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Thread: 1WebPromote JV Invite, More.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    My Thumbs Up

    1WebPromote JV Invite, More.

    We've got an exclusive JV invite from fellow JV Notify Pro
    partner Raam Anand, a word from Mike, Buzz Builders,
    and more ... in today's all for 1, and 1 for all edition.

    Raam Anand - 1WebPromote JV Invite

    Hi, Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner.

    Raam Anand, here ... and hope everything is well :-)

    On the lines of my highly successful SERVICES package at
    Traffic-Sales-Profits.com, I've launched another BRAND
    NEW Service that pays you up to $149 every month for
    each signup.

    Co-Branding -- It's like your own, high-paying BACKEND!
    I will setup a separate sub-domain with YOUR picture and
    title on the sales page. My staff will take care of order
    processing, support and services.

    I'd like your help in letting your members learn about this
    new service (yep! it's a SERVICE, again!).

    Here are the details:

    #1. Service - A monthly service for your clients. A team of
    EXPERTS take care of website promotion, SEO, search
    engine marketing, social media marketing, video promotion,
    article marketing, content creation, distribution (too many
    to list here)

    #2. You get $89 to $149 for every signup you refer --
    recurring monthly!

    => Again, you gain -- refer once and get paid each and
    every month, as long as the client stays with us.

    #3. I won't sell directly from the root of the domain. So,
    you don't lose sales. You get your own BACKEND system.
    Your affiliate ID will be hard-coded and cookies are set
    each time.

    #4. Selling is super-easy! I've setup an irresistible offer --
    Your members can signup for the FULL service for just
    $19.95 for the first month (that automatically
    re-bills for subsequent months).

    #5. Here's a preview of your BACKEND (sales) page:

    (you get one like this with YOUR name and picture).

    Next Step:

    Signup for your JV account here:

    As soon as I get your form, I'll ask one of my assistants to
    setup a JV account for you on a separate sub-domain.

    I'll personally email you the details. I hope you'll be a part
    of this JV.

    Thanks in advance for your support.

    All the best,
    Raam Anand

    P.S. There's is no JV/Aff. signup link on the website.

    Please signup here:-



    A Word From Mike

    Due to the end of your product launch squeeze, we've
    simply been inundated with product launches, and
    ... subsequently, JV mailing requests.

    I've tried to do my best to bring as many of them to
    you as possible, but it would simply lead to over load
    and dilution of efforts to run any more editions, or
    squeeze too many announcements into each mailing.

    I have, however, received multiple requests to mention
    Nick Mark's upcoming December 9th launch of Treasure
    Hunt Marketing. Here is the JV registration:


    I've also received a number of inquiries regarding
    John Raygoza's The Truth DVD Series JV, which
    launches today. JV details and registration:


    Unfortunately ... though there are other requests,
    they will either have to wait till the next JVNP
    Update, or be bypassed for now.

    I'm sorry, but I have to think of the partners that
    have followed the correct process, and waited
    patiently for their JV to be announced.

    Till next time,



    Buzz Builders

    Alex Edevane - Yahoo Cash 4 Idiots JV Invite -
    December 1st Launch (Just Yesterday!)

    You might have heard of Alex Edevane, in the
    past year or so he has actually quietly raked
    over 1 Million Dollars selling top notch Clickbank
    products.You can see here why "Yahoo Cash 4
    Idiots" will be one of the best performers (if not
    THE best) for 2008. Take a look at what Chris
    McNeeney had to say about "Yahoo Cash 4 Idiots"


    Fabian Tan - Article Insider Profits - December
    2nd Launch (TODAY!)

    I've spent a lot of time on article marketing tricks,
    tactics and shortcut and now I have created
    "Article Insider Profits". This is a brand new Article
    Marketing guide where customers will discover
    how to use new article marketing techniques to
    conquer their niche, build hyper-responsive lists
    in the thousands from article traffic, create profits
    in the long haul, and much more.


    Chris Freville - Clickbank Inner Circle JV -
    December 3rd Launch (TOMORROW!)

    Your subscribers are going to love you when
    you show them how they can break into the
    Clickbank Inner Circle and JV with the big guys.
    Once they're part of the "inner circle" they're
    never going to want to leave... which is why I
    have made the back-end of C.B.I.C. a monthly,
    ongoing membership.

    Discover why big name marketers such as Alex
    Goad, Chris X from Day Job Killer, Eric Rockefeller
    and Rob Benwell are all set to blast their lists ...


    David Bass - Turn-Key Mentors JV Invite -
    December 3rd Launch (TOMORROW!)

    For this launch we just strapped down Marketing
    Legend FRANK KERN (Mr. Mass Control) to record
    a very personal interview.

    It's a revealing side of one of the world's best
    internet marketers you haven't seen.

    And for those of you that saw us bring in 3/4 of
    a million on the Mind Movies Launch, you know
    people just love Frank's Videos ...


    Bryan Dulaney - Millionaire Membership Blueprint -
    December 3rd Prelaunch, December 10th Launch.

    Bryan Dulaney is a self-made Millionaire who
    spent the last 3 years bringing together buyers
    and sellers through "Virtual Events" and went
    "behind the scenes" for $50M dollar + companies
    to perfect their SEO & Internet Marketing Strategy...

    I am LAUNCHING my brand new Master Blueprint
    called 'Millionaire Membership Blueprint', that
    instructs people Step-by-Step through HIGH DEF
    Videos how to create Membership Sites from Start
    to Finish.


    Eric Rockefeller and Howie Schwartz - Super
    Affiliate Traffic - Prelaunch Date: Nov 24
    Launch Date: Dec 9th, 12pm eastern

    This is a membership where Howie and myself will
    be teaching members the most cutting edge traffic
    and affiliate techniques, it's $77 monthly and will
    include our coaching with videos and pdfs as well
    as 3 or more of Howie's automated software for
    sticking it to Google a keyword research tool, a
    social bookmarking tool, and a few other secret


    Steven Johnson - Affiliate Idol - Launching
    December 15th

    I will touch on the latest techniques that are
    being used to make massive income online ...
    Sales Copy, Graphics & Conversions.

    We have created a super huge 83 part video
    course that is broken down into 5 modules...The
    videos cover touch on almost anything that has
    to do with Internet marketing ... such as PPC,
    affiliate marketing, SEO, List building, PLR, and
    so much more...


    James Yii - The Shortcut JV - January 15th

    The product is called "The Shortcut" and it is
    aimed at newbie marketers that have been
    failing online. The Shortcut is about the
    changing the way a person thinks and help
    them to actually take action on whatever
    they've learnt before.

    The target market, as you know are newbies
    who are having trouble to focus and take
    action (due to the distractions online). I am
    very sure that 8 out of 10 newbies out there
    are suffering from this problem.



    Alok Jain, Alex Goad & Saj P., Shawn Casey,
    Harris Fellman, Mike Mograbi, Tellman Knudson,
    Tim Godfrey, Carlos Garcia and other fellow JV
    Notify Pro partners are waiting in the wings ...
    keep your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the
    action in the archives:



    What's Happening @ JV Notify Pro"

    JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles


    JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements



    Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule ...

    "Get behind your partner's launches as passionately as
    you'd like your partners to get behind yours ..."

    Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
    up that you'd like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
    partners to get behind"

    Note: That DOESN'T mean 'I found your name in the
    search engines', 'read about you in a forum', 'was
    referred to you by So and So', etc., decided it was
    perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
    register, and request a premium mailing ... all in 15

    It means you've been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
    actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
    wait your turn ... it's not about you, it's about US.

    Please read this thread before you request a mailing ...



    That's All, Folks!

    To OUR Success,

    Mike Merz

    RSS - http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/

    The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
    you requested to be on this email list by opting in,
    therefore it is not Spam. Please use the unsubscribe
    link below if you no longer wish to rece.ive these
    mailings, not the Spam button.

    The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
    JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
    that have presented them to us ... and are not those
    of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.

    Participate at your own risk.

    JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
    ... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
    occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
    log, I screw up ... or both. It is done this way to satisfy
    the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
    your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.

    Powered By http://www.JVListPro.Com

  2. #2
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    My Thumbs Up

    Re: 1WebPromote JV Invite, More.

    Signed up at 1webPromote but never received any email??? Checked spam box and don't see any setup/confirmation email either....registered a support account trying to check my status, and did not ever receive their activation email to login...???

    I have been promoting other affiliates but have not yet received such poor service/support as this one

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Re: 1WebPromote JV Invite, More.

    Hi, Raam,

    > > > I am start promoting 1webpromote. And start drawing traffic with my site rank in first page of google. I cannot understand WHY YOU SUDDENLY STOP 1webpromote.com and CREATE SAME WEBSITE AS http://traffic-sales-profits.com/ ????

    Can you explain? I FEEL CHEATED! Please give me good reason.

    I hope Mike can look into this issue as look like we are drawing traffic for free >

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Re: 1WebPromote JV Invite, More.

    Gentlemen ... I've contacted Raam to reply. Have either of you contacted him, personally? If not, I recommend doing so before making public comments ... If so, I'm sure Raam will answer your questions and concerns.



  5. #5
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    My Thumbs Up

    Re: 1WebPromote JV Invite, More.

    Hi, Mike
    Thanks you for prompt reply.
    I not yet contacted him. I was so surprise to see the 1webpromote.com become invalid. As i specially promote this "1webpromote" if he suddenly change the brand, meaning, i waste my effort. That is I worry, i will contact him in personal today.

    Thanks a lot for your great help!

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