Welcome to JVNP, Kristen ...

I've actually been working with Natalie and Glen for many years ... we've announced a number of Mind Movies launches on JVNP.

I'm looking forward to continuing the tradition by working with you, as well.


Mike Sr

Quote Originally Posted by Kristen Nevins View Post
Hello everyone!

My name is Kristen, and I am the JV Manager for Mind Movies

Mind Movies was co-founded by Natalie and Glen Ledwell in 2007 and offers a range of personal growth tools and programs to help people live happier, healthier and more successful lives.

We pride ourselves in having the best conversions around and constantly optimize our sales funnels to ensure that affiliate partners who promote for us, make great commissions.

We’re always looking for awesome partners to add to our affiliate family, so if you think you might be a match, I'd love to hear from you!

We also…

• Pay out 50% commissions on all sales, up-sells and follow-ups…
• All of our active JV partners are paid out “LIFETIME” on their leads - meaning you’ll receive commissions for any purchases your leads make, forever!
• Make timely payments on the 15th of every month via PayPal
• Have solid content-heavy mailing sequences that consistently bring in EPC’s of $1+ for our partners

I look forward to networking and interacting with all of you - feel free to shoot me an email to jv@mindmovies.com at any time if you'd like to discuss opportunities for us to partner together!

To our most abundant successes,

Email: jv@mindmovies.com