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Thread: Need a little help with this please

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Need a little help with this please

    We’ve launched a new product on Clickbank few days ago: Idea Woodworking Plans
    The niche is awesome, the competition is low. I’ve tested and overtested the sales page with targeted traffic on bing and yahoo and converted really good (as i said – 8 sales in 187 clicks)
    After listing in clickbank, i stopped the paid campaigns and what happend? Nothing ?
    There are other 2 similar products that leads the niche (Home and Garden).
    What is wrong? I contacted possible affiliates, the offer and the product are the better than other 2?

    The landing page is is http://www.ideawoodworkingplans.com
    Please help with any opinions
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  2. #2
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    Re: Watch This: 430$ from 187 clicks but...

    Hey Razvan,

    A few quick comments.

    1) The product name (and the domain name) makes no sense, at least not to me. I know nothing about woodworking, so correct me if I'm wrong, but if your product and domain names make no sense, you're immediately going to lose credibility and people's attention.

    2) The spelling, grammar, and diction are atrocious. No offense. Weird choice of words, improper capitalization...the list goes on.

    3) I don't know about the video testimonials (because I didn't watch them), but all of the other testimonials are clearly fake. You can tell they were written by the same person who wrote the copy.

    I know I didn't really address your actual questions, but I felt these were important things to bring up.


    P.S. Was it REALLY seen on TV?
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager

  3. #3
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    Re: Watch This: 430$ from 187 clicks but...

    Just saw the exit pop-up.

    Classic example of how NOT to use one.

    It oozed of fake scarcity ("only 3 left!") and offered a $20 discount. I'm in favour of using exit pop-ups because they can be effective when used properly, but stuff like this makes me cringe (and sympathize with people who unconditionally hate them).
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager

  4. #4
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    Re: Watch This: 430$ from 187 clicks but...

    @ Razvan,

    Let me start by commending you on the great work and tenacity to details you exhibited in your sales letter and affiliates page. Honestly, everything is pretty neat and totally on point, I've seen sales letters and afffiliate sign up pages that do not come a mile near yours and yet they ended up banking the dollars.

    So Razvan, what you need is a proper distribution channel, read my post "The Power of JV Launches", get on board of JV sites to annouce your site to potential JV partners and affiliates. Also, if you're low on budget, you can visit submitinme.com to get them to announce your site and affiliate page to popular affiliate sites. If you were able to get sales using paid advertising, then, the problem is not your sales letter, the chances of someone interested in carpentry works and ideas making a purchase on your site is pretty high in my own opinion. The missing link is the distribution channel. Also, very important, log into your clickbank vendor account and set up the keywords advertising links, Clickbank allows you to set up to five different ads targeted to various keywords, that will get your Sales letter to show up directly in Affiliate websites/blogs related to your chosen keywords, thus, this is a very easy way to generate much needed modest traffic on shoe string budget. Keep keeping at it, you have something going on there, honestly, the meal is pretty ready, all that is left is customers.

    @ Curtis Ng, I totally disagree with you, I know you're entitled to your own opinions, but a brother needs words of encouragement and solutions, please endeavour to be more modest with your choice of words next time.[

  5. #5
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    Re: Watch This: 430$ from 187 clicks but...

    To be honest, I don't like the misleading subject. It clearly states a very positive result and leads one to open the post trailing it with 'but' ... add the links to not only the sales page but the affiliate page, as well (which has no bearing on conversion) ... and I'd think it just as much an attempt to recruit affiliates on a busy section of the forum than asking for help with conversion. Of course, I may be wrong.

    I also believe constructive criticism can come in many forms, whether blunt and straight forward (Curtis) or motivational (Victor) ... both can help if they lead to a positive end result when put in motion.



  6. #6
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    Re: Need a little help with this please


    Thank you so much!


    I've changed the subject and removed the aff page; so now, i thing is should be right.
    Absolutely Free! 100.000 PLR Articles. 300 Niches + Great Spinners - http://www.articles-plr.com

  7. #7
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    Re: Need a little help with this please

    Thanks, Razvan ... for putting the affiliate page link in your sig file, which is fine.

    Sorry for the 'tough love', as well ... guess I'm just a bit jaded after all these years.

    What I recommend you do is put a short description with specific keywords as the subject. Perhaps something like ...

    "My New CB Niche product converts using paid traffic, only. Need alternatives."



  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: Need a little help with this please


    without even looking at your page I put forward a few things for you to test - and obviously you do test, which is how you came to know the results of your paid traffic.

    Tell us *exactly* what happened after the switch to CB only -

    Was it just the traffic that dropped off or was it conversions?

    Was it both?

    If you had traffic, where did it come from that was different to before?

    With this info you could determine...

    1/ Less traffic - you were the only one promoting it.

    2/ Less conversions - the traffic you were getting was un-targeted.

    3/ Both - both !

    I would NEVER suggest that people reply on CB affiliates to send them traffic - they won't. Most CB links are auto-generated crap that sens crap traffic.

    The best affiliate links from *any* network are from people whom you have personally sought out for joint ventures.

    Now ask yourself... what are you doing in this area?

    What can you do better? It seems that you have the knowledge to do most of what you want to to, but with no quality partners, you have no strength to get it done.

    Paul Barrs
    Paul Barrs Publishing -<br /><br />http://www.paulbarrs.com Multi Media<br /><br />JV Invite &gt;&gt;: http://www.paulbarrs.com/go/jvnp<br /><br />Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/InternetBusinessTraining

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