Hi everybody, this is my first post to introduce myself!
My name is Barry Jones, I am a Hypnotherpist and Life Coach based in the medical centre of excellence in the world ... Harley Street in London.
I own The Harley Street Diet and record and produce numerous therapy CD's, all available as downloads and have a book published called "The Instruction Manual for the Mind".
As good as a therapist as I am .... I am totally crap at marketing myself (as you will see if you visit my websites). So I thought it was time to share the love (and the profits) and jump into the pool where those in the know are swimming!
I hope that this is going to be a wonderful, fun, enlightening and prosperous journey with you guys .... just go easy on me though ... because I have no idea where to start!
A pleasure to be here and I feel that the force is strong lol