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Thread: START HERE -> Welcome To JVNotifyPro 2.0/JVNewsWatch

  1. #71
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi all,

    I've just joined and this all looks fantastic looking forward to getting into this. Wow so much to choose from, any tips on how to choose which programsto promote. As its a launch I suppose all you can go by is their history

  2. #72
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    Hi, Tania ... welcome to JVNP 2.0.

    As far as which program to promote, you're going to have to decide which offer will be the best fit for your audience, based on past performance ... what need does the product satisfy? ... which niche does it target? ... what price point best suits my list?

    ... so it's up to you to practice due diligence and find out which offer is right for you.


    Mike Sr

  3. #73
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    Morning All,

    I go by Cruz and by trade am a carpenter of some 40 years and a fine artist as well for the last 25. I've been an Entrepreneur, being self-employed, all but about 6 years of my working career . . . Internet Marketing is the next adventure. Look forward to making some new friends to do business with in ways that are beneficial to all and upgrading when I begin to bring in double the monthly fee here . . . feels doable in a fairly short period of time.

    To Our Mutual Success,

    Last edited by Axel Cruz; 01-16-2013 at 06:02 AM.

  4. #74
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Wow, just read all that. Gonna have to read it again

    Looking forward to creating "win-win-win" relationships as you say. Am even going to have to consider spending more time here. Been on the WF going on 6 years and have over 1K posts - 99% mostly answering newbie questions and helping others. But never once has any of my help ever created a mutually beneficial relationship. Maybe that will change here

    - Jay

  5. #75
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Axel + Jay.

    Jay, JVNP originally required time on my IM4Newbies Forum as a prerequiste to getting seriously involved here ... as JVNP was created for intermediate to experinced Online Business Folk. As time went on, more and more Newbies were referred by existing Partners and joined directly ... so it became necessary to cater to their needs, as well.

    So ... by all means, if you have the time to post and respond with helpful content ... be my guest, it's much appreciated.


    Mike Sr

  6. #76
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    Red face Just joined

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Merz View Post
    Bennie, unfortunately ... thanks to the many product creators out there that are heavy on sizzle, and light on steak ... newbies have been led to believe that making money on the Internet can be done buying a $37 piece of software and clicking a button. The fact is, Marketing on the Internet is a business just like any other. It requires research, learning, applying what you've learned, testing, tracking, honing and precising. The best bit of advice I can give at this time is to not chase every new thing that comes along ... pick something you have an interest and passion for and focus on it until you get it right. Have faith in yourself ... you can do it, just remain focused. I was Online for almost 2 years before things started clicking ... I put in a lot of hours prior to that with little compensation. It was a learning experience ..


    Mike Sr

    Hi Mike, I just bought the "work from no home" system and was told to join a JV sight like this one. I am COMPLETELY new to this. I mean completely, I am 18 years old and I am waiting to go to university but I want more from life than a Chemistry degree.. I am willing to put in the hours and effort and reading your comment has motivated me so much to work for it.
    Also, have you heard of the WFNH system? Could you give me a little thumbs up or down about it? I am actually enjoying it so far though.

  7. #77
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    A very thorough and helpful introduction to the site!

  8. #78
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    of course I am scouting the forums and this particular post as really great. I don't expect to make a million dollars in 30 days as a JV because quite frankly, I don't know what I'm doing...YET. I've been online for years off and on and late last year is when I started to see some money come my way. What I do want is to lay the ground work for creating a business that will make money whether I'm in front of the computer or not. My time frame, I guess, is 18-24 months before I see any kind of a steady affiliate/JV income stream after getting through the initial learning curve. It's a marathon not a sprint and I feel like this is the right direction. I guess I wish there were clearer steps but I guess I have to make my own. Just a thought

  9. #79
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    I understand exactly how you feel. Similar to mike, I was researching online for almost 2years before everything starting making sense. I suggest you learn the foundation. Pay no Mind to all these product launches that offer thousands of ways to make money.

    The truth is... there are THOUSANDS of ways to make money online, just pick one and stick with it!

    Since you are just starting out I suggest you stop spending money online and start reading up!

    *Affiiate Marketing
    * PPC
    *email marketing
    *article marketing
    *social media marketing

    .... once you have learned so much, the dots will begin to connect themselves!
    Best Regards,


    PS: don't forget to give a Thumbs up :]

  10. #80
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ephrath Amin View Post
    Hi Mike, I just bought the "work from no home" system and was told to join a JV sight like this one. I am COMPLETELY new to this. I mean completely, I am 18 years old and I am waiting to go to university but I want more from life than a Chemistry degree.. I am willing to put in the hours and effort and reading your comment has motivated me so much to work for it.
    Also, have you heard of the WFNH system? Could you give me a little thumbs up or down about it? I am actually enjoying it so far though.

    ephrath I have heard of the system, if I am not mistaking... that product was created by My Friend Peng-Joon. But I have not purchased it personally.

    Did You enjoy the product?
    Best Regards,


    PS: don't forget to give a Thumbs up :]

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