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Thread: Jeff Johnson - All-New Tube Traffic Secrets 2017 Edition Launch Affiliate Program JV

  1. #1
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    Jeff Johnson - All-New Tube Traffic Secrets 2017 Edition Launch Affiliate Program JV

    Welcome to the JVNP 2.0 Update featuring a JV request courtesy of fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner Jeff Johnson (All-New Tube Traffic Secrets 2017 Edition YT traffic-getting, list building and customer finding training program launch affiliate program JV invite), Buzz Builders (Karl Schuckert + Keith Gosnell - BlogaShop launch, Ryan Coisson + Daniel Audunsson - Infinity Code pre-launch), and More ... in Today's JV with the swingin-est Johnson in the biz edition.

    - Mike Merz Sr

    Jeff Johnson - All-New Tube Traffic Secrets 2017 Edition Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Begins: Wednesday, May 10th 2017
    Launch Day: Monday, May 22nd 2017

    Hey, Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner ... it's Jeff Johnson.

    Fifty-Thousand Dollars in bonus cash and prizes will be up for grabs, including Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars for top the top Affiliate!

    Here’s what I’m talking about…

    It has been almost 4 ½ years since I released a new version of my hottest selling Tube Traffic Secrets™ (my YouTube traffic-getting, list building and customer finding training program).

    However, instead of simply releasing another updated version of the existing product…

    I’m tearing the old one down and completely rebuilding it from the ground up.

    It's the All-New 2017 Edition of Tube Traffic Secrets™, and it's going to be an insanely hot offer.

    Ready to move forward? Jump right over to the Affiliate Registration Page, gain access to your promo tools & more.

    The last launch had 6.67% VSL conversions and an average EPC of $8.42 (which is great for a $497 product) with several Affiliates hitting well over $20 EPC.

    The refund rate has also held steady at well below 10%, which means you get to keep more of the commissions you earn.

    And it has been one of my best-selling training programs so you should be able to make the easy sale (especially during the launch) and grab yourself a big, fat commission check... and hopefully some of the Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in bonus cash and prizes that will be up for grabs... including 25k for the top Affiliate.

    Here's what you need to know for the launch:


    Tube Traffic Secrets™ All-New 2017 Edition.

    Tube Traffic Secrets™ is a private membership site and training program where I teach them how to build a bigger list, get more traffic, and find more customers by tapping into the marketing power of YouTube.


    $497.00 or 3 easy payments of $199.00 each.


    You'll earn 40% on the regular Tube Traffic Secrets™ offer.

    Plus, you'll have the chance to earn additional commissions on the upsells, back-end sales, and even monthly recurring commissions.

    Refund Policy:

    30 Days


    Pre-Launch Starts: May 10th

    Cart Opens: May 22nd

    Here are the facts:

    1. This is the first all-new version of my bestselling Tube Traffic Secrets in almost 4 ½ years, and the market for video marketing and YouTube training is hotter than ever…

    So, demand for Tube Traffic Secrets™ should be hotter than ever, and you should be able to make “the easy sale” (which is always the best type of sale to make).

    2. This product has one of the lowest refund rates of any of my products (or any product I’ve sold as an Affiliate for that matter) which means more money goes directly in your pocket.

    3. This is one of the least expensive products I have ever sold (which may explain why Affiliates have had such great success selling it) … but don’t worry, you’ll still be able to earn big, fat commissions on the front end… plus even bigger commissions on the back end because your Affiliate cookies will also count towards a few of my other higher priced products as well.

    4. You’ll have the chance to earn huge bonuses prizes including everyone’s favorite… cold, hard cash… Fifty-Thousand Dollars will be up for grabs, including Twenty-Five Thousand for the top Affiliate!

    So, if you'd like to promote a proven high-converting offer, and build a long-term mutually beneficial relationship with an Affiliate (me) that has proven his ability to move thousands of copies of high-quality products for his promotional partners...

    I'd love to have you in on the upcoming launch for my All-New Tube Traffic Secrets™ 2017.

    It's easy to get started...

    Simply visit this page, fill out the Affiliate program application, and we'll be in touch.


    Jeff Johnson

    (To access the merchant’s JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more … Click the link in the JV letter above (no log in necessary to access the JV page). Important: The JV offers made available in this newsletter are not for the inexperienced +/or simply curious to participate in. Only experienced, serious affiliate marketers with the proven ability to generate quality leads and convert and retain sales, only … Please! Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.)


    Buzz Builders

    The following Buzz Builders are Premium mailing recipient JV offers made by JVNP 2.0 VIP Partners announced recently in the JVNP 2.0 Update that are either yet to launch, or are still in the pre-launch or launch cycle.

    To access the merchant's JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more ... please click the JV Invite/Page link in the Buzz Builder listings, below.

    Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.


    Sean Donahoe - ProfitBuilder 2.0 Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Launched Just This Past Tuesday, March 28th 2017
    JVZoo Top Seller!

    The last time this launched it generated $850k in sales in just 2 weeks. Even today, this system has generated millions in sales, powers 150k+ businesses and the funnel conversions are STILL 18.18% and has an EPC of $10.54. That's why the new release of ProfitBuilder 2.0, which takes everything to the next level, has affiliates excited and customers desperate to get their hands on this now! Jump on board => Sean Donahoe - ProfitBuilder 2.0 JV page.


    Karl Schuckert + Keith Gosnell - BlogaShop Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Launched Just YESTERDAY Wednesday, March 29th 2017
    JVZoo Top Seller!

    ***** We’re Giving Away $5,000 In CASH with a 2x Multiplier Caveat to $10,000 ***** Join Karl "The SharK" Schuckert and Keith Gosnell in this Revolutionary New, Never Before Seen Shopify Blogging Builder and WordPress Plugin! Launching March the 29th at 11:AM EST - OPTIMIZE, RANK AND PROFIT YOUR CUSTOMER'S STORES! Karl Schuckert + Keith Gosnell - BlogaShop JVpage.


    Ryan Coisson + Daniel Audunsson - Infinity Code Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Commenced Just YESTERDAY Wednesday, March 29th 2017
    Launch Day: Tuesday, April 4th 2017
    Proven High Ticket Product = Big Affiliate Commissions!

    $100,000 prize pool. $748/sale commissions. The Infinity Code is the NEW way of selling on Amazon that takes advantage of the “blue ocean” of opportunity that has come about from the seismic shift in the way that Amazon works. Our last two eCommerce launches have both done 7-figures in sales and this one is going to be our biggest ever! Ryan Coisson + Daniel Audunsson - Infinity Code JV page.


    Michael Cheney - Commissionology Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Launch Day: Tuesday, April 4th 2017 @ 9AM EST
    JV with Perennial JVZoo Top Seller Board Dweller Michael Cheney this April - No Foolin'!

    Cheney's back with another sure-fire winner - Commissionology; This bad boy pays you up to $157.50 commissions, 100% commissions on all upsells, a $5,000 Top #1 JV Prize and $10,900 up for grabs in cash and prizes. Get signed up for this April 4th launch here => Michael Cheney - Commissionology JV page.


    Suzanna Theresia + Neil Napier - InstaSuite 2.0 Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Begins: Sunday, April 2nd 2017
    Launch Day: Wednesday, April 5th 2017
    6-in-1 Marketing Application, $40K+ in Prizes, and up to $840+ Per Sale!

    InstaSuite 2.0 is poised to be one of the biggest, most exciting, most JUICY launches of the year, and our price points never looked so “cheap” with all of the value, and tools we’re giving away. Be ready to see commissions and prizes fall in. This is THAT type of launch. Suzanna Theresia + Neil Napier - InstaSuite 2.0 JV page.


    Anthony Morrison - Fan Page Domination Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Begins: Monday, April 10th 2017
    Launch Day: Tuesday, April 18th 2017
    Proven High Ticket Launch = Big Affiliate Commissions!

    Attention: Anthony is Using Brand New CRM Software for this Launch => Please Register as an Affiliate in the New System!

    We’ve Cracked the Code to Getting Fan Pages to go Viral ... The Biggest Launch of my Marketing Career! HUGE Commissions ($798.80 Per Sale)! $50K Sales Contest - $20K Leads Contest - $100K in Total Launch Contest Prizes! Anthony Morrison's Affiliate Registration Page link.


    Russell Brunson - ClickFunnels - Expert Secrets Book Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Pre-Launch Begins: TBA
    Launch Day: Tuesday, April 18th 2017
    Your Early Bird Invite into what is Sure to be one of the Biggest Launches of 2017!

    Russell's first book, 'Dot Com Secrets', has sold over 100,000 copies and has literally become the Bible for how to create sales funnels ... He feels his new book, 'Expert Secrets', will change more lives faster than anything he's done in the past, and he's sure that it will surpass the 100K mark ... but he needs your help! ClickFunnels Affiliate Registration => Russell Brunson - ClickFunnels - Expert Secrets Book Launch Affiliate Registration Page.


    T Harv Eker - Harv Eker International - Zero To Multi-Millionaire Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Launch Day: Monday, April 24th 2017
    “Study Harv's Work As If Your Life Depended On It ... Financially It May!” Anthony Robbins

    In the Zero to Multi-Millionaire web class, Harv shares his 6 proven principles that make the difference between getting rich and staying middle class or broke. And we'll be offering our highest converting product… Million Dollar Business Secrets, which is converting at an average of $2.13 EPC, but we're expecting that number to be much higher for our launch. T Harv Eker - Harv Eker International - Zero To Multi-Millionaire affiliate registration.


    Anik Singal - Lurn Insider Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
    Launch Day: Tuesday, May 2nd 2017
    Over 13 years in the business + $100MM+ worth of products sold online = a Team you'll want to JV with!

    Give your list a break from high ticket and do some good Lurn Insider has all the tools, know how and support required to build a successful affiliate marketing business and grow it. Up to $300 commission per sale ... PLUS lifetime recurring commission! Over $50K in launch time JV Prizes >>> including a Ford Mustang! Anik Singal - Lurn Insider JV page.


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    JVNP 2.0 New Affiliate Program Launch Announcements

    Les Brown and other fellow JVNotifyPro 2.0 partners are waiting in the wings ... keep your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the action in the JVNP 2.0 Premium VIP JV Announcement archives.

    Martin Crumlish + YMB Properties, Dr Amit Pareek, Kenny Tan, Tom Yevsikov, Gaurab Borah + Muhammad Azhar, Eric Holmlund + Jeff Alderson, Devid Farah, Austin Anthony + Firas Alameh, Jani G, Shreya Banerjee, Valerie Duvall, Jeng Cua, Andy Black, James Edward, Mo Miah, John Gibb + Ricky Mataka and other Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partners have active listings on the JVNewsWatch Launch Calendar, gathering JV Affiliate Partner prospects on autopilot …

    JVNewsWatch JV Product Launch Calendar


    Popular Evergreen Mid To High Ticket Webinar Based Promotion Affiliate Program JV Invites*

    Adam Short + Robert Mclees – Niche Profit Full Control Evergreen JV Invite

    Damien Zamora – Go Mobile Solutions – Video Edge Pro Evergreen JV Invite

    Eben Pagan – Digital Product Blueprint Evergreen 2017 JV Invite

    Minesh Bhindi – Gold & Silver For Life Evergreen Webinar JV Invite

    * Experienced, Proven Successful Affiliate Marketers, Only, Please!



    The new product launch and evergreen affiliate program JV offers advertised on JVNP 2.0 and the JVNW Calendar are meant for experienced Affiliate Marketers.

    If you have little to no affiliate marketing experience, we feel it would be most beneficial for you to complete the following JVNP 2.0 recommended Free Affiliate Marketing Training.


    That's All, Folks!

    To OUR Success,

    Mike Merz Sr
    JVNotifyPro Joint Ventures

    AWeber/JVListPro Archives - RSS



    As stated during the registration process, you are receiving the JVNP 2.0 Update Newsletter as a perk for being an active JVNP 2.0 Partner.

    JVNP 2.0 Updates are mailed no more than 3 times a week, usually on Tuesday, Thursday + occasionally on Saturday.

    The JV Offers announced in this newsletter are paid advertisements. The opinions expressed are those of the Merchant, not JVNotifyPro. Participate at your own risk.

    Powered By JVListPro/AWeber Email Marketing Software

  2. #2
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Nov 2016
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    All the best for your launch Jeff! Will also take a look on this.
    Your Breakthrough Guide To Design Your Future!
    Jeng Cua

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