Welcome To Today's JVNP 2.0 Update Featuring A JV Offer From
Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner Chris Freville (Limitless Profits JV Invite), A
Word From Mike Sr (Happy Thanksgiving, 30 Day Partnership Drive
Update), Buzz Builders + More ... in Today's Bottomless Bucks Edition.

- Mike Sr

Chris Freville - Limitless Profits JV Invite
Launch Day: Monday, January 9th 2012

Hey, Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner.

It's Chris Freville and the Limitless Profits Team here with news of
a very exciting new launch... quite possibly our biggest one ever.

Limitless Profits is set to break all records and we would love your
help when we launch to the world on Monday, January 9th 2012.




My philosophy is a simple one:

I want you to make a lot of money... because if you make a lot of
money then so will I!

Discover HOW we're going to achieve that for you by watching this
video now...





For those that don't know me yet, in the last 2 years:

- I've had SEVERAL big-hit "millionaire-making" launches.

- I've made my affiliates over $2 million in commissions!

- You promote for me and I will return the favor twice as hard!

Quite simply, I look after my affiliates




Limitless Profits is exactly what the market has been crying out for!

Everything is completely "done for you" meaning anyone can be up
and running raking in affiliate commissions straight out of the box.

This means you truly don't need to own a website, hosting or a
domain name in order to make money. Everything is provided.

The software runs on both Windows and Macs and the viral power
is far reaching to all corners of the internet.




I am passionate about conversions! The difference between a good
launch and a great one is all about... conversions!

So... How can you be sure this WILL be a winner?

#1 Proven Track Record! My team have all been behind several of
the MASSIVE Clickbank launches you've witnessed over the last 12
months. The sales copy, the sales video, the sales funnel, the
offer, the design & graphics... the full works!

#2 Constant Testing and Tweaking! It's true! Past performance does
not guarantee that future performances will be just as successful!
Given the challenges vendors are currently experiencing with
Clickbank and approvals, my team and I are working round the clock
to test, test and test!

Join the group of A-LIST partners already on board for this launch
by signing up here:



Win $10,000 In JV Prizes


Make sure you sign up to Join The JV Party so you get access to the
JV Tools including Swipes, Banners and get all the details of the
$10,000 to be won in JV Prizes.

I shall be in touch soon with more details, but for now please check
out this exclusive invite page and mark the following date in your diary:

==> Monday, 9th January 2012


Thanks for taking the time to read this invitation. Let me know if you
have any questions...

Appreciate your support,

Chris Freville and the Limitless Profits Team

(To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available*)
+ More ... Click The Link Above. *VIP Review Access Will Be Made
Available To VIP Partners That Register To Support This Launch No
Later Than 7 Days Prior To Launch Day.)


*** If You're Having Trouble Logging In, Please Use The Account
Management Center***


***All Other Issues, Please Use The Support Helpdesk***



Editor's Note: For those JVNP 2.0 Partners that don't read the
legal stuff at the bottom of every mailing ...

This mailing contains (a) JV connection request(s) from (a) fellow
JVNP 2.0 Partner(s) that either by themselves, or working with
a fellow partner that has, earned the spot due to content
contribution +/or support of fellow JVNP 2.0 Partners over time.

The JV request is being made by the merchant(s) (or official
representative(s)), NOT JVNotifyPro.com, to you ... the JVNP 2.0

It is expected and recommended that you perform due
diligence when getting involved in any venture that may
affect you, your business, it's prospects and customers.

It's also assumed that, as an Online Business Owner, you're
capable of running your own business using common sense,
logic + exercising personal responsibility.



A Word From Mike Sr

Happy Thanksgiving!

Whether you're celebrating, or not ... I wish you and yours a
Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.

We won't be publishing a Thursday edition this week to allow
our employees time to spend with family and friends.

Novel idea in this day and age, I know ... but I'm an old fashioned
guy, and don't subscribe to 'new' necessarily translating into 'better'.

I'll leave it at that, lest I be shut down by the PC Police for saying
something hurtful.

JVNP 2.0 Partnership Drive Is Going To Be Held Over Through
The Holiday Season. Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving.

Due to the usual year end glut of new product launches, combined
with new purchases of all kinds, both Online and Off, being carefully
considered by prospective consumers thanks to the down economy
... resulting in no one qualifying for the Top 3 Prizes on the 30 Day
Partnership Drive, the Sale Period will be held over till 12/31.

We'll be updating the ad copy and links over the next few days.

We will also being tweaking the copy and landing pages, ongoing,
in an effort to help make it easier for you to convert.

Once again, if you do mail for us ... take into consideration that
simply adding a topic related bonus and a testimonial can make
the difference between converting clicks into sales, or not.

The JVNP 2.0/JVNW 30 Day Partnership Drive
(Held Over Through The Holidays!)


Current Links Of Interest ...

Kenster's WSO Goldmine Article Series - Part 3 Of 3


The New JVNP 2.0 FB Fan Page


My JV Buzz Social Update Mod Beta.


... and thanks, again.

That's All Folks ... Be Sure To Check Out The Buzz Builders Below.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, I'll Be In Touch Again On Saturday.


Mike Sr


Buzz Builders

Michael Edwards + Sean Michaels - Autopilot Income Formula JV Invite
Rolling Launch: Announced - Thursday, November 17th 2011

Michael Edwards & Sean Michaels here ... with an awesome new
product called Autopilot Income Formula.

Our tests have shown a solid 5%+ sales conversion, and you can
make up to $209 per sale with a $1 trial plus $37 Recurring and
3 solid backend upsells.

(To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available*)
+ More ... Click The Link Below. *VIP Review Access Is Available
To VIP Partners That Register To Support This Launch)


Michael Rasmussen + Mike Mograbi - Affiliate Cash Snipers JV Invite
Pre-Launch Commenced Monday, November 7th 2011
Launch Day: Temporarily Postponed - Will Notify Of New Date ASAP

^^Please Note Launch Date Change - Mike Sr^^

Affiliate Cash Snipers it's going to change affiliate marketing forever.

We hired a world class copywriter responsible for multiple #1
Clickbank launches.

You'll earn 50% commission via ClickBank promoting the HOTTEST
next-generation affiliate software and solution.

Between the killer front end and multiple upsells, you can earn
as much as $256 per sale ...

(To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available*)
+ More ... Click The Link Below. *VIP Review Access Is Available
To VIP Partners That Register To Support This Launch)


Charlie Dewitte - InsidersHub - JV Invite
Launch Day: Saturday, December 3rd 2011

Lil' Wayne in a ClickBank Video? On December 3rd, InsidersHub
is THE offer to promote if you want to add a couple of thousand
dollars to your monthly income for LIFE!

HIGH Conversions and virtually NO refunds!?

Mark December 3rd on your calendars!

(To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available*)
+ More ... Click The Link Below. *VIP Review Access Is Available
To VIP Partners That Register To Support This Launch)


Mo Mulla - Auto Affiliate Armageddon JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, January 3rd 2011 @12PM EST

^^Please Note Launch Date Change - Mike Sr^^

On 3rd of January, Mo Mulla is back with a GAME CHANGER.
Looking for HIGH conversions, TOP JV prizes & SOLID products
your subscribers will love you for? Click for more details.

(To Access The Merchant's JV Page, A Link To The Forum Archive
Of The Mailing For Discussion, VIP Review Access (When Available*)
+ More ... Click The Link Below. *VIP Review Access Will Be Made
Available To VIP Partners That Register To Support This Launch No
Later Than 7 Days Prior To Prelaunch/Launch)



Matt Bacak, Jonathan Cronstedt, Brad Callen, Matt Callen +
Dori Friend, Josh Bartlett, Justin Elenburg + Andy Hussong,
Aidan Booth, and other fellow JVNotifyPro 2.0 partners are
waiting in the wings ... keep your eyes on your Inbox, and
follow the action in the JVNP 2.0 Premium VIP JV
Announcement archives:



"Hey, Mike ... I really appreciate the combination of Fellow
Partner + Popular JV Invites you offer in the JVNP 2.0 Update,
but how can I get on board Popular JV launches that are
available to get on board but didn't make the latest mailing
like the highly anticipated offerings from Jeff Walker, Rob
Benwell, David James, Ryan Deiss, Mick Moore + Bill McRea,
Jamie Lewis, 'Lazy' Lee Ford, Fredrik Aurdal, Jeffrey Baxter Jr,
Shannon Clousing and others?"

(Editor's Note: The semi-automated JVNewsWatch Launch
Calendar has been integrated into the JV Launch list on the
www.JVNotifyPro.com homepage. The JV Launch Calendar
is now Powered By JVNewsWatch Technology .. )

Answer: The JVNewsWatch JV Launch Calendar + List



Popular JVNotifyPro 2.0 Links

What Is JVNotifyPro 2.0/JVNewsWatch? (Start Here ...)


JVNP 2.0 Featured Announcements


JVNP 2.0 VIP Partner Private Area


New JV Product Launch Announcements


JVNP 2.0 Joint Venture Marketing Discussion Forums


JVNP 2.0 Job Board - Need/Provide JV Related Services


JVNP 2.0 JV Social Network


JVNewsWatch JV Product Launch Calendar + List



That's All, Folks!

To OUR Success,

Mike Merz

The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
you requested to be on this email list by opting in.
Please use the unsubscribe link below if you no longer
wish to be a JVNP 2.0 Partner, not the Spam button.

The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
that have presented them to us ... and are not those
of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.

Participate at your own risk.

The publicly accessible version of the JVNotifyPro Update
posted on JVNotifyPro.com may include affiliate links that
could result when purchased through in compensation
for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
for the sale as an affiliate partner ... with no further
association to the merchant existing unless otherwise

JVNotifyPro 2.0 Updates are generally mailed twice a week
... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up ... or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.

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