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Thread: New member with (likely) a silly question

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    New member with (likely) a silly question

    Hi all,

    Now I'm just a random dude whose only IM experience is from making a few product info / review websites, doing SEO, and finding affiliate programs to link to. I have no email lists or any real contacts. I've only been doing this for about 1 month too However, I'm doing it full time, have learned a heck of a lot in a short period of time, and am willing to put in whatever effort it takes!

    But...correct me if I'm wrong...from reading a lot of the intro threads, it sounds like this forum is designed for two types of people:

    1. People who need help promoting / marketing their own products
    2. People who have email lists with thousands of contacts to act as "affiliates" for the product creators

    Since I don't fit into either of those categories - I'm just here to help promote products by making sites, videos, writing original content, and possibly doing interviews - should I go away? Or is there a place here for folks like myself? Any suggestions?
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  2. #2
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: New member with (likely) a silly question

    Hey Kane,

    This is not a silly question at all. In fact, it's awesome that you have asked it because we do get a lot of people who don't belong (i.e. viagra bots, complete newbies who don't know what a JV is).

    From the sounds of it, you do belong here. We have a mix of stuff to promote here, from guru products to ground floor opportunities to up'n comers.

    JVNP is a great place to ask questions, but might not be a place for complete newbies who have yet to learn the fundamentals of IM. A better place to learn that stuff (and to ask about it) is the Warrior Forum. If you're not on there yet, get there!

    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Re: New member with (likely) a silly question

    Hey, Kane ... Curtis beat me to it, and he's right.

    JVNP is all about learning, growing and prospering mutually through networking, building and nurturing relationships, and using Joint Ventures as a vehicle to get where we want to be, mutually.

    It's not just about endorsed mailing JVs ... we also serve as a platform for marketers, techies, graphic artists, webmasters, affiliate managers, etc. to get together for mutual benefit. Endorsed mailings are a popular way to JV, which is why you see more of it ... but it's far from the only thing available here.

    We also have a number of highly successful search engine marketers here ... so once again, 'big list' owners are not the only popular folks around here.



  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: New member with (likely) a silly question

    Ok thanks guys, I feel like I'm less of an intruder now ;D
    I'm going to keep reading and see if I can be of help to anyone who's launching a new product.

    I'm a newbie as far as "calendar days experience" in IM, but not as far as "skills acquired", in my own extremely biased opinion...haha. I've think I've got a real handle on SEO now and am ranked in the top 10 results in Google for my primary keyword phrases without quotes on 3 of my sites. I know that's not a real accomplishment for many of the guru's in IM, but for me I think it is!

    I really find everything related to IM extremely interesting, especially the "science" behind Google's mysterious ranking system. Being an engineer by trade I love finding niche areas and calculating the probability of keyword phrases being "worthy". Some people may hate the research phase when branching out into something new but I sure don't

    PS. Yes Curtis, I'm a Warrior Forum member - the first place I signed up! I've learned A LOT from there. Even purchased a few ebooks and WSO programs; all extremely informative.
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