Sim Anahi + Emilis Strimaitis - Massive Auto Traffic JV Invite, More.
We've got an exclusive JV Offer from fellow JVNP Partners
Sim Anahi + Emilis Strimaitis (Massive Auto Traffic JV Invite),
A Word From Mike (JVNP 2.0 Update), Buzz Builders + More
... in Today's Big MAT Attack edition.
- Mike
Sim Anahi + Emilis Strimaitis - Massive Auto Traffic JV Invite
Prelaunch Begins: Friday, May 6th 2011 @ 1PM EST
Launch Day: Monday, May 9th 2011 @ 1PM EST
Hey, Fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner ... it's Sim here!
I'm going to make it short and sweet. Mark your calendar for
May9th, 2011. Here's a short summary of the launch!
-High EPC ($2.03)
-Low Refunds (8%)
-Solid Product
-Up to $204 Per Customer!
-Prizes that will BLOW your minds!
(check out this short video that will explain everything
to you)
Massive Auto Traffic allows the user to bring 100% free
automated traffic from all over the internet to their
websites with just minutes of work. It has been tested
and is proven to make money money.
Your customers will thank and literally *love* you for
sharing something so unique and easily, money making.
We have many big hitters signing up every day and I'd like
to invite you too, to make this launch very successful for
both you and me!
(go here to get all the information about the launch!)
Not to forget, all our top affiliates and JVs will get
our support for their launch.....guaranteed.
Sim Anahi and Emilis Strimaitis
P.S Don't forget to get on the JV Notification List to get
the latest updates on Massive Auto Traffic!
Editor's Note: For those JVNP 2.0 Partners that don't read the
legal stuff at the bottom of every mailing ...
This mailing contains (a) JV connection request(s) from (a) fellow
JVNP 2.0 Partner(s) that either by themselves, or working with
a fellow partner that has, earned the spot due to content
contribution +/or support of fellow JVNP 2.0 Partners over time.
The JV request is being made by the merchant(s) (or official
representative(s)), NOT, to you ... the JVNP 2.0
It is expected and recommended that you perform due
diligence when getting involved in any venture that may
affect you, your business, it's prospects and customers.
It's also assumed that, as an Online Business Owner, you're
capable of running your own business using common sense,
logic + exercising personal responsibility.
A Word From Mike
JVNP 2.0 Update
The popular Murphy's Law rendition ... 'whatever can go wrong
will go wrong' has materialized in the form of putting out
small fires on the road to going Live.
Last night it was a minor server issue that has since been
resolved ... and now MJ is tying up a few loose ends in
JVNewsWatch. Rather than tell you we'll be good to go at any
specific time today ... I'll leave it at sometime today, the
cyber gods willing.
I do thank you for your patience ... and believe you'll think
it was worth the wait once we finally are ready for Prime Time.
Buzz Builders
Steven Johnson + Jani G : Commission Takers JV Invite
Launched Just This Past Monday, April 4th 2011
Commission Takers is an awesome product that
looks, feels and delivers like a solid $497 high ticket
product but instead it is being sold at $39 on the
frontend with 4 MONSTER upsells...
(For Full JV Letter, Registration + Contact Details ...
Click The Link Below)
Kieran G + Ryan Jackson - Xtreme Profit Robot JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Saturday, April 9th 2011
Launch Day: Monday, April 11th 2011
Xtreme Profit Robot is the biggest project I've worked
on so far. Not only should it convert like crazy, the product
is beyond good, with live customer support and more.
Expect crazy CB cash!
(For Full JV Letter, Registration + Contact Details ...
Click The Link Below)
Ryan Moran : eTycoon JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, April 12th 2011
Your list hates building websites, so stop giving them the
same old rehashed information. eTycoon will train your
prospects to BUY income producing websites, sit on their
income, and flip them for even bigger paydays.
It's the fastest way to go from zero to massive profits in
no time flat, and your list will love you for the content.
Promote a launch sequence or a webinar, whatever
responds best with your contacts ...
(For Full JV Letter, Registration + Contact Details ...
Click The Link Below)
Daniel Katz - Mass Traffic Accelerator JV Invite
Launch Day: Thursday, April 14th 9AM EST
Mass Traffic Accelerator blogging software really works
and we estimate Avg. EPC of $3.86.
Killer copy tweaked by Chirs X, unique software concept,
Up to $219.60 commission per customer, 2 targeted
Upsells, personalized support (low refund rate)...
I reciprocate my loyal JV partners!
(For Full JV Letter, Registration + Contact Details ...
Click The Link Below)
Matt Gill, Eric Louviere + Bill McIntosh, Wayne Miller,
Brian Johnson, Sean Clark, Imran S, Ryan Allaire +
Guru Ryan, Ian Fernando, Barry Hurst + other fellow
JVNotifyPro partners are waiting in the wings ... keep
your eyes on your Inbox, and follow the action in the
JVNP 2.0 Premium VIP JV Announcement archives:
"Hey, Mike ... I really appreciate the combination of Fellow
Partner + Popular JV Invites you offer in the JVNP 2.0 Update,
but how can I get on board Popular JV launches that are
available to get on board but didn't make the latest mailing
like the highly anticipated offerings from Rick Rivera, Mike
Long + Kelly Felix, Melford + Concetta Bibens + Tom Bell,
Tim Bekker, Bill McRea + Mike Williams, Tim Atkinson,
Jeff Alderson + Mo Latif, Anik Singal + Jimmy Kim, Glen
Ledwell, Paul Barrs, Sean Gallagher, Sean Donahoe, Craig
Kaye, Mark Hardy, Paul Liburd + Antonio Giuditta, Margo
Tuul, Stephen Renton, Jonathan Green + Joey Smith, Paul
Teague and others?"
(Editor's note: The old JV Launch list is still on the homepage, but will be transferred
to over the next few days)
The reason you are receiving this mailing is because
you requested to be on this email list by opting in.
Please use the unsubscribe link below if you no longer
wish to be a JVNP 2.0 Partner, not the Spam button.
The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
JVNotifyPro.Com express the opinions of the partners
that have presented them to us ... and are not those
of Mike Merz, nor Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC.
Participate at your own risk.
The publicly accessible version of the JVNotifyPro Update
posted on may include affiliate links that
could result when purchased through in compensation
for either Mike Merz or Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC
for the sale as an affiliate partner ... with no further
association to the merchant existing unless otherwise
JVNotifyPro 2.0 Updates are generally mailed twice a week
... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
occasional Saturday edition when either there is a back
log, I screw up ... or both. It is done this way to satisfy
the many premium mailing requests, while still respecting
your Inboxes by not over doing it. Thanks for your support.