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  1. #3121
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    May 2018
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    Hello, My name is Trieu. I just started campaign affiliate that is my passive because I own my time. My experience is only getting the affilate products, using the tracking and promoting it. I work as freelancer. If any mistake my introduction, forgive me because i am so quiet person.

  2. #3122
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    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome to JVNP, Trieu ..


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by Trieu Huynh View Post
    Hello, My name is Trieu. I just started campaign affiliate that is my passive because I own my time. My experience is only getting the affilate products, using the tracking and promoting it. I work as freelancer. If any mistake my introduction, forgive me because i am so quiet person.

  3. #3123
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    hello my name is ashley and im new to all this and im trying to get my links out there to promote but still havent caugh on all they way yet

  4. #3124
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome aboard, Ashley!


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by ashley spiller View Post
    hello my name is ashley and im new to all this and im trying to get my links out there to promote but still havent caugh on all they way yet

  5. #3125
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Fort Myers, Florida
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    Hi, My Real Name iis Lawrence Williams, and people call me Mr. Terpenes, or MrTerpenes. We are really excited to share more than 5 years of research into terpenes with you. Terpenes are everywhere, yet most people never heard of them. Beer is made from terpenes, pine-sol is terpenes, essential oils are terpenes, perfumes are also made with terpenes. While Terpenes give plants their Aroma, they also protect the plants from insects. But what is important for humans is what Terpenes do for us when we use them a natural remedies. Inflamation, being the number one reason we take meds, Terpenes compliment any steps your taking to fight the symptoms of disease. But i love to talk to my customers and figure out the best way we can serve them. so this is a soft intro into Terpenes and what they do. But to really get the most out of our terpenes, contact us so we can guide you when ever you feel lost. Non of our Terpenes have THC/CBD , and are legal in every part of the world. Enjoy the all Natural way to stay healthy with terpenes.
    Lawrence Williams
    Mr. Terpenes
    239 229-1137

  6. #3126
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome to JVNP, "Mr. Terpenes" ... such passion is refreshing, Lawrence.


    Mike Sr

    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrence Williams View Post
    Hi, My Real Name iis Lawrence Williams, and people call me Mr. Terpenes, or MrTerpenes. We are really excited to share more than 5 years of research into terpenes with you. Terpenes are everywhere, yet most people never heard of them. Beer is made from terpenes, pine-sol is terpenes, essential oils are terpenes, perfumes are also made with terpenes. While Terpenes give plants their Aroma, they also protect the plants from insects. But what is important for humans is what Terpenes do for us when we use them a natural remedies. Inflamation, being the number one reason we take meds, Terpenes compliment any steps your taking to fight the symptoms of disease. But i love to talk to my customers and figure out the best way we can serve them. so this is a soft intro into Terpenes and what they do. But to really get the most out of our terpenes, contact us so we can guide you when ever you feel lost. Non of our Terpenes have THC/CBD , and are legal in every part of the world. Enjoy the all Natural way to stay healthy with terpenes.

  7. #3127
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Greetings JV fam. My name is Will Manuel and I've run a pretty successful herbal supplement company that specializes in enhancing libido, energy, focus and reducing stress for men and women. I've been wanting to expand and scale my business with affiliate marketing and I realized I just don't know much about it. I've been told by a very intelligent individual that this is the best place to find the knowledge I'm seeking and make friends with a few great affiliate marketers along the way. I hope I can also add a little value to this community as well. Thanks for having me!

  8. #3128
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    You set high standards which I like, I believe you can only prosper in life with trust honor and accountability, both personally and in business which is what you ask from your affiliates. For that I know I've picked the right company that will enable me to take my 2 new start-ups on the path of success.
    I am looking forward to working with your company.

  9. #3129
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Spain, Malaga
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    Hi everyone

    I'm new here and have heard good things about what goes on here. I have been an IM'er since years but I mainly concentrated on growing my coaching business with helping local and mid-sized companies generate leads. With the result, my business has been expanding faster than anticipated and all is good.

    Enough about me, I'm interested in you. I'd love to build some mutually beneficial relationships here. I would like to offer my help and support to anyone who asks for it. If you're a coach, consultant, or service provider I would be glad to help out in showing you how to generate leads for your business.

    Let me know how I can help you and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.

    Looking forward to learn and contribute to the community.
    Thank you all for reading, here's to a long-lasting success.

    Oliver Momeni

  10. #3130
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Will, Rui, & Oliver ... Welcome to JVNP 2.0!


    Mike Sr

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