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Thread: How do YOU "Qualify" your potential JV partner(s)?

  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    South Africa
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    How do YOU "Qualify" your potential JV partner(s)?

    Ok, so I am new to this.

    So green that the paint ain't even starting to dry yet...

    Hence the question:

    Regardless of whether you are a vendor or promoter, how do you decide who you want to work with, or not?

    How does a promoter determine whether any given project will be worth getting into, and whether he or she is willing to trust the vendor, and how does any vendor determine whether he or she can trust the promoter to deliver (and do it ethically)?

    Just wondering how you experienced people keep from getting burned - aside from only working with reputable vendor and promoters.

    (because if that's the only way, newbie vendors like me have NO chance of ever doing a JV - because the only way to build a track record is to build a track record...)

    Your thoughts?


    Looking 4 help to save a project with potential, but 4 which I lack traffic - Limited PLR Club JV Invite

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Hey, Peter.

    There are established, reputable vendors out there that like to put out new products on a regular basis, and will often times be willing to work with a promising new vendor that can come into a JV relationship with a reasonably solid product for equal billing and half the post affiliate profits.

    Or, as I mentioned in my last response, might be willing to add it to their evergreen +/or upcoming launch backend for a lion share of the profits.

    At the very least, you should come out of it with additional exposure, which can provide social proof that may open doors to other JV relationships and increase the overall value of your self and product brand, a new shared subscriber/customer list, and a few bucks ... if all goes well.

    They may even be able to help by providing initial testing of your product with a segment of their audience to see how well it converts and retains, even help you tweak it, if need be.

    I know a few established PLR creators/vendors that might be interested ... feel free to PM me, and I'll see what I can do.

    Have a great weekend!

    Mike Sr

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    South Africa
    My Thumbs Up
    Hi Mike

    Thanx for putting that into perspective for me.

    PM coming up.

    You have a great weekend, too.

    Looking 4 help to save a project with potential, but 4 which I lack traffic - Limited PLR Club JV Invite

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