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Thread: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

  1. #11
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    I haven't had good luck with the Warrior Forum for JVing. Many people promised the world but did nothing. For your effort, its not worth the time.

    I've seen alot of successful JV come from this forum (Craig Beckta and Charles Kirkland come to mind as examples) though I haven't done at JVNotifyPro myself - later this year I will. From my time interacting on this forum, I've seen that Mike Merz really knows what he's talking about and puts what he knows into action.

    Garland Coulson is right about building lists. I would add that if you create a relationship with your list your conversions will be higher. Responsive lists give you more leverage when trying to work with others.

    I would also strongly urge you to have two products. An upfront one which sells for $100 and a backend product that sells for at least $500.

  2. #12
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian Fernando

    @tommie hmmm that is interesting... I may have to attack and ask the bigger players in teh forum then
    Quote Originally Posted by Garret Acott

    @Tommie, nice way to go about it.

    Have either of you found success so far using the strategy I talked about?

    It is working well for me so far even though it is a slow process.

    I'd love to hear how it is working out for others or even if other people are using this technique.


  3. #13
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    Hey Ian,

    First off, much respect to the content you provide on your blog and what not. I know it's helped out lots of people in CPA and affiliate marketing especially.

    I am assuming you did a lot of front end testing to establish conversion rates and EPC's for your sales page before going to JVs and Affiliates. It's just like on CPA networks, talk to an aff managers and the majority of the affiliates on the network don't run traffic or don't know how to convert it. It's just a fact.

    The first 2 WSO's I launched were just free WSO's to start building my list. But then I made a mistake of having my first paid WSO (a webinar series) at a higher price point. That kind of flopped, I think I had 1 sign up, so what I did was I conducted a free webinar, similar to what you're doing on OV, and posted that as a free WSO.

    I had a much better response and converted about 50% on the call, and then about another bunch from testimonials posted about the free webinar.

    I've now had a few people contact me about future endeavours which is pretty cool.

    The main thing I'm learning is you have to make it really easy and enticing for the JV's to promote. JV sign up pages that explain conversion rates and EPCs on various traffic sources can help a lot. Providing promo material such as cut and paste e-mails, that have been tested, make it all the more worth while. Some guys even give 100% on the front end because they have strong upsells and one time offers. Even if you don't get a purchase on the upsell, you get something almost as valuable, and that's a proven buyer.

    As far as writing WSO's, in my experience it's different than writing a normal sales page. It shouldn't be too sensationalist but at the same time people just want that big red easy button to push that throws money out of their computer. They don't want to know that it takes work. Sure, when they get the product they will see the truth of "work", but many won't refund for that reason since you did your part of the deal and delivered well.

    But above all and I'm sure everyone here knows this, having a converting offer makes all this much easier. When you can verify that data to someone with a responsive list, they will be far more willing in sending your offer to their hard earned subscribers. You can bypass a lot of back and forth with good verified numbers in place.

    sorry I rambled there.....

  4. #14
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?


    I'm quite a regular at the Warrior Forum, but I've never promoted someone just because they were giving away review copies. In fact, I have no time for reviewing stuff.

    The people I promote for don't contact me through the WF. They contact me directly after building a relationship. Most of my promotions are cemented on Skype.

    Kevin Riley<br />Call me on Skype (teradacho)<br />http://KevinRileyInc.com

  5. #15
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    In my experience the best people to do JV's with are established Clickbank vendors.

    They understand JV's, have fresh responsive lists and quality products.

    Go through the relevant Marketplace category and contact some of them. I think it would be time well spent compared to finding people on the Warrior Forum.

  6. #16
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian Fernando
    well I even put up my product on there in WSO and it seems tough to get a sale I get 2-4 sales every time I renew my WSO... but other than that its nothing big like I had hope for.

    anyone else?

    @tommie hmmm that is interesting... I may have to attack and ask the bigger players in teh forum then
    Like Mike Merz has mentioned in one of his post, most JV just take part & then never follow through or take action.

    This is what I experience also. That's why we usually go ahead with large number of JVs... because among 100, maybe less than 10 are really big affiliate partners who are marketing your stuff.

    (sometimes, it is still law of large number... like old saying, the harder you work, the luckier you get)

    Somewhere somehow you will just hit big affiliate partner... of course your product, your program must be top notch at the very first place.
    JV Sales Contest in July 2010<br />==&gt;&nbsp; http://www.quantumfxpro.com/vip

  7. #17
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    I don't think a subgroup of people who say they want to JV actually do - they just want free stuff. Which is kinda sad really.

    I also think that a lot of potential JV partners, just forget, get distracted, or don't really know what to do...

  8. #18
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    In my experience there is always a percentage of people who are after the free product. I think it just goes along with the territory. needless to say, when it is not a public posting like that in the WF, I don't see it as much.

  9. #19
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    thanks is there an easy way to do that besides doing a spy research on ppc ads?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kunj K
    In my experience the best people to do JV's with are established Clickbank vendors.

    They understand JV's, have fresh responsive lists and quality products.

    Go through the relevant Marketplace category and contact some of them. I think it would be time well spent compared to finding people on the Warrior Forum.

  10. #20
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    Re: Warrior Forum? Real JVs?

    In my experience ... especially over the last 3 years, the number of merchants and ... subsequently, launches are ever increasing. Toss in the fact that pretty much the whole world has been in a recession, and the end result has seen a glut of launches with mediocre to dismal sales results. You have more fishermen fishing from the same water hole and there's a shortage of fish ... to boot. :P

    In an effort to make up the difference, merchants have been going bananas trying to get every warm body they can on board their launches by opening up the 2nd Tier and blasting it all over the place ... big mistake. Going by my previous 'fishermen' analogy, the top partners stay away from the promotion because it's too 'out there' ... too many lines in the water going after the same fish, and not worth their time. The AP loses all it's exclusivity and credibility and almost always bombs out.

    The solution? Strategic Alliances.

    Bring on partners one at a time that have the same goals and abilities you have to promote, and bring other facets of a true joint venture to the table ... partners that you actually grow to know and work with in an ongoing basis. Support each other when possible. The idea is not to send out a recruitment blast and support the results with broadcast followups to the whole list, and hoping that a reasonable % of them will follow through ... it's actually contacting partners that you work with on a regular basis, personally, and getting confirmation, or not, from them ... personally. Don't hope for results ... plan on getting as close to knowing what kind of support you're going to get as you can. By creating a close knit SA, you can qualify and add partners to it ongoing.

    In a typical launch I've witnessed recently, over 300 potential JV partners were brought on board ... out of that, 20 or so were regular partners of the merchant and had made sales for them in past launches ... they accounted for over 70% of the total sales, minus the merchant's own sales. Long story short, if that merchant had focused on adding to the list of 20 (qualified each of the potential JV partners individually and attempted to create and nurture relationships with those that qualified) ... as opposed to padding the initial 300, they would have no doubt been much more successful.

    The moral to the story is that 'quality over quantity' + 'slow and steady wins the race' could not be more accurate when applied to JV Partner recruitment.



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