My name is Crys.
The past three months I have been learning the ways of the affiliate.
I'm 19 & live here in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico.
My name is Crys.
The past three months I have been learning the ways of the affiliate.
I'm 19 & live here in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico.
This is a place that was recommended by a well known marketer and now I see why. What a great place to learn and meet like minded marketers. Thanks for the acceptance into the circle.
A newbie of two years learning the tools of IM <br />My first e-commerce site needs help. Please critique<br /><br />an Amazon Store
Hi, My name is Dylan Kruse been doing IM for quite some time and hope to make new friends and maybe some partners.
Hi, 8)
Obviously joined looking for possible JV's :o ;D ... Arrived through a google search.
Been working online now for about 5 years, my first ever and main site is a niche travel business - since then have developed some other sites and recently got interested in internet marketing.
Frankly though, I seem to be good at getting my sites (static HTML) on Google first page but through my inexperience in IM have not been very successful in monetizing them :... (exception being my main niche travel site)...
My pre-internet life was copywriting and some marketing, although I guess I haven't as yet adapted my previous marketing experience to online activity - save the ability to get sites well placed in SERPS.
The ideal JV for me would be to hook-up with an experienced internet marketer - I will handle getting the site or page on page 1 and my JV partner can monetize it... ;D :o
Just some quick personal info: I'm originally from the UK but now live in Brazil.... 8)
Hi there all and Mike Merz,
My name is Tim Carver from the UK.
Congratulations on a get website, can’t wait to work with some of the people here.
hi guys..
Im Bob from Malaysia. As a newbie, i hope i can learn from the expert on how to earn some xtra money from the internet..i just dunno where to start :'(
Crys, Les, Dylan, Jimbo, Tim & Bob ... welcome to JVNP.
Call me biased, but I think you'll like it here.
Hi guys,
JP Wilson here. I first joined this site back in March of 2008 (... that's right, a full year ago).Although I was no stranger to entrepreneurship at the time, I was a relative newbie to the online marketing world and, to be perfectly honest with you, felt quite daunted by it. During the past 13 months however, I've bought, reviewed, and put to use dozens upon dozens of products and training programs (some dumpster dirt, some simply amazing) and amassed what I feel to be a pretty holistic marketing education. This site and posts by guys like Mike Merz and Charles Kirkland have been absolutely essential in helping me along my online marketing journey and I’d be more than remiss if I didn't say thank you.
When I first joined this community I didn't feel like I could contribute much, if anything to the forum, which is why I held back from participating for so long. Now, I feel like it's somewhat of a responsibility for me to give back as much value as I've received from this network of friendly and talented people, which is exactly what I intend to do.
Along with my online marketing endeavors, I also own and operate a successful offline sales agency and am considered to be somewhat of an expert in the art & science of sales training. I look forward to forging and strengthening relationships with each and every one of you and if there's anything I can do to help with your business-building efforts (online or offline), please feel free to let me know.
All the best,
“A man can do no more than he thinks he can, but he usually does less then he thinks he does.”<br />-Anonymous
Hi all, My name is Andrew Parks aka "Axis"
I found this site today by doing a search on google for "JV Partners" or "Affiliate Notifications"
something like that.
Most success I have had in the past has always been with getting the early notifications for JV's, this looks like a perfect site for that, I have been on the WF for years.
My name is Andrew Parks aka "Axis"
I have been making money online since the early days, does the word "bbs" mean anything to you?
If so you know it was along time ago. ;D
So bottom line, I am here to get in on JV's early, look forward to working with some of you folks.
Andrew Parks <br />aka "Axis"
hi my name is caroline, I have been exploring internet marketing for a couple of days. I am at the beginning of my online business and i hope to find a perfect jumpstart for my future business potential.