Hello to you all ;D
I have been looking into affiliate marketing for some time and
am actively promoting at least 2 products right here at JV.
Whilst thinking about how to promote these and other ideas
i suddenly relaised i have a product which i could in theory sell
to the public.
I then thought, maybe not, as its quite specialised, but hey
isnt everything to a certain extent.
I then thought "ask the guys at jv, they will know if its a goer or
not" so here i am.
The Product would be for Steinbergs Pro Audio Production software
called "Cubase 4". I have been using this software for years and
have been giving away free videos on all aspects of the
program as well as other pro audio stuff, like mixing, mastering,
synthesis etc.
What i need to know is this, do you think i could sell this as a viable
product? I have litterally hours and hours (over 10 just to start with)
and i could easily write pdfs explaining the videos, other methods etc.
When searching for "Cubase Video Tutorials" through google there are
around 180,000 searches. There are probaly half a dozen pro made
video tutorials on the market, but none that specialise in "Dance Music"
production which is where the actual "create a complete Cubase track"
section of my videos would target.
At the moment, with hardly ant self promotion (just a few dance music forums)
i get about 100gb of traffic on my site in any month for the videos
already availiable.
So as you can see there is a market for it ( i think so anyway) so
guys, all you seasoned pros, do you think there is a market for it?
I constantly get great comments from the people who
download them, especially regarding the way the videos are made
(my humour etc).
thanks for any tips and advice.