We've got a ground floor JV invite from fellow JV Notify Pro
partner Vince Tan, Buzz Builders, and more ... in today's
drop it like it's hot edition.

Vince Tan - BiggestFiresale.com JV Invite - November 18th

Vince, here. How ya doin'?

I'll be organizing the biggest firesale ever at BiggestFiresale.com
and would like to work closely with you.

Here's the details so far.

The Offer
Front End - $97 Collection of over 100 ORIGINAL PAID
Products from Marketers which if they were to purchase it
today separately on respective site it would cost them over
$6,000! And not forgetting NEW PRODUCTS EXCLUSIVE FOR
BIGGESTFIRESALE.COM from several marketers!

Upsell 1 - $67 (OPTIONAL: Additional $37 for DVD + shipping,
$47 for 12 months updates) Collection of over 1,000 Resell
Right Products properly categorised and formatted so that
whoever buys it can easily use them to either resell it and
make 100% profit, use as instant OTO, use as bonus to add
value to their existing offers and many other creative ways.
All are latest products thus the value is HUGE!

Upsell 2 - $67 (OPTIONAL: Additional $37 for DVD + shipping,
$47 for 12 months updates) Collection of over 500 PLR
products properly categorised which they call as their own!
Again many ways to use this and for the price, again
extremely no brainer.

Upsell 3 - $67 (OPTIONAL: Additional $37 for DVD + shipping,
$47 for 12 months updates) Collection of over 200 Video
products. Everything that has video is all in it. They would
love to have this as you know everyone loves video! And
whats more if they can resell them or use them to create a
members site, or just giving their subscribers more value.

Backend 1 - $47 (OPTIONAL: Additional $37 for DVD +
shipping) Collection of over 100 Software products

Backend 2 - $47 (OPTIONAL: Additional $37 for DVD +
shipping) Collection of over 100 Graphics and template

What's In It For You
50% for all offer including the dvd and 12 month updates.
The DVD production and shipping will come from our half.
Thats a potential commission of $382.50 per customer!

The previous firesale I organized converted 8% on the
front end offer and 40% on the OTO (this time there's 3
upsell plus its a 1click upsell) ! I would expect this time
to be much higher!

So if you send in 1000 visitors, here's how the figures
would work out

80 front end sales @ $97 x 50% = $3880
32 Upsell 1 sale @ $67 x 50% = $1072
12 Upsell 2 sale @ $67 x 50% = $402
5 Upsell 3 sale @ $67 x 50% = $167
Total upfront commission = $5521

Thats a total potential commission of $5521 for every
1000 visitors using very conservative numbers!

Cutting Edge Technology

My in-house development team have developed the
next generation internet marketing platform over the
last 15 months and have tested it thoroughly before
putting them on for BiggestFiresale.com

We are incorporated the 1-click upsell technology to
ensure highest conversion rate for the upsells. In my
previous firesale we did 8% conversion on front offer
and over 40% on the upsell. This time around we are
very confident of breaking that benchmark and I believe
looking at the offer you would agree. We have a payment
processor in place and a backup payment processor

Sign Up Link

I'm looking forward to working with you!


Vince Tan

Owner Profile
Vince Tan is a full time marketer and featured World
Internet Summit Speaker.

He went from zero to speaking on stage at WIS in
less than 12 months and his first firesale did $69,000
in 7 days.

This time around he is going to try to achieve 6 or
even 7 figure with ZERO dollar!


Buzz Builders

Michael Rasmussen - Get More Buyers JV Invite
- October 28th Launch (TODAY!)

The product is called 'Get More Buyers'. It
teaches you how to pack your list with money
-spending BUYERS (as opposed to the freebie-
seeking subscribers who do nothing but puff
out your list and don't make you any money
at all). It focuses on the top ten strategies
I've figured out over the years that have
allowed me to add 200,000 buyers to my email
list ...


Brian Johnson - SEOPressFormula - November
6th Launch

SEOPressFormula is bound to be a huge
Clickbank seller come November 6th. With
support coming from top JV partners Craig
Beckta, Jacobo Benitez, Bryan McConnahea
and the "Payload" master himself Alex Goad.

Alex has been so enthusiastic that he asked
to announce SEOPressFormula to the JV
Notify community himself, here's Alex ...


Peter Yoon - Affiliate Prophet JV Invite -
November 6th Launch

What makes this offer so unique is that I reveal
everything about my $3,000 a month campaign
including my niche, landing page, keywords, and
even access to my tracking reports. So people
can peek inside and see what a profitable
campaign looks like to follow/duplicate the system.

I launched Conversion Prophet successfully earlier
this year, which was a huge success that resulted
in over $3 per visitor.

Affiliate Prophet is a much improved version of
Conversion Prophet, and will make even more
money for you.


Jeff Alderson & Charles Kirkland - Instant
Software Riches - November 11th Launch

Instant Software Riches is designed for the
Newbie and Immediate marketer by supplying
all the software, source code, sale letter,
graphic and training they need to have their
very own product.

The sales letter was written by Mr. Moneyfingers
himself ... Chris Haddad. Chris writes copy for
the legends of the marketing world like Jeff Paul,
so you know it will convert.


Philip Greenwood - Executive Rockstar JV Invite -
November 11th Launch

The 'Executive Rockstar' career management
course is aimed at junior to mid-level executives,
entrepreneurs and job seekers who want to take
hands-on responsibility for their own continued
SUCCESS - to protect their jobs, preserve their
businesses and find their new 'gig'.

These customers are on EVERY list, and it's their
turn to buy! The marketing is completely in tune
with today's economic conditions, and speaks to
the immediate concerns that everyone is feeling.


Jacobo Benitez - Google Revenge - November
18th Launch.

Google Revenge focuses mainly on a new
process for massive conversions that I've been
testing for almost a year, as well as new tricks
for lowering AdWords bids and lots of other
methods about p.aid and f.ree Google traffic
that I've discovered, tested, and been using to
great success lately.

So now you know what to expect of this launch:
big sales (big commissions) ...



Andrew X & Steven Lee Jones, Avi Frister, Shawn
Casey, Alex Goad, Mike Mograbi, Tellman Knudson,
Tim Godfrey, Carlos Garcia and other fellow JV
Notify Pro partners are waiting in the wings ...
keep your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the
action in the archives:



What's Happening @ JV Notify Pro"

JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles


JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements



Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule ...

"Get behind your partner's launches as passionately as
you'd like your partners to get behind yours ..."

Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you'd like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind"

Note: That DOESN'T mean 'I found your name in the
search engines', 'read about you in a forum', 'was
referred to you by So and So', etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing ... all in 15

It means you've been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn ... it's not about you, it's about US.

Please read this thread before you request a mailing ...



That's All, Folks!

To OUR Success,

Mike Merz

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Participate at your own risk.

JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
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