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Thread: a facebook change to get more marketing value (screenshot)

  1. #1
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Red face a facebook change to get more marketing value (screenshot)

    If we're friends on facebook you likely saw me mention this yesterday. (If we're not, add me: facebook.com/robthegenietoth).

    This is a very useful tip I credit to Scott Bradley (I credited him on FB too). A simple and "obvious" change that we all should have clued into (maybe you already did, in which case, congrats).

    Okay it's regarding using the ever growing popular FB Comments blocks on other sites.

    When you leave a comment on a site that uses FB Comments below is how it displays


    (Hopefully that image opens correctly for you).

    Notice how it says the name of the person who left the comment, then things like:
    "Wayne Landry - Owner at BlueCity Marketing"
    "Pat Tripp - Lilooet, British Columbia"
    "Chad Hamzeh - 31 years old"
    "L Carter III - __________"

    but look at mine:
    "Rob TheGenie Toth - Internet Marketing Strategist at RobToth.com"

    When you're commenting on high traffic sites like Tech Cruch etc (or of course even low traffic sites), which of those might serve as better marketing value?

    For months, I had "Owner at Vancouver Internet Marketer" because I thought I'd get some SEO value from having Vancouver Internet Marketer show up with all FB comments.

    Of course, with FB comments I get ZERO Seo value.

    However, this revised format now 1) clearly states what I do / my title and then more importantly 2) has my domain name instead of just a company name.

    These can be changed just by going to your profile, selecting Info on the left (under your profile picture) and then Editting your work information.

    And even if you work at XYZ job... is THAT what you want to advertise? When you leave a comment do you want something that says "Rob Toth - Manager at XYZ Foods"? Who cares where you work! I recommend edit it to a title that's meaningful to you and, more importantly, a web address so you can absorb some direct curiosity traffic.

    (that image is pulled from this page: http://iquitim.com/ ... click the ebook cover to the 2nd page of that 2 page site, scroll down and you'll see my FB comment block. If you want to test out how your comment looks, leave me a message. Plus I'll appreciate the comment love).

  2. #2
    VIP JVNP2 Partner
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    Vancouver, B.C.
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    I see the attached image (above) came through alright but is small. Click it to view full version, then just click Back to come back here.

    ALSO, on a different note but still tied to Facebook.

    And this also relates to making connections, growing your "audience" and marketing...

    I had my business profile set as Public from day 1. Everyone could view anything I do and say on my business profile (yes, I'm among those who opted to have 2 profiles to make my life simpler).

    Recently though (and I just learned this last night), facebook made yet another round of changes to their Permissions and settings section.

    I'm guessing this came in when they introduced Subscribe and the other changes about a month ago...

    Anyone with a Public profile was BY DEFAULT set to only receive friend invitations from "Friends" or "friends of Friends".

    This is because Facebook figures, if you want to be fully open to the public, then that public should now instead "Subscribe" to you instead of everyone becoming your friend.

    However, from a marketing stand point, I still want "friends" not "subscribers". And, in true Facebook fashion, they didn't exactly notify us that a brand new set of default settings was created.


    I encourage you to visit your FB Account / Permissions settings from time to time. Sometime the new default settings they create releases too much information about you. But in cases like mine, it was actually costing me "friend" requests and since I invite my subscribers/prospects to add me as a Friend so I'm glad I finally noticed this last night.

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