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Thread: Jani G. - TriFilliate PayDay JV Invite, More.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up

    Jani G. - TriFilliate PayDay JV Invite, More.

    It's time once again for a tranquility trampling Special Launch
    Season Weekend JVNP Update, featuring an exclusive JV Invite
    from Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner Jani G. (TriFilliate PayDay JV),
    and More ... in Today's Heeeeere's Jani! edition.

    - Mike

    Jani G. - TriFilliate PayDay JV Invite
    Prelaunch Begins: Friday, November 27th 2009
    Launch Day: Thursday, December 10th 2009

    Hey, Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner ... Jani G here.

    I wanted to get this out to you early, to so you can
    mark down the 10th of December as a huge day for

    Please go here to watch a video i made just for you
    which explains everything in detail:


    This will probably be your last chance to make a Killing
    before the christmas holidays start, so lets end this
    year with a Bang ....

    Introducing TriFilliate Payday

    On the 10th December i am launching 'TriFilliate PayDay'
    Pronounced Tri-Filliate ..(it's a word i coined) & i would
    love to send you a huge check by taking part in this huge

    You are going to make on average *$214 per sale.
    (*based on very detailed calculations)

    So What is Tri-Filliate PayDay ?

    Here's a little background on how and why i created this

    Ok, around 2 months ago i took part in my friend George
    Brown's launch 'Google Sniper'

    ...After the first 24 hours of his launch, i was the NUMBER 2
    affiliate, beating out some BIG Names like Mike Filsaime!...
    and a few others i won't mention.

    This made just over 10,000 dollars in sales within a 24 hour

    I then went on to do over 15,000 dollars in sales over the
    next 7 days...

    Now the best part about this is that i did NOT use my existing
    list, or any traffic from Google.

    I used my secret 'TriFilliate' System'.

    I Then tried this method out again 4 more times, and made
    m0ney each time doing it.

    I also showed this method to 2 of my subscribers who are
    total newbies, and they made m0ney with it as well.
    & this proof will be shown in the pre launch.

    So this proves that this method works! ...Unlike other stuff
    people are selling online!

    So the TriFilliate PayDay course is going to show people
    exactly how i did this, and more importantly, how they can
    do the same by following my simple 'Trifilliate System'.

    This is a totally Unique product which i have created based
    on results i have got after testing the system.

    Your customers will be happy with this course, i can
    personally guarantee it!

    Huge Content & Proof Packed Pre Launch

    Pre launch starts on November 27th and lasts for 2 weeks.

    During this 2 week period we will release 4 videos which
    are packed with content, a great story line, Humor and
    massive value for Your prospects.

    I have done all the hard work, so all you need to do is
    literally copy, paste and send.

    I am even going to give you an autoresponder
    sequence so you can just load it up once, and forget
    about it, while you rake in huge commissions

    Breakdown of Sales Funnel

    We will be using Clickbank for this launch, so all you
    need is your clickbank ID.

    We are also going to use Clickbank's private affiliate
    program which means you cant have your commissions
    stolen anymore.

    Front End: $77
    Upsell 1: $97
    Upsell 2: $197
    Downsell 1: $47
    Downsell 2: $27

    You will earn 60% commission on all price points.

    Yes 60%. Im not stingy and i want YOU to make more
    money then i make per sale for each unit sold through
    your affiliate link.

    Totally Awesome Prizes For You

    You will have an easy chance of winning some
    really cool prizes which include:

    The Brand New iMac
    Brand New MacbooK pro
    Brand New Playstation 3
    a Cruise for you and your partner or family...
    Trip to the Bahamas
    and much much more...

    Anyone can win a prize, all you need to
    do is qualify...

    Watch this video that explains it all here:


    Who's On Board So far ?

    Here are just a few marketers who are on board ...

    Desmond Ong
    Adeel Chowdhry
    Andrew X
    Joey Kissimmee
    Ian Fernando
    Kris Mainieri
    and more....

    Please go here to watch a special video and find out
    more details about the Trifilliate PayDay launch...


    Breakdown of the Pre Launch

    Friday Nov 27th - first video goes live
    Tuesday 1st December - 2nd Video and F.ree report
    goes live
    Thursday 3rd December - 3rd Video goes Live
    Sunday 6th December - 4th Video Goes Live
    Tuesday 8th December - Exclusive Live Webinar
    Wednesday 9th December - Q & A Video Goes Live
    Thursday 10th December - TriFilliate PayDay
    Launches & You make easy money

    Please go here to find out more details and sign up
    to be an exclusive JV partner:


    Jani G


    Buzz Builders Will Be Back On Monday (Holiday Schedule) ..


    Chris Cobb, Mo Latif, Jonathan van Clute, James Francis,
    Judah Thomas, Linda Brown, and other fellow JV Notify
    Pro partners are waiting in the wings ... keep your eyes
    on your Inbox, and follow the action in the archives:



    What's Happening @ JV Notify Pro?

    JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles


    JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements


    Submit Your Joint Venture Marketing Articles


    NEED JV Related Services


    PROVIDE JV Related Services



    Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule ...

    "Get behind your partner's launches as passionately as
    you'd like your partners to get behind yours ..."

    Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
    up that you'd like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
    partners to get behind"

    Note: That DOESN'T mean 'I found your name in the
    search engines', 'read about you in a forum', 'was
    referred to you by So and So', etc., decided it was
    perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
    register, and request a premium mailing ... all in 15

    It means you've been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
    actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
    wait your turn ... it's not about you, it's about US.

    Please read this thread before you request a mailing ...



    That's All, Folks!

    To OUR Success,

    Mike Merz

    RSS - http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/

    The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
    you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
    therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
    link below if you no longer wish to receive these
    mailings, not the Spam button.

    The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
    JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
    that have presented them to us ... and are not those
    of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.

    Participate at your own risk.

    Either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
    may be paid a fee by the merchants offering JV invitations
    for sales made by partners referred into their respective
    programs via JVNotifyPro.com. The fee is simply referral
    compensation, and does not represent either Mike Merz
    or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC being involved
    in a business relationship with merchants using this
    service beyond that of JV announcement and referral,
    aside from constructive advice offered on a merchant
    request basis in regards to best utilizing the services
    offered by JVNotifyPro.com. The publicly accessible
    version of the JVNotifyPro Update posted on the blog
    at jointventures.jvnotifypro.com may include affiliate
    links that should result when purchased through in
    compensation for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing
    For Newbies LLC for the sale as an affiliate partner ...
    with no further association to the merchant existing
    unless otherwise mentioned.

    JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
    ... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
    occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
    log, I screw up ... or both. It is done this way to satisfy
    the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
    your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.

    Powered By http://www.JVListPro.Com

  2. #2
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    My Thumbs Up

    Re: Jani G. - TriFilliate PayDay JV Invite, More.

    Hey guys Jani G here

    i have a quick update for you...

    Because of Thanks Giving and Black friday, we are pushing back the PRE Launch,
    to start on Monday November 30th.

    We are not pushing the launch back, but just the start if pre launch.



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