So glad to see you back in the mix, Jude ... and good to hear that you've got yourself on the right path, as well. I'm looking forward to reading your contributions. Welcome back to JVNP!


Mike Sr

Quote Originally Posted by Jude Dodd View Post
Hello everyone!

A l-o-n-g time ago I came and used JVNotifyPro to gain some affiliates for my first online product: a firesale of a collection of resale rights products. Needless to say the younger me learned a lot since then and no longer wants to just try and make a quick buck, but instead wants to ensure he and his business associates always work towards that Win Win WIN scenario.

I have been dabbling in Internet Marketing almost since the inception of the term, but after spending several thousands of dollars on the promises of quick, overnight riches and getting more and more disgruntled, I changed gears and decided to work as an independent contractor, creating websites, writing content, and creating graphics for other online entrepreneurs. After nearly 15 years of this, I am ready to start building a real online business.

I hope I can offer any help my own experiences have given me, as well as continue to learn more from all of you!

-- Jude --