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Thread: Greetings All

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    My Thumbs Up

    Greetings All

    hi my name is Dee Bell and I have been an internet entrepreneur for about 5 years now. I am currently working on a membership site for making money online that really does trump the competition. not really sure how to request help but i do need it. i am confident that any one who knows about internet marketing or online advertising will immediately see the immense value in my site. the problem is its too much for me to do alone, though i am about %45 through with it and have been working on it off and on for years! i am reading the rules for this forum so i hope i havent said to much but thats the reason i am here so.. i hope i will be able to gain something here and meet some other people that can convince me im not crazy for loving internet marketing so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up
    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Dee.

    The best way, IMHO, to derive value from a forum of any kind is to post and reply with quality, helpful content on as regular a schedule as you can. No need to spend all day on a forum, as that is rarely the most productive way to run a business, but managing your time spent and making the most of it allows for optimal ROI.

    Most forums allow a sig file, as do I, to act as subtle promotion of whatever you have going on. It should lead to your blog or web site, no affiliate links ... please.

    Following the aforementioned formula will not only help you 'sell yourself', by maintaining a positive image, and build credibility and respect among your peers ... your sig file allows you to gain exposure for both you and your wares.


    Mike Sr

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