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Thread: Why Someone Will Promote Your Offer

  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Why Someone Will Promote Your Offer

    I'm writing up a page on why someone will promote your offer (I'm doing a lot of JV Brokering lately)
    ... let me know if I missed anything ...

    1. RECIPROCAL MAILINGS ... i.e. "to build my business not his"
    2. They're *YOUR* buddy (not mine) or *LIKE* you for some reason (not just me)
    3. EPCs are high
    4. For Launches: The Prizes and/or Prestige of winning a launch
    5. For Evergreen: Open Dates on Calendar & Rolling Prizes
    6. The product is great and it's a good match for their list

    I also think this is the priority order I see in the community. Sure, for some people #6 is most important (and it probably should be)... but in my experience, I see most people gravitate towards Reciprocal mailings over EPC and EPC over 'great product'. (Although great match for their list is akin to higher EPCs).

    Would be interested in your thoughts
    Harris Fellman
    Digital Marketing Magician
    "harrisfellman" on FB, Gmail, Skype, Twitter, & Pinterest

  2. #2
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    From my experience lately most will only sell you solo ads or they don't want to help people with new products at all. Your product can be the best product ever, but if you're not already well known in your market they don't trust you somehow. Potential partners who tell you they like your product, ask for a review copy and you never hear from them again. If you never head the chance to properly test your funnel or find a reliable partner...how can you expect those with new product to prove their EPC ?

    There's a lot of contradiction in all this. The best way to find potential partners is perhaps through JV brokers (though good ones are hard to find...), but better is to try and build a relationship with them. Comment on their blogs, ask questions, give your honest opinion, etc..

    From the 100 potential partners you manage to get in contact with only 5 MAY or may not get back to you. I've been trying for quite some time now to find partners/affiliates, but because I don't have the "push me and get rich" kind of product, they don't want to promote...no matter if my product is top notch quality. It seems like most look like they want to promote and then come up with some excuse not to do it after all...

    There's no rules or standards for this...newcomers are either on their own or extremely lucky. Newcomers also don't have a budget to go through a broker...unless the broker accepts a 2nd tier type of commission to be compensated.

    It's not as easy as you make it look...


  3. #3
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    hi Harris

    I would tend agree with your list which would be fine most experienced product producers or JV brokers but for the small guy just starting out with no list, no connections, no previous products etc. what does he have to offer ? all he has is what could be a great product sitting on a back-burner with no hope of interacting with anyone.

    Where is he supposed to go to get anyone to even look at his product ?

    It would appear that in here at least a "newbie" can announce a new project in the hope that someone at least takes a look !!

    From my experience so many potentially viable opportunities are missed by JV brokers because they do not even look at what the "newbies" have to offer simply because they did not write out the project prospectus as per your list of recommendations above

    So how about a secondary List for the "Newbies".

  4. #4
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    Hi Harris...

    Do prizes really work for people on JV launches? I've always thought making the most cold hard cash is the best reason to get into a launch, not someone handing me an iPad 2.

    After all, I can buy that myself after I'm a billionaire :P

    Just my thoughts.

  5. #5
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    From my personal experiences ... too many newbie IMers try to jump neck deep into JV Marketing when they don't yet have a firm grasp of running an Online Business. Get your own house in order somewhat before you invite anyone else into it.

    I'll call the next thing I've noticed "2a", as it's an extension of what Harris mentioned above ... the more successful you and your product line becomes, the more attractive you become in regards to attracting JV Partners.

    So a happy mix that I beleive makes you most attractive, is to continually work at securing new JV relationships and nurture them ongoing ... but always make sure that you're doing all you can do to focus on building your business from the inside out,

    One thing I HATE .... "get on board, Folks ... we have over 500 JV Partners!"

    If you found yourself a great little fishing hole ... would you want 499 other fishermen in on the action?

    Focusing on simply getting JV leads without qualifying them and following up with them does not equate to them pushing the 'send' button.

    I wish I had a dollar for every merchant that attracted 300 + JV leads, simply blasted out JV notifications every couple of days, made no attempt to actually connect with any of the JV leads as individuals ... personally, and were left scratching their heads when the referred sale end of the launch was a bust. Every legitimate JV lead is worth following up and qualifying ... it's a known fact that most launches see the Top 20 or 30 Partners bringing in 70 or 80% of the sales. That's their 'core circle' ... and not only do they need to be taken care of, you need to be regularly adding to that circle to grow your JV Network.

    Man ... too much caffeine, starting to ramble incessantly here with no real structure. I'll check back later ... LOL


    Mike Sr

  6. #6
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    Agree to Mike

    I am absoutely agreed to Mike,on my personal experience I hardly promote other gurus product but seem they only know you if you hit the top leaderboard.And I also experience some gurus that saying "All Big Names are Confirm"and offering big cash prizes.But after a week or 2 you will found out only few got promoted the sad part is they are not giving any update leaderboard status and cash prizes lol.They only want profit not building JV relationship.


  7. #7
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    Newbie query;

    I agree that it is quite hard for a newbie product creator to actually get know and get the big names to promote it and also not many people wanna promote the products of unknown people.

    So how does a new kid on the block get noticed so as to get people promoting their products?
    Also how can affiliates find out that the product by an unknown person is worth promoting?


  8. #8
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    Harris here is the issue I have,

    I'm somewhat known because i write for Entrepreneurs Journey and have had online businesses in the past, however attracting new JV's is a learning curve again for me.

    When you say a rolling prize - my issue is always how do I know I would attract enough JV's to make the prizes viable? It is a bit of a risk if it is your first launch. Reciprical mailing of course are warrented BUT there has to be a limit so I'm guessing JV partners must hit a certain sales figure?

    If you answer it would be great as by understanding my potential JV's i have a better chance of doing the right things.

    Dee Kumar
    Great retention coaching course with test ratings through the roof. 50% on 6 x $87 monthly fee... Click here for details.

  9. #9
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    Dee, that's correct ... never run a sales contest without stating in disclaimer a minimum number of sales to qualify, or a minimum number of total sales for the prize fund to be valid. At the same time, it's important that you remain transparent with your partners in regards to how the launch is progressing on a regular basis.


    Mike Sr

  10. #10
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    One way to get your product promoted though joint ventures is to take on a well known partner and give them at least 60% of your profits. Here's the math...

    $100 product and affiliate gets 50%. That leaves 50% for you and your well known partner to split 60/40. You profit $20. The only work the partner would need to agree to is to promote a completed very good product that they can put their name on it.

    The partner gets the people who regularly promote his product to promote this product as it is his. This can get you known to his jv partners and affiliates and you also get the list that is created. The next product will be a little bit easier to sell because you will have a jv partner list who you have worked with already, a buyer list and prospect list.

    After all this is what joint ventures are all about. You do all the work and find a partner that is stronger in areas where you are weak. And together you are both successful.

    After all do you want 100% of nothing or 20% or 25% of many sales plus the lists that are created?

    I hope this have been helpful because it works for me.

    Steve Yakim

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