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Thread: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    It's been some time ago since I contributed anything to JVNP and I want to do it before JVNP 2.0 is released.

    I learned a lot from this forum and I always wanted to give back to this forum.

    So here goes...

    If you know me, I communicate a lot with my customers, prospects and subscribers and treat everyone like my friends. I've been chatting with a lot of people who keep buying courses but not seeing any result and decided to make this short video to help them counter this problem that they have:


    I know it's not right to link to my own blog but I'm not selling anything and the video is over 10 mins long so I can't upload this onto YouTube. (And Viddler keeps crashing on me)

    In the video, I teach one powerful self-focus technique that I called the "Six papers" technique where you write down what you need to do onto six pieces of papers and leave them around places that you chilled out often.

    This is a pretty cool method that I invented myself... (sorry im trying to be the next Eben ehem...Pagan...ehem....


    I don't have anything to sell to you. Just pure content to improve your inner self and help you to focus.

    Cheers and I hope this helps.

    -Desmond Ong

    Cheers<br />-Desmond Ong

  2. #2
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    NP with linking to your blog on this one, Desmond ... though we are targeted at the intermediate to advanced Marketer that has already got their feet wet for the most part, there are a fair share of Newbies here that could use a little advice and inspiration in the area you've chosen (or for the 'not so New-bies' that can't seem to get it going)... thanks for giving back and helping out.

    And ... by all means, save some solid content for JVNP 2.0, Desmond! LOL



  3. #3
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    Already got some nice content lined up Mike.

    Cheers for letting this thread stand.
    Cheers<br />-Desmond Ong

  4. #4
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    Thanks for the Vid! Sent you a PM as well.

  5. #5
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    Your video is both informative and logical.... very good post.....

  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    Awesome technique you taught there Desmond!

  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)

    Hi Desmond
    Excellent advice...because I can relate to it, personally!!
    With the benefit of hindsight and if I were starting again...then I would take the first course that I bought and implemented exactly what it said and not made any effort to find out what else was out there that I could buy in the hope that I could earn more money even faster!
    As Desmond says in his video, especially to newbies....well take a look his video to find out.
    Paul Evans<br />Internet Marketer helping people to make money online. Products include IM processes and tactics to generate traffic leading to monetizing your website

  8. #8
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: The Reason Why You Failed (For Newbies Only)


    They fail because they skim, they read only parts and they only watch the videos THEY think apply to them. I used to be guilty of this myself. Now if I buy a course, I always start at point A and go through in progression right to the end. I watch every video in order and that's that only way to get the most out of the course.

    Then there's the actually taking action part which is where a lot of people fail too. They want fast and easy money. When they see the amount of work involved, they balk. They don't want THAT. They want instant gratification. I've seen it a million times now.

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