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Thread: Ever apologize to your list?

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Ever apologize to your list?

    Have you ever apologized to your whole list? I just did this week. All 60,000 of them.

    What did I apologize for? For jumping on the "launch" bandwagon like most other Internet marketers and promoting all the new products that come out with the same ad copy as everyone else.

    I made a pledge to my members that I would only promote products that either I use myself or that my team had reviewed as being valuable to my members (a "newbie" training course wouldn't be something I use myself but very useful for my members).

    So now I am looking for a much better quality of ad swaps. The other type was easy to find, but I am convinced there are enough great products and partners out there to make this way work.

    Now I will be doing an actual review of each product and making the review available to my members instead of just using the same ad copy as all the other Internet marketers. And if the product sucks, I won't be sending it to my list no matter how big the partner list is in return.

  2. #2
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    Re: Ever apologize to your list?

    I hear you, Garland ... it's happened to all of us at one time or another, I assume.

    A few of the changes going into JVNP 2.0 actually have a lot to do with increasing the level of connection between the merchant and the potential JV partner, and making both more accountable ... with any luck, by the time prelaunch comes all parties will have a better understanding of who and what they're working with than ever before. It will take a little work on both sides, but if they're serious about making the most of what each has to offer ... it will be worth it, IMHO.



  3. #3
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Ever apologize to your list?

    Mike, sorry in advance if this info is already available somewhere....

    But are you going to post maybe a video walkthrough or even host a webinar to introduce JVNP 2.0?

    Seems there are plenty of members here who would like to learn of the new pros/cons and how to best interact with the new community.

    Keep me posted. My subscribers already know that this it the only forum I take part in these days. I'd be happy to further promote JVNP to them.

    What personally I'd like to see as a community is more JVs moving into creative joint ventures that aren't tied to a product launch. Currently most JV related discussions here are still regarding an actual launch. Whereas I think there's a lot of room for creative "barter", asset sharing, co-reg and any other complimentary efforts as joint ventures. Not just "will you promote my launch for me". (Nothing wrong with that but I think it's just one prong of the whole JV arena).

    Regardless... looking forward to what you've cooked up with JVNP2.

    Oh and Garland story for having stolen your post, lol.

    To answer your question...

    Sure I've apologized and have been "real" with my subscribers. I can't remember when I did that last but I have no problems with admitting faults or owning up to mistakes.

    I too only promote select vendors. And not just because they are friends (I have friends who are incredible human beings but they put out rehashed, hyped up junk offers unfortunately).. I promote the ones who have strong product lines. Even if I haven't used/checked each of their products, I've explore enough of them to be comfortable in endoring that merchant.

  4. #4
    VIP JVNP2 Featured Contributor
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    Re: Ever apologize to your list?

    Yes, for the same thing you did Garland, I stopped doing that a long time ago though because I ended up losing a lot of subscribers. So I basically follow the same principals as Rob, because if you don't, then the trust factor goes out the window, people stop buying from you and then well you know how the rest goes .. I barely even mail out to my list, think it's been maybe 3 times in the last month and a half. I had some guy recently bugging me to do a mail out to my list for him, I knew he sent out way too many mailings to his list, so I wouldn't give him the information he wanted. That scene didn't end too well and his immaturity about it caused me to X-nay him completely.

    I also did a whole lot of apologizing to a few people for going into hiatus and not telling them what was going on. For a long time, someone in this forum used to have a sig file asking people if anyone knew where I was. Talk about REAL friends in this industry, I would say my most trusted friendships have been built via internet marketing, so I don't ever want to harm them.

    And Mike, I agree with what Rob said above.
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