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  1. #2161
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Michael.

    Just a little tip for future reference ... when you're looking for new affiliates and JV Partners to promote an upcoming launch, always start getting the word out a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks in advance of launch. Less than that, and you're not giving yourself the maximum window of opportunity to get to know the prospective partners, and for them to know you and what you're offering, as well as give the bigger partners a chance to book mailings (most schedule promo spots a month or more in advance). Too long in advance is not always good, either, as it may be difficult to hold their attention and keep them obligated longer than 6 weeks.

    I have found over time that 4 to 6 weeks in advance is optimal, though the best time to win over JV Partners may actually be when you have no launch for them to support at all, and they need your support for their launch. Taking the first leg of a potential reciprocal is a great way to make a partner feel obligated to support you.

    For years I've recommended that creating and nurturing JV relationships be part of your regular day to day business ... not just when you have something you want them to promote.


    Mike Sr

  2. #2162
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    Hello fellow JV aficionados ,

    My name is Bryan Zazz. I am a technical entrepreneur: meaning I'm an entrepreneur which can also code ... I know: isn't my life exciting? Over a year or so ago (March 2011 to be exact), after going through a course on the topic "how to market software", I started developing what turned out to become an internet-marketing platform, which is now ready to be launched. So that's what I'm up to right now. Since we like to label stuff, you can label my stuff alongside Kajabi and OptimizePro - just to give you a "labeling category" to file under (and no, it's not a WordPress plugin, it's actually a competing new platform, though it is not focused on blogging like WP).

    I don't know too much about JVs (I'm more technical than sales guy ... but I need to sharpen my internet marketing skills) besides that it's one of the main reasons why gurus have become "gurus", and that's where the market is.
    This morning I was listening to a WSO/videocourse called blogsToCash in which the author mentions your site (jvnotifypro), so that is what brings me here.

    I did not seriously consider JV before this morning, mainly because I am newbie in the JV field, so my main strategy was to do a WSO on my product (next Tuesday in fact). But now this site seems to open a lot of new possibilities I was not considering before. So glad to be here ... I see Mike is pretty active in this thread, so, although I'd be a bit busy with my launch I mentioned, I hope to be of help to you guys, in my humble capacity. I know how forums work a little, because for the last 2 years I was a moderator on another popular forum focused on Internet Business topic, but my work on my product starved me of almost all my free time, so lately I neglected my tasks on that forum unfortunately. Anyway, I hope to add some value here, because that is essentially the name of the game: add value to the forum, and you will get it back in different forms. Just good Karma ...


    PS. I hope my introductory post does not sound too much like spamming about my product. I'm just so much involved into it right now that it's hard to have an unbiased view. Just to give you an example: yesterday I listen to a private webinar by Eben who is looking to become angel investor/adviser to a new startup (he does help in this way one startup a year, since last 2-3 yrs, and seems to be getting good at it, and it's super cool for him to do this). Anyway, so in this webinar one person asks him: "So Eben, would a new WordPress plugin be the type of project you are looking to invest in. " To which Eben replied (quoting from memory, so this is more or less): "No, I'm not looking for a new WordPress plugin, I'm looking for the next WordPress". So at hearing this my heart skips a beat: "Man, that's what I've been working at for the last year and a half".

    Ok, just saying, I guess I've been too involved in this project for too long and probably need a vacation right now (haha). So my apologies if I sound too spamy in my post. I'll try to moderate my enthusiasm (maybe getting some overdue sleep might help too)...
    Last edited by Bryan Zazz; 09-29-2012 at 06:43 PM.

  3. #2163
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Bryan ... and no need to apologize for being wordy. I get accused of that a lot.

    Funny thing is I either tend to write too little or too much, so I try my best to find a happy medium.

    A simple definition of a Joint Venture might be 2 or more individuals or businesses bringing their individual expertise into an association, sharing risk and reward, while working toward a common goal or set of goals for mutual benefit.

    Taking that into consideration, the JV relationships we recommend creating and nurturing are not necessarily those simply based on the common reciprocal promotion brand of JV that many have come accustom to ... but those that cover the full spectrum of Joint Venture and Strategic Alliance.

    In other words, it's not all about 'you promote mine, then I'll promote yours', but rather 2 or more individuals bringing their unique skill set to the table and working together to reach a common goal. It may well include co-promotion and subsequent reciprocal co-promotion, but may also include contributions ranging from webmastery, coding, graphics, copy writing, setting up the marketing system and payment processing, creating and delivering the product and associated content, prospect + customer support, recruiting affiliates or additional JV Partners, etc. ... anything and everything it takes to develop, promote and deliver the product or service to the end user can be the result of Joint Venture.

    OK ... I'm going to stop here, or I'll go on all day! LOL


    Mike Sr

  4. #2164
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Merz View Post
    'you promote mine, then I'll promote yours'
    that's funny (ok, I was actually thinking about something else, childhood memories ... haha)

  5. #2165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Zazz View Post
    that's funny (ok, I was actually thinking about something else, childhood memories ... haha)
    Nudge, nudge ... wink, wink ... say no more, Bryan, say no more! LOL


    Mike "Not A Show-er" Sr

  6. #2166
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    Hi, I'm Jordan with Jaguar Mobile.

    We're a prepaid cellular phone provider running off of the Sprint and AT&T networks and we're in the midst of setting everything up for our initial launch. We have a reseller program that we're working with right now that's been doing quite well. We'd like to focus a little more heavily on networking with other businesses and marketers to help us build our brand. I've got some background in online marketing myself, so that helps a bit. We're just trying to get in, do it, and do it big ;-)

  7. #2167
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    Hi ALL! I'm Sam, a newbie from east Tennessee, retired from the USPS and wanting to make a go at this internet marketing...

  8. #2168
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    Jordan + Sam ... welcome to JVNP 2.0.


    Mike Sr

  9. #2169
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    Hi, I am Satya a product developer leading a team of developers. I am from India. I am here to launch some Internet Marketing related product launch with building relations with you all.

  10. #2170
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Satya ..


    Mike Sr

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