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  1. #2671
    Join Date
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Hi, Ben and Justin ... Welcome to JVNP 2.0.

    Thanks for rolling out the Welcome Wagon ahead of me, Clarke ... you beat me to it, twice.


    Mike Sr

  2. #2672
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    May 2014
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    I got you covered Mike 3rd time lucks lets see

  3. #2673
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Playa Del Carmen Mexico, Hawaii or New York
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    hey Mike, been on here a few times, lost my logins over the years and never really dove in. Just been busy with my online niche business (non make money/marketing stuff) I am sorta proud to say.. lol and Quoted by Mike F "You are a true..true...marketer. . Anyway recently, I've been thinking (maybe a little too long now) about getting into IM. So I've started working on a one-of-a-kind product that I think a lot of people will appreciate. A lot of THINKING is actually going into it. I don't like to spin off half-ass products and don't want to be associated with them. Anyway, I know and hung out with a lot of A list marketers know a lot of guys in the industry. Just wanted to create an official HELLO in the forum. Thanks and I'll be in touch. --TR

  4. #2674
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    Hey, Tony ... Welcome back to JVNP 2.0.

    I'm looking forward to reading your contributions, sound like you have plenty to share.


    Mike Sr

  5. #2675
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi guys,

    My name is Darius and I am Romanian. I am 26 and I started my online journey the day I was 17. You do the math.

    I spent a lot of time reading and implementing several money making systems, youtube marketing, cpa, facebook ads, facebook apps and slowly going towards clickbank. My most successful money making campaign resulted in $23k in 17 days, a couple of years ago.

    My clickbank road was full of ups and downs, and being a newbie didn't make my success easier. By now, I already created and sold more than 7 clickbank products and earned over $100k from clickbank.

    During all those years I have learned a lot, especially because I am a split testing freak and I love to know exactly what my visitors are doing. I use optimizely, crazyegg and wistia and several others to track on page analitycs.

    I never tried to create an online name for myself, even if I was more successful than maybe 80% of the people struggling to earn online. And this is what I am starting now.

    I am happy to be part of this community and I really hope to get to know and work with some serious guys and share my knowledge and experience with others like myself.

    Last edited by vaduva darius; 10-02-2014 at 06:45 AM.

  6. #2676
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Darius ... and I most certainly appreciate the way you jumped right in and provided valuable feedback in multiple threads.

    By all means, please feel free to continue ... that type of behavior is encouraged, and a great way to build credibility and earn admiration from your peers.


    Mike Sr

  7. #2677
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Merz View Post
    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Darius ... and I most certainly appreciate the way you jumped right in and provided valuable feedback in multiple threads.

    By all means, please feel free to continue ... that type of behavior is encouraged, and a great way to build credibility and earn admiration from your peers.


    Mike Sr
    Hello Mike,

    Thank you for the warm welcome, I already start to feel part of jvnotifypro. It feels great to be here where I can find more people like myself.

    I hope to give as much as possible to this entire great community.

    10 years of marketing and still learning.Happy to help others too!

    Truth About Dentists - JV Today!

  8. #2678
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    Cool New Guy In Town! What's Up

    Hey everyone! My name is Mardae Dean. I'm a 25 year old entrepreneur. I am from Dallas, Tx and I have been in sales for 5+ years and I am a former Senior Credit Analyst. I have been Affiliate Marketing for about 3 years but have never been a Vendor. I have written a couple of eBooks that have done over $50,000 since January 2013 but looking for something different now. I am looking forward to meeting other great entrepreneurs to promote their products AND gain a ton of affiliate and JV Friends to help promote mine when the time comes. I am very driven and have a passion for success.

    Thankfully I found JVNP 2.0. Because of this site I feel very confident that I will have much success being a vendor. I am very happy to be a part of this community! THANK YOU MIKE, YOU ARE AWESOME!!

    Mardae Dean

  9. #2679
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    New Jersey, USA
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    Welcome to JVNP 2.0, Mardae ... and Thanks for the kudos, but the whole is equal to the sum of it's parts. We've got a lot of talent on board, and I'm sure as long as you're willing to give a little, you shall receive many times over. From what I can see, you've got a good head start.

    First item on the program, before asking questions that have likely already been answered in the past, search through the articles and top posts ... then start asking specific questions. They'll get answered a lot faster than very general requests.


    Mike Sr

  10. #2680
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Hello Everyone! My name is Taulant Bytyqi, I am young author, leader, and entrepreneur. I come from Kosovo, but I have been living in the States for almost 3 years now (right now I live in Miami Beach, Fl). I've left my comfort zone when I was 19 years old and since then I had a lot of ups and downs, yet I am very thankful for that because otherwise I wouldn't have grown to the person that I am today. I always say no challenge, no growth.

    I am honored to be part of this community, where I can make new (friends, & business associates). Please feel free to add me as friend.

    I have just created my first product which is running in Clickbank, and I am very excited about it! I am still learning to get specialist in SEO, Social Media, & E-mail Marketing.

    I am thrilled to be part of this community and I truly hope to contact some new likeminded people, where together we can create interdependent relationships and strive to accomplish bigger goals. Also, thank you Mike for creating this community!

    God Bless, to our growth,
    Taulant Bytyqi
    Last edited by Taulant Bytyqi; 10-09-2014 at 04:26 PM.

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