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Thread: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

  1. #231
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi everybody,

    My name is Andrew. I love joint ventures and this seems to be the best forum on the subject anywhere. I have heard nothing but rave reviews from the people at the Warrior forum. I just had to sign up and see what all the commotion was about. I can already tell that this forum is a goldmine of incredible information and helpful people. I look forward to posting lots of questions and setting up tons of super profitable JVs. Congratulations Mike on creating this place. You have done a wonderful job.


  2. #232
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi everybody,

    Wow, 16 pages of introductions! It will take me a while to at least skim through it.

    My name is Chris Gozdzik and for the last 10 years I've run a website about dowsing and related subjects.
    I'm expanding my market reach to include self-help and alternative health related subjects and products.

    I see some familiar names (most from the subscriber's side) and looking forward to learn and hopefully be able to contribute a little here.

    I'm in Greenwood, BC, the smallest town in Canada, originally from Poland.
    Quality Dowsing Tools From Europe<br />http://www.diviningmind.com

  3. #233
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Rob, Andrew, Chris ... MAN! LOL

    I can't stay on top of things, at this rate ... but I'm not complaining.

    Welcome, Gentlemen!



  4. #234
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hello everyone!

    As you can see from my username, my name is Mark Daoust. I've been working online for the past 5 years. I affectionately refer to my occupation as being 'professionally unemployed' as most people don't understand how I could possibly earn a living without having a job.

    My first big 'public' success was starting and operating Site-Reference.com. I started that site back in March of 2003 and sold it in August 2006. I learned A LOT from that site and am hoping to take those lessons learned into even greater ventures.

    I am now working on 4 projects. First is AffiliateKB which is sort of like Site-Reference, but more focused. I'm not publishing as many articles, but really focusing in on the quality of articles and the quality of advertisers. There are no forums as opposed to Site Reference because my main goal is to provide resources that people can promote time and time again (AffiliateKB has a rather unique affiliate program). I'm also working on a debt management forum which will have some twists that no one else is doing right now. The third project I am working on is going to be huge, but unfortunately I can't say anything about it.

    Finally, whenever I have spare time (which is never), I'm working on putting together a book on how to properly use articles to market your website. The information goes against what most people would tell you about article marketing and is based on the success I had with Site Reference.

    I hope to be able to help a few people here launch their products - AffiliateKB should be a good resource for that. Right now I am working on getting 15K in 7 Days promoted (just waiting for the site to go live right now) and am looking forward to finding more good products that I can promote.

  5. #235
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hey Mark,

    Let me be the first to welcome you to the forum!

    Looks like you're as busy as I am

    Plenty of helpful information here in the forum, but if you don't find your answer, ask away and someone here will point you in the right direction!



  6. #236
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Thanks Christopher!

    Hopefully I'll be able to provide some help for some people here as well. Soon enough, soon enough.

  7. #237
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    This is Sue of Byenau Marketing. I've been working on-line for a year and a half and currently have many sites up. The main ones are http://www.harvestingtheweb.com (note how my farming background shines thru in that domain name), and http://www.nutritionalsupplementsforhealth.com. For the last 8 months I've been working almost non-stop as a partner on the website http://masterresellrightsblowout.com - that has been quite the learning experience. I started out manning the help desk and moved up to partner status and am now the main copywriter and product developer.

    I'm from the midwest- Iowa- to be exact. Born and raised in Minnesota.

    I'm looking forward to meeting other internet marketers and JV'ing with them. Master Resell Rights Blowout has a lot of opportunities for joint venturing. With our unique products and services, some high ticket, the earning potential is great!!

    cya on the forum,

  8. #238
    Hamida Pall

    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Hi, my name is Hamida, I'm from Ireland, and although I've been browsing the forum for a few weeks this is my first post. I've been involved in marketing for about a year part time and will be going full time from next week, as I've finally been able to resign from my day job ;D. I'm currently working on a membership site which I hope to launch in the next few months as well as a few other marketing projects.

    Anyway, looking forward to getting involved in the forum, have heard great things about this place and hopefully can contribute something as well as learn from others here.


  9. #239
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...


    My name is Charles Kirkland and I’m a nationally syndicated home designer based in South Carolina. As a home designer I mainly get royalty checks from house plans that I have already designed and that are sold in books and magazines.

    This model has fueled my desire to create multiple streams of income and passive income. I am 36 now & I have been using computers and going online since I was 12years old with my high-tech Commander 64. Back then you could dial into your local BB and trade BASIC games and such. Computers and the online world have come a long ways from my early days.

    I started my first success online business in May 1997 and sold it in August1999. In those days Alta Vista and Yahoo were king and traffic was very easy to get. I have since started and sold a number of online business and communities that were very niche focused.

    I have been involved in a number of JV’s but they were all focused in a small niche and the numbers we did dose not even compare to the number you guys do or talk about.

    One of the reasons that I had any success in business is because others have helped me in many ways. I know for a fact no one can be successful on his or her own. It takes the help of a number of people even if others will not admit it.

    Charles Kirkland
    Looking For An Affiliate Program That Really Converts...<br /><br />http://onlineaffiliatecoaching.com/affiliate.htm

  10. #240
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    New Jersey, USA
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    Re: First thing to do -- take 2 minutes and introduce yourself ...

    Mark, Sue, Hamida, Charles ... welcome.

    Chris ... thanks for following up, and Charles ... thanks for jumping right in.

    I'm in the process of changing site hosts ... after which, JVNotifyPro.com should be technically sound for the first time in a while ... cross your fingers, and thanks for your help.



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