have on board your own launches in the future. By taking the initiative to start what will hopefully be the first leg of a reciprocal promotion, you raise the likelihood of securing the aforementioned ... and the better you place in the sales contest, the more likely you will receive support for your project.

    That's not to say that if you have no name recognition, no known associations, no ability to support potential JV Partners either before or after your launch, etc. ... but you have a well timed to market, unique, or just simply a high quality product, that you can't have a successful first launch. But you most likely do have the odds stacked against you the less qualifiers you're able to meet.

    A popular way for a first time product creator with essentially no qualifiers able to be met, but in the opinion of others ... a quality product for sale, is to align themselves with known Marketers for a share of the profits, prospect + customer list for that launch. This method not only raises the likelihood of a successful launch, it also sets you up for your next solo launch by meeting most of the previous qualifiers (experience, association, past performance).

    Other options might include pre-launch testing via WSO or FSO to gather support while tweaking your offer for prime time, or ... if you have the money, test and tweak the offer using paid traffic to gather positive numbers for use when selling your JV Offer to others.


    Mike Sr

  5. #5
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Awesome tips from Mike!

    I just would like to add that you have to keep in mind that people (JVs) want to make money. They need to see you as a good opportunity to make money now and in the long-term. So, try to conduct an internal launch to have some numbers to show them (EPC, conversion rate, etc) and also let people know that they will get back promotion from you in the future (if they support you today, you will support them tomorrow).


  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    It all boils down to 2 things, commission & refunds

    If commissions are low and refunds are high, jvs won't bother

    But if commissions are high and refunds are low then any marketer with common sense will promote.

    But can you PROVE commissions are high, and can you give evidence that returns are low?

    If so be sure to mention that on your affiliate Page and be sure to provide solid evidence to get affiliates promoting
    Best Regards,


    PS: don't forget to give a Thumbs up :]

  7. #7
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    I agree with Mike - 4-6 weeks is the ideal. You'll be really busy coming up to the last couple weeks before launch, and you don't want to be spending that time trying to get affiliates as well. Give them plenty of time to decide, and then make sure you stay in front of them in the week or so before the launch. Touch base with them, make sure they have signed up and gotten their affiliate link(s), make sure they have swipe files and/or creatives...basically just remind them you're there and that your launch is happening.

    Lots of these guys & gals are seeing requests for dozens of opportunities every day. Make yours (and YOU) stand out.

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    I agree with you but if is a new launch you might be able to prove that commission is high but how do you prove that refunds are low if is a brand new launch?

    It comes down to prove that you have a quality product with kick ass support that way in theory refunds should be low.

    Unfortunately you see many guys and so called big gurus hurting the market a lot because they spend %80 of their budget on sales funnel creation and just %20 on product creating.

    So yes they will have great Conversion Rates when they first launch and it might look like affiliates are making a killing but the reality is that 30 days later affiliates will see how their numbers drop by a huge lot because insane amounts of refunds.

    I think it should be flipped around and %80 go to product creation and just %20 on sales funnel creation yes maybe your sales pitch might not be the best but you are sure that once you get one sale that sale will stay with you and not refund because you are offering a Top Notch product.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deon Lundy View Post
    It all boils down to 2 things, commission & refunds

    If commissions are low and refunds are high, jvs won't bother

    But if commissions are high and refunds are low then any marketer with common sense will promote.

    But can you PROVE commissions are high, and can you give evidence that returns are low?

    If so be sure to mention that on your affiliate Page and be sure to provide solid evidence to get affiliates promoting

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