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Thread: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    This is my first day on JVNotify and although I'm experienced in solo IM, JV is new to me. I am just wondering, how much pre-launch hype is necessary for a clickbank launch to be successful? What exactly goes behind the scene between publishers and powerful JV partners?

    Just wondering....thanks in advance.

    Meditation Audio Course<br />$100 Launch Bonus for the first affiliate who makes the 10 sales. Currently paying $33/sale (75%)<br />http://tinyurl.com/8qf3ee

  2. #2
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    If you really want a BIG buzz in your product launch, then you have two chances if this is your first launch.

    1) PPC (in terms of thousands)
    2) JV with Gurus

    But for a newbie getting JV with gurus is nearly an tuff one. But an appealing offer can get some gurus to accept you JV invite.

    Remember you are in a JV forum so you can get some good JV partners in this forum.

  3. #3
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    Hey, Sam.

    I'm thinking you're not getting much feedback on your query because it's too general.

    There are dozens of things you have to put into place over time to have a successful JV fueled launch of any kind ... please focus on specific areas.



  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    Hey Sam,

    Just wanted to add a quick thought here.

    Instead of thinking about it as "pre-launch hype" I like to think about
    it as Pre-Launch Value. Think about how much value you can put
    out during the pre-launch stage, whether that be PDF's, content-
    packed videos, etc...

    The pre-launch stage can last anywhere from a week to a month.
    There's really no set timeframe.

    But keep in mind that we're living in what Rich Schefren refers to
    as the Attention Age. If you want to garner that attetion, you've
    got to provide mind-blowing content. If you're not providing value,
    then you've already lost the game.

    However, on the flip side, if you truly focus on providing tremendous
    value, you'll be surprised at just how much opportunity comes your

    Hope this helps!

    - Kim

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    Nice follow up, Kim.

    Methinks Sam meant 'buzz', not 'hype' ... hopefully.



  6. #6
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    Hey Sam,

    I am going to venture a guess and say the "buzz" could amount to the difference between a $5000.00 profit launch to a $35000.00 launch.

    Or for a better more concret example. My friend Dave launched his product with over 100 JV partners and earned 265K within 25 hrs.

    So I don't want to dwell on the money aspect but more importantly the relationship side of creating these partnerships and being able to offer some value and to echo what Kim has outlined already.

    Take Care
    A Short URL Service Specifically For Marketers

  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    I have a question, as I am very new to this great forum.

    when some big JV partners post projects here, they provide
    with email addresses for contact about the projects.

    But am I going to be considered as a spammer
    if I use that email to contact them for future JV personally?

    Just to confirm.
    my new personal blog :<br /><br />http://mawardee.com

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: How much pre-launch hype is necessary?

    When marketers freely give out their contact info, that means that they want to be contacted. I've contacted a few well-known marketers via their personal emails and they've always been friendly and eager to help. So no, that's not spam. I would not ask to JV with them though...you would need a much deeper relationship to do that.

    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager

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