JVManager uses javascript to cope with this problem
and allow affiliates to direct users to any page on any server.
The admin of the affiliate program needs to insert a piece of
code in EACH page that participates to the affiliate program
and ALSO parse all links that lead from one page to another
through this js code.
Additionally, a certain way is used for adding the ID of the
affiliates inside aweber, so once a user subscribes with
the newsletter/course, ezine or anything, THROUGH an
affiliate then his/her ID is included to all follow up messages
for any product the admin mentions inside those messages
given that -as said- all pages are tied together.
You can see how this works, by visiting
You can see the form there and you subscribe through your
ID then you will get my message with your ID in it.
Then you can see that Turbo Membership is promoted
through the thank you page. If you follow that link and click
the order link in the TM then you can see your ID in the link too.
This is how it works with JVManager.
JVM2 will be even more flexible.
John Delavera