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Thread: Chris Cobb & Saj P. - CPA Arbitrage JV Invite, More.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up

    Chris Cobb & Saj P. - CPA Arbitrage JV Invite, More.

    Before you curse the day I was born for not only permeating
    the sanctitude of your Saturday activities with a weekend
    mailing ... but mailing 2 DAYS IN A ROW (that was honestly
    Alex Goad's fault ... even if it's not, he can't write back ...
    so I'll blame him, anyway. ) we've got a Too Late For
    Primetime, exclusive JV invite from fellow JV Notify Pro
    Partners Chris Cobb & Saj P., A Word From Mike, Buzz
    Builders, and more ... in today's don't hate me cause I'm
    dutiful edition. Enjoy The Rest Of The Weekend!

    - Mike

    Chris Cobb & Saj P. - CPA Arbitrage JV Invite
    Launch Day: Tuesday, April 28th 2009 - 12PM Noon EST

    600,000+ good reasons why you need to read this one...

    Hey there, Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner ... Chris Cobb, here
    ... and I've got something for you today - not just an
    awesome product to promote ... much, much more than that!!

    But, if you don't know me ... here's some background
    info first ...

    I started online about 4 years ago - focusing mainly on
    UK markets and products. I then hit the ClickBank scene
    with "DuvetDollars" - some 2 years ago - which showed
    people how to attack any niche market using AdWords...

    And in this product we also had a little bonus chapter -
    deep within - which detailed how people could also profit
    from the CPA networks!!

    Much to our surprise, this is where a lot of our customers
    started to hit it BIG TIME... and some even started to make
    more money than us in the world of CPA ...

    Now, to cut a long story short (my coffee is already going
    cold here!), at the time of DuvetDollars we were trying out
    CPA - on a very small scale.

    BUT... because of the testimonials, feedback and ego-
    bashing that I took ... I dived into CPA in a very big way.
    and have been doing nothing but CPA Marketing since.

    In fact, my AdWords account is NO MORE and I've pulled
    in over $1 million using AdWords!!

    Yep, it's that good...

    And, what's more, I'm now going to show you guys and
    your list how to do it too...

    We have some killer proof vids, some intro e-books
    and I'm still shooting vids from all over the world that
    make up the recurring product.

    Let's Talk Money: 60% commissions on both front-end
    and recurring product. The recurring is where you'll
    make a lot of money because we pre-sell the next vid
    in each vid we shoot and we also promote this as a
    direct up-sell on purchase and also through the
    download page and our buyer auto-responder series.

    We have already soft-launched this as a test and you
    won't be disappointed with either the product or the

    600,000 Reasons: OK, I'm sure you've guessed by now,
    but that's how big my Biz Op list is at the moment and
    for the TOP TEN affiliates for this one I'm going to hit
    their offer with the whole list - TWICE!!

    That's some serious reciprocal promo for you there...

    And I'll also help you to source some leads or even
    customers through the cpa networks if that's the
    route you want to take. We have this hooked up right

    Also, I have a much much BIGGER JV in mind as well,
    but I want to get this one up, running and out of the
    way before we talk about that... It's a biggie and no-
    one is doing it right now!! (I am partnering with Saj P
    on this, and he has also helped me out with this launch.)

    Right, enough from me, that should be enough for all
    the sensible guys to jump on board... As you can well
    imagine we have some big names on board already -
    some you've heard of and most you haven't (from the
    CPA world!!)...

    I know, it's short notice, but we want to hit this
    BIG, hard and fast... and then start working on the
    next JV...

    Sign-up here and let me know if you have any questions
    etc - through the link below - I have 600,000 reasons
    why you need to hit this one!!




    A Word From Mike

    Ode To Frank Kern

    One of the major benefits of being on top of the JV
    Brokering game the last 5 years is getting the chance
    to really know some of the 'Big Boys & Girls' on a one
    to one basis ... though I've had the luxury to work with
    most of the big names, there are a few that stand out ...

    ... Frank Kern is no doubt on the short list.

    I've known Frank since way back when he was taught
    a valuable lesson by the FTC ... even before he was an
    'Underachiever' ... he's come a long way, methinks.

    Frank may come off as a crazy lunatic ... but he really is
    a caring, down to earth guy. Which is why I'm especially
    aggravated that I wasn't able to make it out to his latest
    Mass Control event at the Hard Rock in San Diego this
    weekend ... if you made it there, curse you! LOL

    Seriously ... one of Frank's close friends, Jeff 'Herschy'
    Schwerdt, IS out there with him right now ... while also
    gearing up to relaunch his popular Quick Video Marketing
    promotion on Thursday, May 7th 2009 @ 3PM, EST

    As someone lucky enough to call both 'The Big Kern-Huna'
    and 'Herschy' friend ... I'd like to invite you to participate
    in Jeff's upcoming launch:


    Even Uncle Frankie and Herschy couldn't book a regular
    slot in time - we obviously don't play favorites, here.

    That's All Folks ... have a great weekend!



    Buzz Builders

    Dave Guindon - Exit Splash JV Invite
    Launched Just This Past Tuesday ... April 21st, 2009

    Dave Guindon here, and super-excited to share my new
    product ... "tiny but powerful web script" - Exit Splash

    As many already know I am the "Virtual Smart Agent"
    guy that has been secretly paying affiliates $1000's in
    commissions every month, not too mention crankin a
    quarter million for the launch.

    Well ... I am up to my old tricks again with a new
    tiny product that targets anyone selling anything
    from a website!

    Exit Splash is a small but incredibly powerful script
    that gives you the ability to monetize from your
    website(s) exit traffic ...


    Mark Ling - AffiloBlueprint JV Invite
    Prelaunch Commenced April 14th until April 28th
    Launch Day: Tuesday 28th April 2009 6pm EST

    In the AffiloBlueprint course, I show both new and
    advanced affiliates how to go from scratch to making
    $500 a week in a niche market of which I had no prior
    knowledge. The process took a few months, and during
    that time, my students watching along got their own
    sites up and running and making hundreds of dollars
    a week too. I left nothing off camera (including graphic
    design, uploading site to the internet, link building -
    everything). Our product is extremely reasonably
    priced for launch at only $197.00 (it could easily have
    been $1000+) and is $100 cheaper than the first
    version launched last November, which converted like

    Here are the important launch details......


    Alex Goad - Google Conquest 2.0 JV
    Prelaunch Begins: Tuesday, April 28th 2009
    Launch Day: Tuesday, May 5th 2009 - 12PM Noon EST

    The time has come for a Conquest Relaunch:

    When I launched this back in November we completely
    sold out and affiliates made off with over half a million

    Those who cookied leads in prelaunch made up to and
    over 50$ per optin.

    Net conversions where in the 3% range paying $500
    commissions and 50% of $97 recurring monthly.

    5 months later, 63% of those members are still
    onboard (and affiliates are still collecting hefty

    Just skip over to this video and info page to get the full
    lowdown on how you can take part ...


    Jeff Czyzewski - Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0 JV
    Prelaunch Begins: Thursday, May 14th 2009
    Launch Day: Wednesday, May 20th 2009 - 12PM Noon EST

    It's Jeff Czyzewski, again, and I'm ready to shake things
    up once more with Clickbank Bonus Domination 2.0

    It's been 4 months since the initial launch of Clickbank
    Bonus Domination and we have been steadily churning
    out new customers and have been the catalyst for
    several knockoffs.

    Clickbank Bonus Domination was the original Bonus
    Delivery System and now on May 20th, Version 2.0
    launches and it's bigger, badder and has more features.


    Michael Cheney - Delta Squadron JV Invite
    Prelaunch Begins: Monday, May 11th 2009
    Launch Day: Thursday, May 21st 2009 - 12PM Noon EST

    ** Killer Commissions x 7 **
    You're getting paid one-off lump cash and recurring CASH
    on SEVEN different commission streams

    ** Click Me Baby One More Time **
    You can make $422 per sale from easy, irresistible
    one-click upsells that will convert like crazy

    ** Crazy Conversions **
    You'll witness OBSCENE conversions as the proof-packed
    prelaunch primes prospects. You'll never make easier
    sales as the "high ticket style" prelaunch with full content
    videos and reports whips prospects into a buying frenzy!

    ** Unprecented Prelaunch **
    Kicking off with a 30-page controversial report and then
    SIX content-packed videos shot in Las Vegas, Paris,
    Amsterdam, Manchester United Football Club and Delta
    Squadron HQ in Scotland!




    Michael Jones, Da Genius, Alan Tedman, Chris DJK
    & Andrew Fox, Tristan Bull, Heather Vale Goss,
    Anik Singal & Mike Filsaime, Craig Beckta, and
    other fellow JV Notify Pro partners are waiting
    in the wings ... keep your eyes on your Inbox,
    and follow the action in the archives:



    What's Happening @ JV Notify Pro?

    JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles


    JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements


    Submit Your Joint Venture Marketing Articles


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    PROVIDE JV Related Services



    Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule ...

    "Get behind your partner's launches as passionately as
    you'd like your partners to get behind yours ..."

    Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
    up that you'd like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
    partners to get behind"

    Note: That DOESN'T mean 'I found your name in the
    search engines', 'read about you in a forum', 'was
    referred to you by So and So', etc., decided it was
    perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
    register, and request a premium mailing ... all in 15

    It means you've been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
    actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
    wait your turn ... it's not about you, it's about US.

    Please read this thread before you request a mailing ...



    That's All, Folks!

    To OUR Success,

    Mike Merz

    RSS - http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/

    The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
    you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
    therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
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    The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
    JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
    that have presented them to us ... and are not those
    of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.

    Participate at your own risk.

    JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
    ... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
    occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
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    the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
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    Powered By http://www.JVListPro.Com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up

    Re: Chris Cobb & Saj P. - CPA Arbitrage JV Invite, More.

    Quick Update To The Quick Video Marketing Relaunch ...

    Jeff Schwerdt is moving back from May 7th to May 5th to stay out of John Reese's way, and has just gone into prelaunch ... so please update your calendar.

    Jeff Schwerdt - Quick Video Marketing Relaunch

    Prelaunch Has Commenced ... You Can Mail Now.

    Launch Day Is Tuesday, May 5th 2009 @ 3PM, EST


    - Mike

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