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Thread: Send One eMail For Me and I'll Sell Hundreds of Your Product Along With Optins

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  1. #1
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Send One eMail For Me and I'll Sell Hundreds of Your Product Along With Optins

    I have 2 deals and I'd like to strike one of these with anybody who wants to make sales or receive visitors.

    I can either do an adswap with you (up to 300,000) or another type of deal.

    If you want to do an adswap, then I have a slightly different method and I can do this for you…

    You send a notification to your list about my site, just as an advisory. No need to sell them anything. Not only will your list thank you for letting them know, but you will create rapport for not selling to them.

    After 72 hours, I will count the clicks you sent to my site and I will start my campaign to send you FOUR times as many visitors as you sent me.

    I will not be doing it through email. Rather, I am one of the largest targeted traffic sellers on the net and I will be using my network to send you the traffic.

    I will be targeting your offer by niche and geography. The result is, thousands of people will see your site and will buy or opt-in accordingly.

    I am willing to send you 4 times more than you send me simply because your email subscribers will provide a good response for me, while the visitors I send you have no relationship with me. Although they will be niche and geo targeted, there may be lower conversions, hence the reason for the 4:1 deal.

    Furthermore, you will be able to track the visitors to your site with any tracking software other than Google Analytics.

    That's the first deal.

    Here is the second deal...

    I will sell possibly hundreds of copies of your product for you and provide hundreds of opt-ins using my own system on my website (webkept.com).

    I run a groupon site for Internet Marketing products, WSOs and Make-Money type products and services. It's a place where anyone in the IM niche can buy great products at 50-90% off.

    Because of this low price, hundreds can be sold providing a lot of money and a buyers optin list.

    I can put your product up there and make it the Deal of the Day which means all my subscribers interest will be focused on your product alone for that day.

    This is far better than a normal adswap as this is practically guaranteed results.

    Furthermore, if you email your list informing them about my site, and then they end up joining my site as a subscriber, it will only help to sell more of your product when its marked down.

    Of course, the catch is, you have to mark it down by at least 50% and I would share the profits with you.
    But I will drop the $45 setup fee that comes with setting the deal up.

    I can make your product the featured product in a few weeks when my subscriber base is larger, thereby giving you the best outcome when I feature your deal.

    Whichever deal you choose, all I ask in return is for you to email your list and let them know about my site.

    I've had people offer to send an email (for me) about my site for free with nothing in return because it would benefit them and their list.

    But, I'm not asking you to do that. I'd like to make it fair for both of us.

    Also let me know when can you send out the email. I have the copy ready if you want to use it.

    Contact me and let me know fast,



    Skype: webkept

  2. #2
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Let's do something ... facebook me http://fb.com/eliteearner

  3. #3
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Can you contact me on Skype?

    My ID is: webkept

  4. #4
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    I just added you to Skype I'm LocalSEOTwins

  5. #5
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Eu ainda não endendi muito bem como vou ganha e como faço para divulgar e nçao sei meu link personelisado se alguem poader me explicar melhor agradeço!

  6. #6
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Hi Amin,is this offer still available?

  7. #7
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    "I will sell possibly hundreds of copies of your product for you and provide hundreds of opt-ins using my own system on my website (webkept.com)."

    Your site has an alexa rank of 4,695,328. Just saying...
    Y U NO Join My Inner Circle?


    --- evergreen affiliate program ---

  8. #8
    Basic JVNP2 Partner
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    Jul 2012
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    Hi Amin , are you open for JV with my friends - Solid IM Team who are doing JV webinars with experts like Dr. Harlan Kilstein, Russell Brunson, Damien Zamora?

    Their sales record: $245K per webinar
    List: 60,000+ (very responsive!)
    Products: 15 total for IM, RE, Offline, Online niches
    Products Price: $697-$897
    Webinars Closing Ratio: up to 21%
    Goal: JV with ​responsive ​lists owners to do turnkey sales webinars to swop products and lists for cross marketing and endorsement

    If you are interested to see data from their recent webinars sales and closing ratio, I will send you all details. If you like it , as the next step I will set up introduction call with Team Leader Barry Plaskow. You will discuss all JV details directly with him.

    All the best!
    Rinat Tanir.

    You can text/call me: 941-548-7755 or Skype: Rinat7878

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